Eyewitness to Biden deal-making will appear on Tucker & he has recordings


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
If you have access to it, be sure to watch Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News Channel tonight (Oct 27, 2020).

M. Dowling
October 27, 2020

An alleged eyewitness to Joe Biden’s dirty deals, Tony Bobulinski, will appear on Tucker this evening. He will play recordings of Biden operatives trying to talk him out of revealing what he knows. He claims he can give details of a shady deal with Joe Biden himself benefitted.
Mr. Bobulinski said he met with Joe Biden personally.
Watch a preview:

It's funny how they wanted to impeach Trump just for saying "do me a favor, look into this Biden corruption I'm hearing about" and now we know what the Biden's did to our country was a hundred time worse than what they accused Trump of. Had it not been for the Trump presidency, we would never get to know just how filthy and treasonous the Democrats are.

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