Eye Witness Describes Tacoma Wa Antifa Violence


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
A patrolman was sent to monitor a crowd of about 100 who assembled to watch drivers illegally run doughnuts and burnouts.

The policeman did not try to interfere. He never got out of his car - he was unable.

"The moment the officer pulled in, the mob of mostly young adults swarmed him, pounding on the hood of the car and his windows. The officer, a nearly 30-year-veteran of the department, was threatened. He tried to reverse, but police say he was blocked in.

After warning the crowd with his siren and horn, they wouldn’t stop. He
drove through them, running over one male, knocking over several others. When he retreated to safety, he called for medics. Miraculously, no one was seriously injured."

How dare that bastard, racist policeman attempt to get out of there, escaping with his life!

"Antifa and other anti-police activists immediately declared Tacoma would become the next flashpoint. They organized on Twitter and Facebook, cancelled another planned protest for that Sunday, and assembled in Downtown Tacoma."

About 150 activists dressed in black bloc, to protect their identity and evade arrest, met at Frost Park and quickly occupied the intersection. These were mostly Seattle-area Antifa activists who made the drive down. There were some Portland activists in the crowd as well.

They dragged trash bins and street signs into the intersection and started a bonfire with whatever trash they could find. After leaders riled up the mob, they started to march. And when Antifa marches, their goal is to be loud, intimidating, and destructive. They lived up to their promise."

They marched.
They intimidated.
They painted graffiti.
They smashed windows.
They destroyed.
They burned.
They forced the evacuation of the Court House.
They demanded residents get out of their homes and into the streets.

These are the same foreign-funded domestic terrorists the Democratic Party supports, defends, aides, and incites...


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