Facebook to roll out facial recognition AI in latest deep state ploy to use your own biomet. agai. u


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
There is no such thing as privacy with Facebook. All the data that’s shared openly by Facebook users, including pictures, connections, interests, comments, likes, and personal information is readily compiled and analyzed by algorithms to map out and predict who you are, where you go, what you’ll buy, and much more. Naïve Facebook users share information liberally, only to turn their life over to surveillance systems, marketing algorithms and artificial intelligence which is capable of analyzing the pixels in your photos, micromanaging your life interests/dislikes and tracking your every move.....
FACEBOOK to roll out facial recognition AI in latest deep state ploy to use your own biometrics against you

Maybe they can put trackers up our asses so when we take a poo they get and up close splat of it all right in the eye. WTF aren't they tracking gawd dam. POS pukes .


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