Faction Philosophy?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Now that Trump has grabbed the presidency for the Republicans, we can say one of two things:

1. Republicans and Democrats ran an interesting contest where gender was part of the intrigue
2. Republicans and Democrats fought and gender was the divisive issue

In other words, when we cater to 'faction politics,' we may be in danger of being counter-productive in this new era of 'contract-gauged' traffic (e.g., European Union, NATO, etc.).

While the Taliban has been 'controlled,' the new emergent presence/face is ISIS, and such a group will only stand to benefit from internal divisions among American leaders.

Muslims have their own Sunni-Shiite and pro-capitalism/anti-capitalism divisions between them, but if ISIS manages to 'forge a fundamentalist union,' how will America stand (divided or consolidated)?


TRUMP: Do you know Algerian wind farms are superior to America's?
OBAMA: America needs to continue developing renewable energies.
TRUMP: Especially if we want to keep pace with OPEC.
OBAMA: The Middle East is not necessarily 'unbiased.'
TRUMP: No, their Sunni-Shiite problem haunts them.
OBAMA: If fundamentalist Muslims unite...
TRUMP: ...Americans need to react with a unified voice.
OBAMA: Republicans and Democrats are not working together.
TRUMP: No, Dems think I'm egoistic, and Reps think Hillary was too corruptible.
OBAMA: We have to make 'faction philosophy' work for us!
TRUMP: What we need is a unifying cause such as global warming.
OBAMA: Nobody wants a new Ice Age.



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