Excerpts from Biden’s Prime Time Speech Tonight Released

I didn’t see any Democrats, just outraged Americans
Nobody asked their political affiliation
what about the riots and fires set in front of the WH ? you remember that dont you ... thats when over 2 dozen secrete service agents were injured ... and what about the time a limo was set on fire outside of Trump tower by someone thinking it was Trumps car ? what about the nation of chaz or chop or whatever the left called the marxist territory they the set up in Seattle where armed marxist insurrectionists were patrolling ? or the leftist that showed up at a SC Justices home with plans to assassinate him ? and many many more examples of political violence from the left ... the right isnt going out into the streets to loot and burn ... can you guarantee that the left wont riot AGAIN .....especially if they lose in 2022 and 2024 ?

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