Fake News CNN At An All Time Spin


Gold Member
Nov 25, 2015
Can't believe how much they spin everything President Trump does. But yet he puts them in their place. It is in fact historical on the era of fake news like CNN, MSNBC, etc....
OMG, all they do all day long is whine about Trump. MSNBC is the same fake-news. NK backed down and it doesn't get a mention. Trump derangement syndrome will cost the dems in 2018 and in 2020
Unfortunately that self-immolation of a press conference wasn't "fake news". We heard it live. That was Rump's voice, speaking for Rump's orange head. Not even "John Miller" can pull this one out.

The Media has mobilized itself against President Trump and is using all of their considerable power to vilify him. That is not the role of American Media but sadly they have become the enemy within dividing the country and subverting the President.
Special interest hate groups against Trump have clearly been donating to CNN. The sad part is they are controlled by the DNC dollar.
As long as they keep losing elections, America will be back in the hands of the people and individual liberty will be saved, it's the only hope for Americas future.

These outlets and their big donors can then toss money into the fire as they have in various run off elections so far since Trump won until they grow tired of burning this money . Always play identity politics and always try and vilify the right as racists, intolerant, insensitive...yaaawn. I'm guessing they know it's not been working so far and since the Russian probe is much about nothing, they are going wherever they can to try and go at Trump. He is as much responsible for this guy who attacked others with a car as the socialists are for an armed gunman attending a GOP baseball match.

I wonder why they didn't chase Sanders around constantly, considering this guy was attending his rallies and actually fired dozens of shots and hospitalizing a member of the government. The hypocrisy is impossible to miss, even for those who aren't paying too much attention to this.
I caught MSNBC Rachael Maddcow at lunch, it looked like she was doing a history lesson on the KKK, with old black and white photos of klan marches in New York from like the 1920's or some shit. Just fucking pathetic they have to dig that far back and try to make everyone feel guilty over it.

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