Facial biometrics loophole highlighted by world privacy forum report on U.S. school


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
One of the top biometrics news stories of the young 2020 calendar year pops up in the middle of the World Privacy Forum’s new report on privacy in U.S. schools, but it is not the sudden mass adoption of digital distance learning during COVID-19 lockdowns. Instead, Clearview AI makes an appearance via the Vermont Data Broker Registry, and illustrates a massive loophole; “directory information” designation, which could be exposing images of millions of children to biometric processing and use in training algorithms.
Facial biometrics loophole highlighted by World Privacy Forum report on U.S. schools

Well as it is being said after the virus you will never have the USA you knew before the leftist dumb d**** have royally succeeded in fkging this nation up. Most of the brain dead dumbasses won't realize a thing until it is way to late you deserve to live in it all bitches have fun undoing it all too lmfao. You will have to ave this in order to do ANYTHING!!!

awwww aren't yah so proud. Your not gonnnnnnna beeeeeeee lmfao!!
One of the top biometrics news stories of the young 2020 calendar year pops up in the middle of the World Privacy Forum’s new report on privacy in U.S. schools, but it is not the sudden mass adoption of digital distance learning during COVID-19 lockdowns. Instead, Clearview AI makes an appearance via the Vermont Data Broker Registry, and illustrates a massive loophole; “directory information” designation, which could be exposing images of millions of children to biometric processing and use in training algorithms.
Facial biometrics loophole highlighted by World Privacy Forum report on U.S. schools

Well as it is being said after the virus you will never have the USA you knew before the leftist dumb d**** have royally succeeded in fkging this nation up. Most of the brain dead dumbasses won't realize a thing until it is way to late you deserve to live in it all bitches have fun undoing it all too lmfao. You will have to ave this in order to do ANYTHING!!!

awwww aren't yah so proud. Your not gonnnnnnna beeeeeeee lmfao!!

Although I appreciate this article, one thing you are going to have to get over, is your thinking that this is a left versus right issue.

The only way we will ever defeat the globalist one world technocrat tyranny they have in store, is by uniting all of America, every populist out there, Occupy with the Tea party.

I have a bunch of liberal friends that have been very alarmed by Whitmer's over reach. . . they still support her, but as the curve flattens? She has very little time to show her allegiance to the liberals of Michigan rather than the Agenda of those pushing Agenda 2030.

Your rhetoric does nothing to advance or help the poor or minority folks in the inner cities. NOTHING. But I have monitored their posts, they are not unaware of what has been going on, lot of new cell tower infrastructure has gone up in Detroit while everyone has been inside under lock-down. . . wft? :dunno: This from the minority community, they know what is going on. . . .

So don't be slagging on potential allies.

real michigan.jpg

NOW is the time to make common cause against the global tyrants that mean to enslave us all, they have tipped their hands my friend.

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