Farm Bureau warns about EPA takeover of waterways


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
“The over regulators are destroying this country,” Inhofe said. “This is not just agriculture. Manufacturers and energy producers are all having the same (regulatory) problems.”
Inhofe praised farmers for standing up to the federal regulators.
“Farm Bureau is our best ally in these types of issues,” he said.
The CWA gives the EPA authority to write rules governing the protection of navigable waters. The EPA wants to redefine the word navigable in an effort to regulate even a roadside ditch that could hold water for only a few hours.
The EPA wants to make this proposal to the guidance document. A guidance document is a non-legally binding interpretation written by an agency to explain how it interprets existing regulations, court decisions and federal statutes. However, a guidance document may not exceed or conflict with the original law as passed by Congress and existing regulations promulgated under the Administrative Procedures Act.
This proposal would allow the EPA to regulate the following:
• groundwater
• ditches • culverts • pipes
• desert washes • farm and stock ponds.

Farm Bureau warns about EPA takeover of waterways | Tulsa Beacon
this is he next jewel and I;ve been wondering when it was going to happen. government takeover of agriculture.
dems took over the largesst business , health
now they've got their eyes on the 2nd largest business agriculture
the dems are never satisfied till they control everything.
if this succeeds starvation is on the way.

btw my son in law is a insurance salesman for farm bureau
and I farmed 480 acres for 40 years

let me tell ya libs. you let this happen and starvation is next
but here's the kicker the EPA or this administration will not make this same demand of food they import
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this is he next jewel and I;ve been wondering when it was going to happen. government takeover of agriculture.
dems took over the largesst business , health
now they've got their eyes on the 2nd largest business agriculture
the dems are never satisfied till they control everything.
if this succeeds starvation is on the way.

btw my son in law is a insurance salesman for farm bureau
and I farmed 480 acres for 40 years

it already happening:mad:

A key tenet of the service’s justification to shut down the pumping was to permanently fix the “Delta X2” demarcation line, where river-flow, fresh-water from rains and melting High Sierra snowpack meet salt water from San Francisco Bay, at 46 miles up from the Pacific Ocean. Judge Wanger ruled that the point where California fresh water met salt water for hundreds of years has been set by nature. During peak floods, the spot extended half way across the state to Stockton, in the process wiping out the temporary freshwater habitats of fish, wildlife and entire human towns.

Judge Wanger’s latest ruling follows his order last December to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to rewrite its plan to drastically restrict water deliveries to California cities and farms in order to protect the Smelt. In a 225 page opinion last December, he had ruled that “cutting water exports to California cities and farms” is “arbitrary” and “capricious.”

For the last three years, environmental litigation has resulted in an embargo on one third of all water deliveries to California’s Central Valley, causing agricultural losses of tens of thousands of jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars in crops. Television crews regularly would interview local teachers and policemen about farm families who had nothing to eat, because they had no water and were too proud to go on welfare. As Investor’s Business Daily observed of California, the “reduction in water rendered the Central Valley a wasteland on a par with Zimbabwe.”
Starving Farmers Win One in Court | CalWatchDog
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I can't exactly fault the EPA for wanting to expand their scope by redefining navigable waterways.
A roadside ditch full of crude is not a pretty sight. I've seen it. Hell, I've waded in it.
Farm chemicals are even worse.

What's wrong with this picture is the fact that states already have in place rules and regulations for protecting waterways- be they rivers, streams, puddles, or the back 9 of a local golf course.

It's all about "primacy". When the EPA attempts to usrup primacy, the end result will be no different than if enforcement were left to individual states. What does result is a compounding of paperwork, delay, and fine structure that ultimately hampers a timely resolution.
I know a farmer in the northern ogden, utah area who left a headgate open by accident the water flooded the field, and gov. declared it a wet lands area. Took him 3 years to get his land back.
I know a farmer in the northern ogden, utah area who left a headgate open by accident the water flooded the field, and gov. declared it a wet lands area. Took him 3 years to get his land back.

We need more gov't officials to monitor the gov't officials who blew the call on that one. Cost to taxpayers woulf only be a half mil a year! and that would be 5 new jobs!!
Here in Maine our TEA PARTY governor just merged the Agriculture department with the Environmental protection department.

BAsically his administrative moves means that the he thinks the environment is merely another kind of commodity.

What an idiot.

FYI: 62% of Maine's electorate did NOT vote for this guy.
Here in Maine our TEA PARTY governor just merged the Agriculture department with the Environmental protection department.

BAsically his administrative moves means that the he thinks the environment is merely another kind of commodity.

What an idiot.

FYI: 62% of Maine's electorate did NOT vote for this guy.

Actually, it probably means he thinks environment nazis are too powerful already, and just stand in the way of real Americans trying to get some work done.
Not seeing how anyone has the right to pollute groundwater which is something the entire country depends upon to be clean.

Maybe agriculture should give up their government subsidies before they start whining.
Hey a little brush killer in your drinking water will not hurt ya.

And pig piss is good for ya.

but no one can say what the effect of chicken shit is on a right winger since it blends perfectly with their chemistry.
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Very simply, agriculture runoff has become a major polluter of our water supply. We depend upon the water to be clean, for the health of our rivers, and, increasingly, as we use those rivers for drinking water. Water treatment plants can remove the bacterial problems, but not the chemicals from water. Whether those chemicals be from fertilizer or pig urine.
Here in Maine our TEA PARTY governor just merged the Agriculture department with the Environmental protection department.

BAsically his administrative moves means that the he thinks the environment is merely another kind of commodity.

What an idiot.

FYI: 62% of Maine's electorate did NOT vote for this guy.

Whats wrong with streamlining government you idiot? We don't need all this government. Look what happend in California, farmland turned into wasteland, you people are a joke:mad:
Here in Maine our TEA PARTY governor just merged the Agriculture department with the Environmental protection department.

BAsically his administrative moves means that the he thinks the environment is merely another kind of commodity.

What an idiot.

FYI: 62% of Maine's electorate did NOT vote for this guy.

Whats wrong with streamlining government you idiot? We don't need all this government. Look what happend in California, farmland turned into wasteland, you people are a joke:mad:

city folk are always Hilarius. Especially when it comes to farming
After obliterating Obamacare, putting the EPA back in it's place should be Romney's second priority.
Not seeing how anyone has the right to pollute groundwater which is something the entire country depends upon to be clean.

Maybe agriculture should give up their government subsidies before they start whining.

Whose polluting ground water? The law is the law. The CWA act does not give the EPA jurisdiction over ditches, ponds or ground water. The last thing we need is to give more control over our lives to the EPA. They've already demonstrated they are an infestation of Nazis who can't be trusted.

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