The birth of time and space occurred some 15 billion years ago.
"It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is." Bill Clinton when asked about having sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky.
Dick Cheney, a four time draft dodger justified the Iraq invasion, claiming 'Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).'
If opinions are only opinions what are opinions.
There is only one Matriarchal society in the world, the Mosuo.
Thousands of Americans and it is estimated over a million Iraqis have died so far over these WMD.
Japan invaded the United States on December 7th, 1941. Today American flags adorn Japanese cars in America.
Do politicians wake up thinking about poverty in America or the world.
Recently I noticed a shirt made in Vietnam. Fifty six thousand Americans died in Vietnam fighting the spread of Communism.
Seinfeld was about nothing, John Cage once said he was saying nothing.
All industrial nations have universal healthcare except for the United States
'Semper Fi' stickers have been seen on Japanese and German cars.
The earth is four and one half billion years old.
What is a picture really worth. Robert Musil said pictures on the wall soon disappear.
The life span of elephants is 70 years.
George W. Bush was AWOL during Vietnam.
Our language of nouns, things, divorced from context, makes for easy classification but little thought.
John Kerry served in Vietnam; Dick Cheney obtained four deferments.
Each weekend at Mass, we prayed for the conversion of Russia from Communism.
During the week we hid under our school desks preparing for nuclear holocaust.
All religions have as a central tenet the Golden Rule - none follow it.
George Tenet claimed WMD were a slam dunk; he received the Freedom Medal.
There are a hundred billion synapses in the brain.
All debate should be enthymematic; 98 percent of all Internet debate is ad hominem.
There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
Do American boys still work on cars.
Do dreams mean anything. Do nightmares
The Iraq invasion has cost over 700 billion dollars and counting.
In just ten generations you have 2048 grandparents.
The human brain is the most complex object in the known universe.
Fossil fuels are the result of life death and time.
Does birth order matter.
Colin Powell provided complex testimony at the UN for WMD.
Hiroshima was bombed on August 6th, 1945. Approximately eleven more ovulations occurred before the egg dropped that became me.
George W. Bush praised Michael Brown after Katrina struck New Orleans.
Movies mirror our dream world, Hollywood movies often mirror nightmares of individual revenge and widespread catastrophe.
L. Paul Bremer was awarded a Freedom medal. So was Rosa Parks.
Photo Postcards of lynchings in America from 1883 till 1960 were displayed in February, 2000 in New York.
There are over four million porn websites in the world.
Evolution was never controversial in Asian; Asians never considered themselves top dog.
Tobacco kills approximately 400,000 people each year. Alcohol about 80,000, illegal drugs kills only a few thousand.
While Satan still lingers in the minds of people, Government has replaced him in America.
What if there were no affirmative action.
Ronald Reagan had the highest peace time tax increase in America history.
The earth has had two deep freezes that killed most life on earth.
Laughter is an evolutionary tool for it's OK.
Does anyone diagram sentences or practice Palmer penmanship.
The Romans used roads for soldiers and communications.
What is the need and appeal of speed, of music.
Eisenhower proposed the Interstate Highway system because of war.
The Black Plague killed 25 million people.
Mornings make me high, is that consciousness or dopamine.
In 1918 the Spanish Flu killed over twenty million.
How do we know we are thinking.
It is estimated that 110 million died in wars in the 20th century. Some place the estimate as high as 140 million.
The first victim of war is truth.
At one time the sun never set on the British empire.
Communist Russia was an ally during the second world war.
There are 80 Wal-Marts in Communist China.
I am therefore I think.
The world didn't end at the first millennium. Nor the second.
In 1999, manual apparatus sold well because of fear electricity would not work in the new millennium.
Jim Thorpe, an American Indian, was probably the greatest athlete of all time.
Among our closet relatives in the animal kingdom are the peaceful Bonobo.
The universe is flat. The end point of the universe is estimated but not known.
Humans date back 150,000 years.
Edit to Bible: money is the root of most evil, or much evil. Fear, insecurity are big factors too.
A British newspaper marveled at the number of stupid people in America after W won the second time. No testing to confirm 'stupid' was conducted.
Fascism is of the right, Communism of the left, Dictatorship personal.
Hitler was a Catholic, so was Timothy McVeigh, so is Antonin Scalia.
A child dies of preventable causes every 15 seconds in the world.
The time circumstances and accomplishments make Franklin Delano Roosevelt our greatest president.
Jonas Salk took no profit from his team's development of the Polio vaccine.
Between 2003 and 2007 the profits of the nation's largest medical insurers rose 170.2 percent to $12.6 billion.
Experts and throwing darts are equally reliable prognosticators.
America ranks 37th in the world in healthcare, right next to Costa Rica.
Is beauty in the eye of the beholder, is ugliness.
In geologic time, human history is a few seconds.
If Think Tanks are only about partisan and corporate ideology, why are they called think tanks.
Coffee sex books and the open road, all I need.
The richest 1 percent in America saw their wealth triple from 1980 to 2006. The bottom 90% went down 20 percent.
If free will exists how do we justify our politics in a world of poverty and disease.
Sixty percent of U.S. corporations failed to pay any federal taxes from 1996 through 2000.
Liberalism and conservatism equiponderate tao.
Corporate tax amounted to just 7.4 percent of total federal tax revenue in 2003.
The sun is middle age in sun time and should burn out in roughly another 5 billion years.
I had a much stronger fantasy life young.
The war on drugs was started in 1969 and is still in progress.
Beckett wrote I can't go on, I'll go on.
The war on terrorism, a noun, started during the Bush administration.
I do not understand cults.
Has the debate over nature versus nurture been resolved.
Combined taxes consume 21 percent of the poor person's earnings, but only 7 percent of the earnings of the rich.
Each breath is a million billion billion atoms of oxygen.
I find honest people interesting but rare.
If all conceptions are children, when and where do they grow up.
Somethings are givens, our parents.
Sartre thought other people were hell.
The majority of drug offenders are white, but blacks comprise the great majority of drug offenders sent to prison.
Being guillotined was for the privileged during the religious heresies. Being burned alive for the common people. People arrived early at both for a good view.
Wal-mart insures its workers and designates the corporation the beneficiary.
The individual with inherent rights was created in the 18th century, but suffrage didn't happen till the 20th.
Wittgenstein thought all problems, problems of language.
Maybe life on earth is a first draft or one of many.
When asked a stupid question Obama smiles nicely, I cannot do that.
It could be said that Indulgences brought down the Holy Roman Empire.
If all work is outsourced how will we know. Suppose robots do the rest.
Is America the first working plutocracy.
There are approximately 3.5 million homeless in America.
If actions are additive, how can we ever tell if any action is the right action.
Neither marriage nor God is mentioned in the US Constitution.
Consider how much corporations could funnel back into the community if they outsourced executives and their boards.
Kafka said the meaning of life is death.
Will humankind ever attain immortality on earth.
Which would you choose, great beauty, intelligence or long life.
It is only the journey that matters. I'll go on....
"It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is." Bill Clinton when asked about having sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky.
Dick Cheney, a four time draft dodger justified the Iraq invasion, claiming 'Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).'
If opinions are only opinions what are opinions.
There is only one Matriarchal society in the world, the Mosuo.
Thousands of Americans and it is estimated over a million Iraqis have died so far over these WMD.
Japan invaded the United States on December 7th, 1941. Today American flags adorn Japanese cars in America.
Do politicians wake up thinking about poverty in America or the world.
Recently I noticed a shirt made in Vietnam. Fifty six thousand Americans died in Vietnam fighting the spread of Communism.
Seinfeld was about nothing, John Cage once said he was saying nothing.
All industrial nations have universal healthcare except for the United States
'Semper Fi' stickers have been seen on Japanese and German cars.
The earth is four and one half billion years old.
What is a picture really worth. Robert Musil said pictures on the wall soon disappear.
The life span of elephants is 70 years.
George W. Bush was AWOL during Vietnam.
Our language of nouns, things, divorced from context, makes for easy classification but little thought.
John Kerry served in Vietnam; Dick Cheney obtained four deferments.
Each weekend at Mass, we prayed for the conversion of Russia from Communism.
During the week we hid under our school desks preparing for nuclear holocaust.
All religions have as a central tenet the Golden Rule - none follow it.
George Tenet claimed WMD were a slam dunk; he received the Freedom Medal.
There are a hundred billion synapses in the brain.
All debate should be enthymematic; 98 percent of all Internet debate is ad hominem.
There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
Do American boys still work on cars.
Do dreams mean anything. Do nightmares
The Iraq invasion has cost over 700 billion dollars and counting.
In just ten generations you have 2048 grandparents.
The human brain is the most complex object in the known universe.
Fossil fuels are the result of life death and time.
Does birth order matter.
Colin Powell provided complex testimony at the UN for WMD.
Hiroshima was bombed on August 6th, 1945. Approximately eleven more ovulations occurred before the egg dropped that became me.
George W. Bush praised Michael Brown after Katrina struck New Orleans.
Movies mirror our dream world, Hollywood movies often mirror nightmares of individual revenge and widespread catastrophe.
L. Paul Bremer was awarded a Freedom medal. So was Rosa Parks.
Photo Postcards of lynchings in America from 1883 till 1960 were displayed in February, 2000 in New York.
There are over four million porn websites in the world.
Evolution was never controversial in Asian; Asians never considered themselves top dog.
Tobacco kills approximately 400,000 people each year. Alcohol about 80,000, illegal drugs kills only a few thousand.
While Satan still lingers in the minds of people, Government has replaced him in America.
What if there were no affirmative action.
Ronald Reagan had the highest peace time tax increase in America history.
The earth has had two deep freezes that killed most life on earth.
Laughter is an evolutionary tool for it's OK.
Does anyone diagram sentences or practice Palmer penmanship.
The Romans used roads for soldiers and communications.
What is the need and appeal of speed, of music.
Eisenhower proposed the Interstate Highway system because of war.
The Black Plague killed 25 million people.
Mornings make me high, is that consciousness or dopamine.
In 1918 the Spanish Flu killed over twenty million.
How do we know we are thinking.
It is estimated that 110 million died in wars in the 20th century. Some place the estimate as high as 140 million.
The first victim of war is truth.
At one time the sun never set on the British empire.
Communist Russia was an ally during the second world war.
There are 80 Wal-Marts in Communist China.
I am therefore I think.
The world didn't end at the first millennium. Nor the second.
In 1999, manual apparatus sold well because of fear electricity would not work in the new millennium.
Jim Thorpe, an American Indian, was probably the greatest athlete of all time.
Among our closet relatives in the animal kingdom are the peaceful Bonobo.
The universe is flat. The end point of the universe is estimated but not known.
Humans date back 150,000 years.
Edit to Bible: money is the root of most evil, or much evil. Fear, insecurity are big factors too.
A British newspaper marveled at the number of stupid people in America after W won the second time. No testing to confirm 'stupid' was conducted.
Fascism is of the right, Communism of the left, Dictatorship personal.
Hitler was a Catholic, so was Timothy McVeigh, so is Antonin Scalia.
A child dies of preventable causes every 15 seconds in the world.
The time circumstances and accomplishments make Franklin Delano Roosevelt our greatest president.
Jonas Salk took no profit from his team's development of the Polio vaccine.
Between 2003 and 2007 the profits of the nation's largest medical insurers rose 170.2 percent to $12.6 billion.
Experts and throwing darts are equally reliable prognosticators.
America ranks 37th in the world in healthcare, right next to Costa Rica.
Is beauty in the eye of the beholder, is ugliness.
In geologic time, human history is a few seconds.
If Think Tanks are only about partisan and corporate ideology, why are they called think tanks.
Coffee sex books and the open road, all I need.
The richest 1 percent in America saw their wealth triple from 1980 to 2006. The bottom 90% went down 20 percent.
If free will exists how do we justify our politics in a world of poverty and disease.
Sixty percent of U.S. corporations failed to pay any federal taxes from 1996 through 2000.
Liberalism and conservatism equiponderate tao.
Corporate tax amounted to just 7.4 percent of total federal tax revenue in 2003.
The sun is middle age in sun time and should burn out in roughly another 5 billion years.
I had a much stronger fantasy life young.
The war on drugs was started in 1969 and is still in progress.
Beckett wrote I can't go on, I'll go on.
The war on terrorism, a noun, started during the Bush administration.
I do not understand cults.
Has the debate over nature versus nurture been resolved.
Combined taxes consume 21 percent of the poor person's earnings, but only 7 percent of the earnings of the rich.
Each breath is a million billion billion atoms of oxygen.
I find honest people interesting but rare.
If all conceptions are children, when and where do they grow up.
Somethings are givens, our parents.
Sartre thought other people were hell.
The majority of drug offenders are white, but blacks comprise the great majority of drug offenders sent to prison.
Being guillotined was for the privileged during the religious heresies. Being burned alive for the common people. People arrived early at both for a good view.
Wal-mart insures its workers and designates the corporation the beneficiary.
The individual with inherent rights was created in the 18th century, but suffrage didn't happen till the 20th.
Wittgenstein thought all problems, problems of language.
Maybe life on earth is a first draft or one of many.
When asked a stupid question Obama smiles nicely, I cannot do that.
It could be said that Indulgences brought down the Holy Roman Empire.
If all work is outsourced how will we know. Suppose robots do the rest.
Is America the first working plutocracy.
There are approximately 3.5 million homeless in America.
If actions are additive, how can we ever tell if any action is the right action.
Neither marriage nor God is mentioned in the US Constitution.
Consider how much corporations could funnel back into the community if they outsourced executives and their boards.
Kafka said the meaning of life is death.
Will humankind ever attain immortality on earth.
Which would you choose, great beauty, intelligence or long life.
It is only the journey that matters. I'll go on....