Fake News is finally, finally on its way out....note to the dumb, your bs bubble is bursting

I barely even watch t.v. as it is....no sweat off my balls
What happens if O'Reilly starts a REAL conservative news network? Oh my.
Yaw can start the most conservative news network ever....you still got nothing....there is no more Obama, no more HIllary, no more dems in charge...you whores got the ball, now damit play the game!!
You are dumb as a box of rocks, those two's mess is still out here.
Another moron refusing to see the tides of change are coming. Fox news is becoming a thing of the past.....yaw got nothing to whine about...well actually you do, yaw just too gotdamned stupid to find a mirror.
What happens if O'Reilly starts a REAL conservative news network? Oh my.

No one is going to give Bill O'Reilly a network to run. No one would advertise on the perv's network.

Fox is in a world or hurt right now and Hannity's report on Seth Rich isn't helping.

Fox is trying to buy Skye News in Great Britain, and needs government approval. The current chaos at Fox could cost them the deal. Between the sexual harassment payouts, the further lawsuits, and having to retract a major story because it didn't meet any standards of journalistic integrity, the Murdochs need to show that Skype News would be better managed than Fox currently is run.

You may recall that one of Rupert Murdoch's British papers was caught hacking voice mails of newsworthy people in an effort to get scoops, and that didn't go over well with the government. They need to be running a clean ship before the Brits will let them expand their business.

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