CDZ Everyone needs to get exposed to Covid-19


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
EXCEPT for tiny minority of the population who are at serious risk of death and should remain quarantined. The REST of the population needs to get exposed to this virus in order to develop "herd immunity." (Overwhelming our health system is no longer a threat.)

Otherwise this bogeyman will paralyze our economy until a vaccine becomes widely available. What say you?
EXCEPT for tiny minority of the population who are at serious risk of death and should remain quarantined. The REST of the population needs to get exposed to this virus in order to develop "herd immunity." (Overwhelming our health system is no longer a threat.)

Otherwise this bogeyman will paralyze our economy until a vaccine becomes widely available. What say you?

Isn't that exactly what a vaccine is?
EXCEPT for tiny minority of the population who are at serious risk of death and should remain quarantined. The REST of the population needs to get exposed to this virus in order to develop "herd immunity." (Overwhelming our health system is no longer a threat.)

Otherwise this bogeyman will paralyze our economy until a vaccine becomes widely available. What say you?

Isn't that exactly what a vaccine is?

Um, no. A vaccine is an inactive virus. The OP means getting exposed to the full virus.
Isn't that exactly what a vaccine is?

Do you think we can wait for two years?
For something that may never happen.
Leaders are basing current decisions on the hope of something that may not even be possible. Already 8 strains are being studied, 3 identified in America. The reality is we have to learn to live with this pathogen and more peaks in our future and cannot continue shutdowns or repeat them over and over. Human nature will not allow that. The virus is in control, not us, and while mitigation may have spread out the peak, this will affect every corner of the globe. There is no hiding indefinitely from it.
EXCEPT for tiny minority of the population who are at serious risk of death and should remain quarantined. The REST of the population needs to get exposed to this virus in order to develop "herd immunity." (Overwhelming our health system is no longer a threat.)

Otherwise this bogeyman will paralyze our economy until a vaccine becomes widely available. What say you?

The herd immunity approach towards C.O.V.I.D.-19 might infect lots of people with underlying health issues. Assuming, just only ten percent of the overall population were to have non diagnosed underlying health issues that cause them to have a two percent chance of getting killed by being C.O.V.I.D. infected, and assuming the virus stops spreading when 60 percent of the population is exposed to C.O.V.I.D., this would mean there'd be approximately 400,000 Americans being slaughtered by a C.O.V.I.D.-19 herd immunity approach towards C.O.V.I.D.-19.

( 320,000,000 million * 0.10 * .02 * .6 = 400,000 )

I'd consider 400,000 American lives being lost by this corona virus to be very unacceptable.

I'd like non-essential workers to continue sheltering in place until there is at least a widely available and effective treatment for helping get rid of C.O.V.I.D.-19 infections.
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Since this is a brand new disease it is still a mystery why some healthy people getting this thing die. There is also no data at all what the long term effects could be. We don't know what even a mild case could be doing to organ systems that may show up later. This thing could even be like chicken pox comong back 50 years later as shingles. We just don't know enough about it to say with certainty what anyone's prognosis may be if they get it. It's also terribly contagious and difficult to contain so there is no assurance that the people we know are vulnerable can be saved. In short the herd immunity idea sacrifices many thosands of people to prematurely restart an economy full of fear and uncertainty that will probably crash no matter what.
EXCEPT for tiny minority of the population who are at serious risk of death and should remain quarantined. The REST of the population needs to get exposed to this virus in order to develop "herd immunity." (Overwhelming our health system is no longer a threat.)

Otherwise this bogeyman will paralyze our economy until a vaccine becomes widely available. What say you?
Everyone eventually will get exposed to covid-19- that is inevitable.
There is still plenty of potential for overwhelming local health systems.
What we don't know yet is whether contracting covid-19 makes you immune to further infections. Or the inevitable variants of covid-19.

Not sure why you consider this to be a 'bogeyman'- a mythical creature to scare children- let me put it another way- not sure why you consider 68,000 dead Americans to be killed by a boogeyman. It is not boogeyman- it is a very dangerous disease.
Isn't that exactly what a vaccine is?

Do you think we can wait for two years?

For what?

I didn't post anything about "time". I;m questioning whether the OP's suggestion "instead of" a vaccine, does the same thing a vaccine --- whenever it exists --- does.

And I'm asking you if you think we can wait two years for a vaccine?
I don't think anyone is saying we maintain the current level of social distancing and stay at homes until a vaccine is fully developed.

Matter of fact- lets look at what Trump and Newsom have suggested:
Trump has recommended gating criteria to satisfy before preceeding to a phased comeback- vaccines are not mentioned- nor any bizarre efforts to expose all Americans at once to covid-19.

Newsom also didn't mention vaccines:
California’s six indicators for modifying the stay-at-home order are:

  • The ability to monitor and protect our communities through testing, contact tracing, isolating, and supporting those who are positive or exposed;
  • The ability to prevent infection in people who are at risk for more severe COVID-19;
  • The ability of the hospital and health systems to handle surges;
  • The ability to develop therapeutics to meet the demand;
  • The ability for businesses, schools, and child care facilities to support physical distancing; and
  • The ability to determine when to reinstitute certain measures, such as the stay-at-home orders, if necessary.
EXCEPT for tiny minority of the population who are at serious risk of death and should remain quarantined. The REST of the population needs to get exposed to this virus in order to develop "herd immunity." (Overwhelming our health system is no longer a threat.)

Otherwise this bogeyman will paralyze our economy until a vaccine becomes widely available. What say you?
Everyone eventually will get exposed to covid-19- that is inevitable.
There is still plenty of potential for overwhelming local health systems.
What we don't know yet is whether contracting covid-19 makes you immune to further infections. Or the inevitable variants of covid-19.

Not sure why you consider this to be a 'bogeyman'- a mythical creature to scare children- let me put it another way- not sure why you consider 68,000 dead Americans to be killed by a boogeyman. It is not boogeyman- it is a very dangerous disease.

Please let's agree with mitigation measures to slow the spread of C.O.V.I.D.19 infections in order to buy some time towards getting enough testing for contact tracing along with the time needed to produce sufficient quantities of anti-viral medications effective enough to at least reduce this corona virus death rate by half.
And what we still don't know- is whether the inevitable fall wave of this disease will be deadlier than our current version- like it was with the 1918 Flu.
I find it odd that the OP seems to think that getting everyone exposed to covid-19- leading to the inevitable deaths of thousands- is more important to talk about than getting enough tests out there so we know who is infected.
Isn't that exactly what a vaccine is?


They can't even make a vaccine for cancer much less the common cold that works and they've been working on them for decades.

Are you saying now that the health care industry can work miracles and magically come up with a vaccine at any time?

Go hide in a hole if you wish. Fear profits a man nothing.




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EXCEPT for tiny minority of the population who are at serious risk of death and should remain quarantined. The REST of the population needs to get exposed to this virus in order to develop "herd immunity." (Overwhelming our health system is no longer a threat.)

Otherwise this bogeyman will paralyze our economy until a vaccine becomes widely available. What say you?
Except that’s not “the plan”. So far we have a little over 1 million confirmed cases. Today with the lockdown we have 25,000 new cases a day. With a population of people 328 million, to get 55% of the population infected it would take nearly 19 years. The “experts” are saying we can’t lift quarantine restrictions until we reach that “herd immunity”. Science and math aren’t driving their decisions, this is a power grab and they won’t let it go.

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