Eviction of "innocent" renters from foreclosed homes


USMB Member
Jul 23, 2008
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Central California
This could be a good time to establish squatter's rights....

Hmmmm...I must ponder this....
Gunfight's are next??? :confused: Better lock 'n' load those pistol's and shotgun's :confused: Seriously .... are civil uprising next? :(

I saw that on the news this morning! Good for the Sheriff! I never thought about renters. People will now try to say they deserve it because they should of some how knew that their landlords had bad mortgages.
I hate to say it ... but this could be the second coming of a Civil War again right here on mainstreet USA. I pray not .... but it could happen.

Listen to what he says about the bailout and threat of "Marshall Law"

Yeah. Can't they just rent somewhere else?

How naive the two of you are, you and xsited1. I remember renting. It is expensive to move. If you actually read the article you would see they were paying their rent on time and were evicted for no reason other than the mortgage not being paid and greed .... most likely the landlord, over extended to make money and a greedy mortgage holder that allowed them to get the money in the first place.

"These poor people are seeing everything they own put out on the street. ... They've paid their bills, paid them on time. Here we are with a battering ram at the front door going to throw them out. It's gotten insane," he said

If they were given the money back they had paid on time, then perhaps they could have moved, yes. So you show no compassion for the innocent renter what-so-ever. Un-beliveable! :eusa_eh:
This could be a good time to establish squatter's rights....

Hmmmm...I must ponder this....

There's no such thing under these circumstances

possession has to be open and ADVERSE for a certain amount of time (like 20 years) depending upon the jurisdiction.

Nice try but interestingly enough, we don't live in the age of the covered wagon where you stick a stake in the earth and claim it.
What? You don't pay the rent, you have to move out. That's the way it works.

Would you please highlight the part where it said they DID NOT PAY THEIR RENT and post it? See below!

"These poor people are seeing everything they own put out on the street. ... They've paid their bills, paid them on time. Here we are with a battering ram at the front door going to throw them out. It's gotten insane," he said.
Well, they should probably demand a refund from the deadbeat landlords then. Of course, it probably isn't real smart for the banks to be kicking people out with no buyers lined up. People will end up stripping the house. Some banks have learned but most haven't.

But maybe you're right. Maybe governments shouldn't even be in the business of enforcing contracts. Maybe credit card companies would be way more careful about who they loan to. Maybe local banks would have an edge over giant banks, since they are part of the community and can weed out credit risks easier.
If they were given the money back they had paid on time, then perhaps they could have moved, yes. So you show no compassion for the innocent renter what-so-ever. Un-beliveable! :eusa_eh:
When my wife and I were dating she was renting a room of an apartment rented by this girl. She was collecting my wifes rent and not paying the apartment rent. When the girl got an eviction notice, yes my wife was pissed but we found another place for her pretty quickly.

It wasn't the end of the world. There are plenty of places to rent out there.

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