F.D.A. to Allow Use of KN95 Masks Approved by China


Gold Member
Dec 22, 2018
Food and Drug Administration has approve the use of KN95 as a suitable substitute to be use by hospitals. It is said to be an alternative which can be used due to the current shortages of the N95 mask. They are similar to the N95 mask but the main thing is the availability of KN95 mask. The KN95 mask is regulated by the Chinese and will need to be imported from China whom makes these masks.

Ipromo based in Chicargo sell these mask at $2.96 with a minimum order of 1000.

China is not the bad guy, they are just a country of origin for this particular disease. The same as any country of origins for any past epidemics in the world. Trumped up hysteria of anti-Chinese sentiment does miss the point that this pandemic must be defeated on a global stage. Every country contributes based on their ability to contribute.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Catch it.
Lead in toys, wallboard that made thousands sick. Under reporting their Covid-19 numbers and keeping it under wraps. Is that why we should trust them?
Food and Drug Administration has approve the use of KN95 as a suitable substitute to be use by hospitals. It is said to be an alternative which can be used due to the current shortages of the N95 mask. They are similar to the N95 mask but the main thing is the availability of KN95 mask. The KN95 mask is regulated by the Chinese and will need to be imported from China whom makes these masks.

Ipromo based in Chicargo sell these mask at $2.96 with a minimum order of 1000.

China is not the bad guy, they are just a country of origin for this particular disease. The same as any country of origins for any past epidemics in the world. Trumped up hysteria of anti-Chinese sentiment does miss the point that this pandemic must be defeated on a global stage. Every country contributes based on their ability to contribute.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Catch it.
China lied to allow the virus go global, Shitforbrains. Hundreds of thousands dead and trillions of dollars lost. You ChiCom stooge.
CDC site

The outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was first reported on December 31, 2019, in Wuhan, China (1). Within a few weeks, the virus had spread rapidly throughout China and within 1 month to several other countries, including Italy (2), the United States (3), and Germany (4). Difficulty controlling such aggressive spread resulted partly from the size of Wuhan, which has a full-time population of >9 million and a transient population of an additional 5.10 million, for a total population of ≈14 million (5,6). Wuhan is located in central China and has a wide range of transportation links, including airplanes, trains, interstate buses, and private transportation. In an attempt to reduce virus transmission, on January 23, 2020, authorities locked down Wuhan, but by that time, ≈5 million persons had already left

Wonder what COVID-19 means well it the year of 2019

How does China lie when it is a novel coronavirus. Meaning that is new strain of the virus family. There is no cure and no treatment on day one. They have to figure it out as it happens in real time.

World Health Organization was notified in Dec 2019 of an unknown virus by the Chinese. Well document by WHO and CDC as well as the rest of the world.

Still who is going to not buy these mask made in China and risk catching these virus. Especially when experts are warning that the flu season coming up make complicate matters.
Especially with the FDA approval.

If these mask work and help protect the doctors and nurses, then how is that a bad thing? or is it best to hate China wearing one of their masks.
California just sent them billions to buy them.

Gotta love how liberal commies pay China to make people sick ( see Corona funding). And the FDA gives them cover when they pay them again for medical supplies earlier deemed shoddy.
Yes and since Trump is the president it is his FDA that approved it. Trump and family have done business with China for years. Still if there is a shortage of mask, then how is getting more mask a problem it it helps protect medical people on the front line dealing with sick people with a contagious disease. The idea that China will come to the rescue with the mask shortage is quite the conundrum.

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