Evolution is dead.

Another nothing thread meant to make the OP feel good about believing in magic, rather than evidence.

This belongs in the conspiracy theories forum.
DNA is a language. It meets every definition of it. It uses symbolic processing. The information is read and acted upon. In fact, Every observation ever made proves that language is the result of intelligent minds. No exceptions. You can believe that the language of DNA just popped into existence all by itself. But such a belief would make you a fool.
Life today is based on DNA but to believe that life began with DNA or that a cell was the first living thing would make you a fool. DNA and the cell as we know it was likely the result of more than 2 billion years of life evolving. The first life was so simple that we might not even recognize it as such if we saw it today.

Using your language analogy, the first life was little more than the squeaks of mice. It took a long time to become English as we know it.
I realize that the hardcore atheists on here probably won't take the time to watch this. I really don't care. But if you haven't made up your mind yet, you might want to take a look at this. It completely destroys the theory of evolution using science. Well worth your time. Check it out.

I got through 12 minutes of it and learned nothing new. The same old argument: the life we see is so complex it could not have been natural. I bailed when they started interviewing laymen with no real knowledge of the science.

Then why don't you try to refute it? All you say is that it's a bunch of BS. If you cannot give a reasoned argument, then you lose. Pick something from the video and try to refute it. You can't. In fact, no one has even tried.

According to a strawman argument in the video, information cannot be created so life can not start from non-life since that would require more information. They say this is a problem for evolution but they are incorrect. Read this and this:

Creationists, in an attempt to coat their myths with a veneer of science, have co-opted the idea of information theory to use as a plausible-sounding attack on evolution. Essentially, the claim is that the genetic code is like a language and thus transmits information, and in part due to the usual willful misunderstandings of the second law of thermodynamics (which is about energy, not information), they maintain that information can never be increased.[10] Therefore, the changes they cannot outright deny are defined as "losing information", while changes they disagree with are defined as "gaining information", which by their definition is impossible. Note that at no point do creationists actually specify what information actually is and often (even in the allegedly scientific case of complex specified information) will purposefully avoid defining the concept in any useful way. Creationists tend to change their meaning on an ad hoc basis depending on the argument, relying on colloquial, imprecise definitions of information rather than quantifiable ones - or worse, switching interchangeably between different definitions depending on the context of the discussion or argument.

The deliberate conflation of the totally unrelated concepts of thermodynamic and informational entropy is, while an obvious flaw in the argument, a flaw that the creationists' intended audience is less likely to pick up on, so it remains a popular argument, as seen in Ken Ham's... debate with Bill Nye at the Creation Museum.​

DNA is a language. It meets every definition of it. It uses symbolic processing. The information is read and acted upon. In fact, Every observation ever made proves that language is the result of intelligent minds. No exceptions. You can believe that the language of DNA just popped into existence all by itself. But such a belief would make you a fool.

False. DNA is not language. It is four chemical bases.
Evolution MUST be real, RWNJ just turned into a jackass in one post!!!
DNA is a language. It meets every definition of it. It uses symbolic processing. The information is read and acted upon. In fact, Every observation ever made proves that language is the result of intelligent minds. No exceptions. You can believe that the language of DNA just popped into existence all by itself. But such a belief would make you a fool.
Life today is based on DNA but to believe that life began with DNA or that a cell was the first living thing would make you a fool. DNA and the cell as we know it was likely the result of more than 2 billion years of life evolving. The first life was so simple that we might not even recognize it as such if we saw it today.

Using your language analogy, the first life was little more than the squeaks of mice. It took a long time to become English as we know it.
Just one problem with that. It's impossible. That's not me saying that. Many scientists agree. DNA contains information. Information cannot come front chaos. It's a scientific fact.
Life today is based on DNA but to believe that life began with DNA or that a cell was the first living thing would make you a fool. DNA and the cell as we know it was likely the result of more than 2 billion years of life evolving. The first life was so simple that we might not even recognize it as such if we saw it today.

Using your language analogy, the first life was little more than the squeaks of mice. It took a long time to become English as we know it.
Just one problem with that. It's impossible. That's not me saying that. Many scientists agree. DNA contains information. Information cannot come front chaos. It's a scientific fact.
All wrong.

First off, the first life was certainly NOT based on DNA. It was based on something much simpler, possibly long chains of self-replicating molecules.

Secondly, information CAN come from chaos if there are forces acting on it. Think of the ions in a glass of sugar water, pure chaos. But if you allowed the water to slowly evaporate all those ions would arrange themselves into crystals, orderly arrangements of atoms.
I realize that the hardcore atheists on here probably won't take the time to watch this. I really don't care. But if you haven't made up your mind yet, you might want to take a look at this. It completely destroys the theory of evolution using science. Well worth your time. Check it out.

Haha, what a bunch of embarrassing garbage. Here's a hint for you goofball deniers:

There are mountains of mutually supportive evidence for evolution across every field of science. And, by "mountains", I mean all of it. So if any of you plan to present an actual challenge to evolutionary theory, you will have to publish scientific papers and present a lot of evidence.

No, a bunch of uneducated slobs squawking on a mesaage board does not present a challenge to the theory. No, a bunch of uneducated slobs trying to fool other uneducated slobs with a YouTube video does not present an actual challenge to the theory.
Life today is based on DNA but to believe that life began with DNA or that a cell was the first living thing would make you a fool. DNA and the cell as we know it was likely the result of more than 2 billion years of life evolving. The first life was so simple that we might not even recognize it as such if we saw it today.

Using your language analogy, the first life was little more than the squeaks of mice. It took a long time to become English as we know it.
Just one problem with that. It's impossible. That's not me saying that. Many scientists agree. DNA contains information. Information cannot come front chaos. It's a scientific fact.
All wrong.

First off, the first life was certainly NOT based on DNA. It was based on something much simpler, possibly long chains of self-replicating molecules.

Secondly, information CAN come from chaos if there are forces acting on it. Think of the ions in a glass of sugar water, pure chaos. But if you allowed the water to slowly evaporate all those ions would arrange themselves into crystals, orderly arrangements of atoms.
Weren't you just bashing me for redefining information? Crystals are not information. Lol
I realize that the hardcore atheists on here probably won't take the time to watch this. I really don't care. But if you haven't made up your mind yet, you might want to take a look at this. It completely destroys the theory of evolution using science. Well worth your time. Check it out.

Yeah...I chose not to watch it, not because I "already made up my mind", but because I can think of a thousand better things I can do with an hour of my time - like shoving toothpicks under my fingernails.

Care to give those of us who don't have an hour of their lives to give up the bullet points?
Care to give those of us who don't have an hour of their lives to give up the bullet points?

Haha, exactly. Naturally, he did not watch the video and could not summarize any of it if his life depended on it.
Oh. I wasn't doing that as a "gotcha". I presumed he had watched the video. I just have no intention of giving up an hour of my time watching it. Guess what? You could post some hour long video extolling the virtues of atheism, Evolutions, or some other topic that I ascribe to, and you would have gotten a similar response: TL;DW, please give us the bullet points.
Care to give those of us who don't have an hour of their lives to give up the bullet points?

Haha, exactly. Naturally, he did not watch the video and could not summarize any of it if his life depended on it.
Oh. I wasn't doing that as a "gotcha". I presumed he had watched the video. I just have no intention of giving up an hour of my time watching it. Guess what? You could post some hour long video extolling the virtues of atheism, Evolutions, or some other topic that I ascribe to, and you would have gotten a similar response: TL;DW, please give us the bullet points.

All intentions aside, he did not watch it. And , even if he had, he STILL could not summarize any of it.
Life today is based on DNA but to believe that life began with DNA or that a cell was the first living thing would make you a fool. DNA and the cell as we know it was likely the result of more than 2 billion years of life evolving. The first life was so simple that we might not even recognize it as such if we saw it today.

Using your language analogy, the first life was little more than the squeaks of mice. It took a long time to become English as we know it.
Just one problem with that. It's impossible. That's not me saying that. Many scientists agree. DNA contains information. Information cannot come front chaos. It's a scientific fact.
All wrong.

First off, the first life was certainly NOT based on DNA. It was based on something much simpler, possibly long chains of self-replicating molecules.

Secondly, information CAN come from chaos if there are forces acting on it. Think of the ions in a glass of sugar water, pure chaos. But if you allowed the water to slowly evaporate all those ions would arrange themselves into crystals, orderly arrangements of atoms.
Weren't you just bashing me for redefining information? Crystals are not information. Lol
Crystals are most certainly 'information':

noun: information
  1. facts provided or learned about something or someone.

  2. what is conveyed or represented by a particular arrangement or sequence of things.
    "genetically transmitted information"
I realize that the hardcore atheists on here probably won't take the time to watch this. I really don't care. But if you haven't made up your mind yet, you might want to take a look at this. It completely destroys the theory of evolution using science. Well worth your time. Check it out.

Watch this video

It will explain it all in scientific terms

Life today is based on DNA but to believe that life began with DNA or that a cell was the first living thing would make you a fool. DNA and the cell as we know it was likely the result of more than 2 billion years of life evolving. The first life was so simple that we might not even recognize it as such if we saw it today.

Using your language analogy, the first life was little more than the squeaks of mice. It took a long time to become English as we know it.
Just one problem with that. It's impossible. That's not me saying that. Many scientists agree. DNA contains information. Information cannot come front chaos. It's a scientific fact.
All wrong.

First off, the first life was certainly NOT based on DNA. It was based on something much simpler, possibly long chains of self-replicating molecules.

Secondly, information CAN come from chaos if there are forces acting on it. Think of the ions in a glass of sugar water, pure chaos. But if you allowed the water to slowly evaporate all those ions would arrange themselves into crystals, orderly arrangements of atoms.
Weren't you just bashing me for redefining information? Crystals are not information. Lol
Crystals are most certainly 'information':

noun: information
  1. facts provided or learned about something or someone.

  2. what is conveyed or represented by a particular arrangement or sequence of things.
    "genetically transmitted information"
Really? What information do crystals contain? Be specific. I believe that you are clueless as to just what information is. Allow me to educate you. What I'm writing to you, this very moment, is information. Information contains meaning. It involves using a set of symbols that have been assigned arbitrary meanings. These symbols are arranged in a certain order to convey thoughts from one person to another. That is information. Crystals contain no information. Information is the product of intelligent minds. Every scientific observation ever made confirms this.

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