Everyone call the White House

maybe he thought the mexican government worked the same as the us government did? We allow thousands of illegals cross over with all kinds of weapons and drugs on a daily basis without batting an eye. Too bad our government wasn't as harsh with 'foreigners' entering illegally as mexicans are when people enter their country legally at the border. Maybe we could learn something from the mexians here??? Ya think?

the kid declared the gun here in the us and he declared it to the mexican officals as soon as he crossed the border, but being the corrupt bastards that they are they seized him, threw him into prison, chained him to his bed, threatened his life, and sent a message to his parents that for a price they might think about releasing him.

what you cannot seem to get through that incredibly thick head of yours is that declaring a shotgun at the border is not the legal way to bring a gun into mexico.

And if the stupid fuck had bothered to do a simple internet search anyone with an iq over 70 would have done in a similar situation, he would have found this:

don’t bring firearms or ammunition across the border into mexico.

don’t carry a knife, even a small pocketknife, on your person in mexico.

you may become one of dozens of u.s. Citizens who are arrested each month for unintentionally violating mexico’s strict weapons laws.

if you are caught with firearms or ammunition in mexico...

You will go to jail and your vehicle will be seized;

you will be separated from your family, friends, and your job, and likely suffer substantial financial hardship;

you will pay court costs and other fees ranging into the tens of thousands of dollars defending yourself;

you may get up to a 30-year sentence in a mexican prison if found guilty.

guns are illegal in mexico | u.s. Consulate general tijuana, mexico


the state department needs to add in big block black letters "don't go to mexico" cause they're assholes over there.
Or do you suppose that the lefies are hyprocrits and if this situation were reversed, they'd be clamoring for the imprisoned mexican to be released and berating the US government for its behavior? Hmmmm...

What happened to personal responsibility? The state department posts travel warnings, if you ignore them, then WTF?

So if you're an American soldier who's defended his country and did the right thing by trying to legally enter Mexico and declare your weapon, you're not showing responsibility. But if you're a Mexican who illegally enters our country, breaking US law, you're showing responsibility and should be given safe harbor and government handouts?

He defended his country? So the fuck what? That has zero to do with him being a dipshit who doesn't bother to check on other nation's laws.

Sounds like you two have a lot in common.
I have a feeling the two here attacking this kid are gay asshole atheists who have a deep hatred for this country and military personnel.

I'm retired military, dipshit, who reads the bible every day.

See what happens when you build little strawmen? You get your ass handed to you.

It occurred to me that chained to a cell in a mexican prison would be the ideal weight loss program for you, tubby.

Get yourself a shotgun and head south!!

Try as hard as you can, but the only way you would ever be considered bright would be if I threw a lamp at you.

All I need is a bag of Big Macs to make you sit up and beg...

Good girl. that's right. roll over. sit up.

See...it's only clever if there is some aspect of reality in it.

In this case....sans clever, sans reality.

Here, I'll show you the difference: you post, I write "Well, well....The “Low-T” contingent has been heard from!
the kid declared the gun here in the us and he declared it to the mexican officals as soon as he crossed the border, but being the corrupt bastards that they are they seized him, threw him into prison, chained him to his bed, threatened his life, and sent a message to his parents that for a price they might think about releasing him.

what you cannot seem to get through that incredibly thick head of yours is that declaring a shotgun at the border is not the legal way to bring a gun into mexico.

And if the stupid fuck had bothered to do a simple internet search anyone with an iq over 70 would have done in a similar situation, he would have found this:

don’t bring firearms or ammunition across the border into mexico.

don’t carry a knife, even a small pocketknife, on your person in mexico.

you may become one of dozens of u.s. Citizens who are arrested each month for unintentionally violating mexico’s strict weapons laws.

if you are caught with firearms or ammunition in mexico...

You will go to jail and your vehicle will be seized;

you will be separated from your family, friends, and your job, and likely suffer substantial financial hardship;

you will pay court costs and other fees ranging into the tens of thousands of dollars defending yourself;

you may get up to a 30-year sentence in a mexican prison if found guilty.

guns are illegal in mexico | u.s. Consulate general tijuana, mexico


the state department needs to add in big block black letters "don't go to mexico" cause they're assholes over there.

Sounds like you need to sit down and have yourself a good cry, Tinkerbell.
the kid declared the gun here in the us and he declared it to the mexican officals as soon as he crossed the border, but being the corrupt bastards that they are they seized him, threw him into prison, chained him to his bed, threatened his life, and sent a message to his parents that for a price they might think about releasing him.

what you cannot seem to get through that incredibly thick head of yours is that declaring a shotgun at the border is not the legal way to bring a gun into mexico.

And if the stupid fuck had bothered to do a simple internet search anyone with an iq over 70 would have done in a similar situation, he would have found this:

don’t bring firearms or ammunition across the border into mexico.

don’t carry a knife, even a small pocketknife, on your person in mexico.

you may become one of dozens of u.s. Citizens who are arrested each month for unintentionally violating mexico’s strict weapons laws.

if you are caught with firearms or ammunition in mexico...

You will go to jail and your vehicle will be seized;

you will be separated from your family, friends, and your job, and likely suffer substantial financial hardship;

you will pay court costs and other fees ranging into the tens of thousands of dollars defending yourself;

you may get up to a 30-year sentence in a mexican prison if found guilty.

guns are illegal in mexico | u.s. Consulate general tijuana, mexico


the state department needs to add in big block black letters "don't go to mexico" cause they're assholes over there.

Why are they assholes? Because some stupid fuck decided to make his own rules?

Would you drive across country with a gun without checking the laws of the states you will be passing through ahead of time?

What kind of special idiot would drive through 5 foreign countries without doing the same?

Jesus, you really are a dipshit.

I love threads like these, where the true character of the liberal is spotlighted and on display.

what you cannot seem to get through that incredibly thick head of yours is that declaring a shotgun at the border is not the legal way to bring a gun into mexico.

And if the stupid fuck had bothered to do a simple internet search anyone with an iq over 70 would have done in a similar situation, he would have found this:

guns are illegal in mexico | u.s. Consulate general tijuana, mexico


the state department needs to add in big block black letters "don't go to mexico" cause they're assholes over there.

Sounds like you need to sit down and have yourself a good cry, Tinkerbell.[/QUOT

It would not have made a difference iF the US Consulate put "Do Not Go To Mexico" in big block letters.

You know why?


I have a feeling the two here attacking this kid are gay asshole atheists who have a deep hatred for this country and military personnel.

I'm retired military, dipshit, who reads the bible every day.

See what happens when you build little strawmen? You get your ass handed to you.


i wasn't talking about you fucking moron. get a grip
I know Obama could not care less about an illegally jailed Marine veteran but try and put some pressure on him and give the guy a call. If he is on the golf course leave a message with Hillary. Lets bring this Marine home.


Rambunctious, I gather by your avatar you are a Marine.

You and I both know there are some dumb Marines out there, especially of the 19 year old variety like this one. How many of these kids have we had to straighten out? :lol:

This kid fucked up. Badly.

I feel for him, and hope he gets home in one piece, and a lot wiser and smarter for the experience.

But you and I both know if this kid was active duty and we were active duty, we would move heaven and Earth to pull his ass out, and then we'd kick that dumb ass all the way to the moon and back.

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He's a soldier and owns guns so the left won't care.

Shallow bastards.

He broke Mexican law, fuckwit.

It's that simple.

Not surprised you can't see past that fact.

No he didn't jackass. His lawyer says they measured the fucking barrel wrong. Besides that anyone with a brain knows this is about money. Extortion to be exact.

Carry on witless
If we chained quantanamo assholes to their bunks would the human rights organizations be all over it?

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