Exclusive: U.S. border authorities warn of possible influx of Haitians migrating by boat


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
This is ALL on Biden and Dimocrats with their constant "welcoming" for ALL third-worlders! Don't forget, when asked who is in favor of providing tax-payer paid healthcare for illegal immigrants ALL Dimocrats on the stage raised their hands during the presidential primary debates!

Is this what you want in your country? More loud mouthed activist illegals screaming and throwing the race card at you!


"The Department of Homeland Security is warning of a possible influx of Haitian migrants headed to the United States by boat, according to an intelligence alert obtained by Yahoo News.

The alert, which was unclassified and marked “for official use only,” was issued on Thursday by U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Office of Intelligence. It states that Border Patrol apprehensions of Haitian migrants in Miami and Puerto Rico have been on the rise since May, “with September likely to be the highest month in fiscal year (FY) 2021.”

Gosh, I wonder why they think this?

"According to the bulletin, the influx in maritime migration is probably being fueled by “an evolving perception amongst the Haitian community that Haitian migrants detained by United States law enforcement agencies will automatically be sent to Miami for further release into Florida.”
I wouldn't be surprised if Biden's Democrats and their big donors like Soros are supplying the boats for the invasion. This bullshit is destroying the US.
Gosh, I wonder why they think this?

"According to the bulletin, the influx in maritime migration is probably being fueled by “an evolving perception amongst the Haitian community that Haitian migrants detained by United States law enforcement agencies will automatically be sent to Miami for further release into Florida.”
Who's telling them that? The reality is we're sending them back to Haiti.
This is ALL on Biden and Dimocrats with their constant "welcoming" for ALL third-worlders! Don't forget, when asked who is in favor of providing tax-payer paid healthcare for illegal immigrants ALL Dimocrats on the stage raised their hands during the presidential primary debates!

Is this what you want in your country? More loud mouthed activist illegals screaming and throwing the race card at you!

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"The Department of Homeland Security is warning of a possible influx of Haitian migrants headed to the United States by boat, according to an intelligence alert obtained by Yahoo News.

The alert, which was unclassified and marked “for official use only,” was issued on Thursday by U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Office of Intelligence. It states that Border Patrol apprehensions of Haitian migrants in Miami and Puerto Rico have been on the rise since May, “with September likely to be the highest month in fiscal year (FY) 2021.”

You are correct this has never happened in the fifty years I have been watching politics... :auiqs.jpg:
I wouldn't be surprised if Biden's Democrats and their big donors like Soros are supplying the boats for the invasion. This bullshit is destroying the US.
I did notice how all these migrants are running the nation by getting elected, not.
Who's telling them that? The reality is we're sending them back to Haiti.

Oh please, don't make me laugh!

You guys and your pathetic attempts to try and claim it's NOT your party's policies that bring these people here!

You know fucking well why, the moment Biden became president everyone around the world knew it would be easier for them to get into the U.S.
Fuck, Biden invited them in with his "surge the border" comments during his campaign!

Here, look at this picture for god's sake!

"In a show of hands, the candidates show if they support health care for undocumented immigrants"

To invaders and woke communists any border at all is racist. There should be no impediment at all to the invasion. The complaint they have against Trump is he prevented invaders from coming here for 4 years. Now all those people are coming and we must help them.
Haiti is a beautiful tropical island.
The Haitians govern it.
It is their culture.
They do it all their way there.
Why would they want to abandon it and come to the America where the eeviiil white oppressors live?
Are the Progressives lying to us about the evil white oppressors?
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You are correct this has never happened in the fifty years I have been watching politics... :auiqs.jpg:
You are voting for outright socialists now moving on to communism. A lot has happened in a half century. the whole social justice movement is a front for this.
Oh please, don't make me laugh!

You guys and your pathetic attempts to try and claim it's NOT your party's policies that bring these people here!

You know fucking well why, the moment Biden became president everyone around the world knew it would be easier for them to get into the U.S.
Fuck, Biden invited them in with his "surge the border" comments during his campaign!

Here, look at this picture for god's sake!

"In a show of hands, the candidates show if they support health care for undocumented immigrants"

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It's not the democrat's policies that are bringing them here. It's Democratic policies that are bringing them here. Did you forget that this is a Democracy? That even you are living in a democracy? That we try to spread democracy around the world because it's the best form of government?
You are voting for outright socialists now moving on to communism. A lot has happened in a half century. the whole social justice movement is a front for this.
Thanks for yer approval of the state funded capitalism which has been occurring since the Civil War.
It's not the democrat's policies that are bringing them here. It's Democratic policies that are bringing them here. Did you forget that this is a Democracy? That even you are living in a democracy? That we try to spread democracy around the world because it's the best form of government?
We are a wealthy nation and the world's population likes to gravitate towards wealthy places.
The people of Haiti have been through hurricanes, earthquakes, and political upheaval. They are desperate. So are millions of others on the march on just about every continent. I don't have all the answers. But these people, those fleeing south and central America, those fleeing several Middle Eastern nations, are not animals. They are not enemies. They are people who have no life in their home countries. If they had one, they never would have left.
It's not the democrat's policies that are bringing them here. It's Democratic policies that are bringing them here. Did you forget that this is a Democracy? That even you are living in a democracy? That we try to spread democracy around the world because it's the best form of government?

It IS the Dimocrats policies that have caused this most recent invasion!

When you have a fucking president who told the invaders that if he won the presidency, they should "SURGE" our borders, it's no wonder we are seeing the current catastrophe!
It's not the democrat's policies that are bringing them here. It's Democratic policies that are bringing them here. Did you forget that this is a Democracy? That even you are living in a democracy? That we try to spread democracy around the world because it's the best form of government?
Probably the clintons raping the Haitians when the robbed them of that hurricane aid. Criminals.

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