Every Trump Supporter ( and everyone else) needs to hear this

Shep Smith is a professional. :thup:

She is a professional as well ...


So you're actually going to sit on this board and suggest that no, We the People DO NOT have a right to know the truth?

Isn't that informative.

Better not keep your date waiting. Meter's running.
I voted for the republican party, not Trump. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. Trump better get used to it, We conservatives don't like Trump EITHER. But we are more tired of the liberal toadying and socialist group-think, even more.So fed up with the liberal apparatchiks group think lemming propaganda. Cliche- a-rama.. Is this still a democracy or what?
Our intelligence agencies are not part of any party. Their job is to protect that American people. Their leaks are saying," We have your backs Americans."

No wonder Trumputin goes after them.
Look how fast the cowards ran to Hillary because they can't defend the Pathological Liar. You're as consistent as the sun rising in the east.

Pogo's Law continues.

In any suggestion about Orange Crash that dares to suggest He is less than a long-fingered god, his self-delusional minions will be in like orange white on rice to change the subject to "Hillary Clinton", "Barack O'bama", "Bill Clinton", "George Clinton", the "Chicago Cubs" or anything else they can think of to wrest the spotlight off their authoritarian Daddy figure.

It's pathetic.

No, what's pathetic is that the Left seeks to control the narrative by pre-empting any dialogue they don't like. You are the poster child for this. Fact, the bitch was the worst "candidate" you could have run. The entire Country already knew what a lying bitch she was/is.
Obama had some of the worst foreign policy maneuvers we have seen. However, Obama is not President anymore, Trump is.

Again, you have to judge Trump for Trump's actions. Not Trump for what you imagine Clinton would have done or what Obama did. Trump is Trump, he is not Clinton or Obama.

.....and Nothing but talk has happened yet. Hillary would have had us in a war with Russia this year. So yes, she is to be judged.
You must have missed things if you think nothing but talk has happened.

Just to catch you up, Trump is being marked as being one of the most active Presidents in his opening 100 days so far. Maybe I am mistaken on this, but that was my general impression.

.....and that makes him the anti-Christ. Sorry.
You can feel free to quote me on this...but when did I say that? I'm pointing out that he has done far more than "simply talk"

The "talk" or his actions haven't crashed anything . Fact, NOTHING has been disastrous.
You could make the same argument for anything Clinton or Obama did then...since America's economy is, by far, the strongest out of any nations, our military is renowned for being the best, and we remain a major player in foreign politics. There was no "disaster".

However, not being a "disaster" doesn't mean that you still haven't made horrible mistakes. I would make the argument that Obama had some of the worst foreign policy decisions in modern history...even if they didn't result in "disaster" Likewise, just because we haven't devolved into civil war doesn't mean you cannot critically look at Trump's regime and make judgments on whether or not his policies are benefiting or hurting America.
.....and Nothing but talk has happened yet. Hillary would have had us in a war with Russia this year. So yes, she is to be judged.
You must have missed things if you think nothing but talk has happened.

Just to catch you up, Trump is being marked as being one of the most active Presidents in his opening 100 days so far. Maybe I am mistaken on this, but that was my general impression.

.....and that makes him the anti-Christ. Sorry.
You can feel free to quote me on this...but when did I say that? I'm pointing out that he has done far more than "simply talk"

The "talk" or his actions haven't crashed anything . Fact, NOTHING has been disastrous.
You could make the same argument for anything Clinton or Obama did then...since America's economy is, by far, the strongest out of any nations, our military is renowned for being the best, and we remain a major player in foreign politics. There was no "disaster".

However, not being a "disaster" doesn't mean that you still haven't made horrible mistakes. I would make the argument that Obama had some of the worst foreign policy decisions in modern history...even if they didn't result in "disaster" Likewise, just because we haven't devolved into civil war doesn't mean you cannot critically look at Trump's regime and make judgments on whether or not his policies are benefiting or hurting America.

As of yet, they aren't.
Actually he made no reference to "Liberalism" unless you mean the point that the American people have a right to know.

He's pointing out that Rump is lying his Rump off and demonstrably so. That's not a matter of political philosophies --- it's not even debatable.

It's freaking reality. Rump IS lying his ass off. And that cannot be simply ignored.


Repeating the same BS over and over again doesn't make it truth...it just becomes worn out BS.

Proof? Fine, why don't you demonstrate to the class how Rump's 304 electoral votes is the biggest EV margin since Reagan.

Oh this oughta be good. :popcorn:

Oh Good Grief Pogo...give me a break...

Did Obama lie when he said he'd been campaigning in 57 states?
Liberal news anchor goes on liberal rant...in other late breaking news, water is wet.

Actually he made no reference to "Liberalism" unless you mean the point that the American people have a right to know.

He's pointing out that Rump is lying his Rump off and demonstrably so. That's not a matter of political philosophies --- it's not even debatable.

It's freaking reality. Rump IS lying his ass off. And that cannot be simply ignored.
And what is he lying about?

His electoral vote, for one blatantly obvious thing.

Didn't even watch the video didja?

Rump is mentally ill. You can't possibly shovel out the bullshit he shovels every day and be a sane person. He's wacko. Flip city. Many many fries short of happy meal.
Well by the media's prediction, Trump is telling the truth. Sorry your liberal media lies.

What in the wide world of blue FUCK is that supposed to mean? You asked the question, YOU GOT AN ANSWER. Now you're gonna whine because you can't handle the reality? Fuck you.
The media said he would lose in a landslide, but he won big time! He is not lying, so screw you!
Pogo's Law continues.

In any suggestion about Orange Crash that dares to suggest He is less than a long-fingered god, his self-delusional minions will be in like orange white on rice to change the subject to "Hillary Clinton", "Barack O'bama", "Bill Clinton", "George Clinton", the "Chicago Cubs" or anything else they can think of to wrest the spotlight off their authoritarian Daddy figure.

It's pathetic.

And you want to talk about Trumps ego?


Check the post directly before yours.

Any questions?

Didn't think so.
My little dog barking at air makes more sense than this moron. I listened to Trump's entire news conference and loved every minute of it. What a shame many of these so-called "journalists" cannot deal with reality. Guess what, dog, tail ain't gonna wag ya now...
So I guess you don't think it's wrong your president insisting he won the electoral college by the largest margin in history.WHEN HE DIDNT?
Not to mention the hundred other lies.
YOUR president won the EC. Doesn't really matter the margin, does it? Care to itemize those 100 other lies?
My little dog barking at air makes more sense than this moron. I listened to Trump's entire news conference and loved every minute of it. What a shame many of these so-called "journalists" cannot deal with reality. Guess what, dog, tail ain't gonna wag ya now...
So I guess you don't think it's wrong your president insisting he won the electoral college by the largest margin in history.WHEN HE DIDNT?
Not to mention the hundred other lies.
YOUR president won the EC. Doesn't really matter the margin, does it? Care to itemize those 100 other lies?

The margin doesn't matter. The continual pattern of outright lying however ---- matters a lot.

As Shepard Smith pointed out ----- nobody asked Rump about the margin. **HE** brought it up.

The question this really begs is this:
What kind of mentally ill person makes up these self-delusional fantasies, about in this case easily disprovable numbers ---- and actually thinks nobody's going to call him on it?

How sick do you have to be to be living in a completely self-delusional bubble like that?

And you want this freak to have the nuclear codes??
My little dog barking at air makes more sense than this moron. I listened to Trump's entire news conference and loved every minute of it. What a shame many of these so-called "journalists" cannot deal with reality. Guess what, dog, tail ain't gonna wag ya now...
So I guess you don't think it's wrong your president insisting he won the electoral college by the largest margin in history.WHEN HE DIDNT?
Not to mention the hundred other lies.
YOUR president won the EC. Doesn't really matter the margin, does it? Care to itemize those 100 other lies?

The margin doesn't matter. The continual pattern of outright lying however ---- matters a lot.

Hence the rejection of the Hildabitch.
I think that the real issue here is that Trump supporters have been brainwashed into think that Trump is a paragon who can do no wrong. Anything that goes against Trump or shows him in a negative light is "fake", the "opposition", or the "problem."

This news story is old. Trump has been blasting from the hip with verifiably false information from day one. There is no way to change the mind of the zealots who follow him because anything that doesn't agree with their worldview...is wrong...or backed by George Soros...or whatever other reason somebody's twitter or blog comes up with that is accessible by Googling it.

The sad issue is that I don't think that there is a real good answer on how to educate his followers as their hive mind has reached a religious zeal that ignores all counterpoints. We have a hard journey ahead of us, and we don't have a hope of being the "United" States of America for a long, long time.

Nope, we just know that the bitch was a bigger liar and that trump hadn't killed anyone yet.

Pogster the anti-American spinmeister. Yes, eyewitnesses saw Trump jumping out of the chopper and killed a bunch of children in Yemen. Then, he climbed back and left with great satisfaction that the mission was completed. I have not heard you bitching about the hospital bombing in Afghanistan. Some adults do understand collateral damage with sadness, some imbeciles politicize the unfortunate event with joy. You belong to the latter.

"I have not heard you bitching about the hospital bombing in Afghanistan."

The Obamabots and Hillarybots are pre-programmed not to notice things like that, now they all are consumed to the point of insanity with TDS Trump Derangement Syndrome.

But for the non-Bots and non-TDS, lets refresh the memory.

The Obama Administration was enabling ISIS and also dropping them weapons and leaving weapons and military vehicles behind for them in both Syria and Iraq.

This was an "accident", by "accident" they dropped weapons meant for the Kurds to ISIS.

The Pentagon blamed it on the wind, um, okay :rolleyes-41:

Isis apparently takes control of US weapons airdrop intended for Kurds

· Pentagon admits one of 28 loads missing and blames wind

"The Pentagon admitted on Wednesday that one of the airdrops of weapons intended for Kurds in the besieged Syrian town of Kobani almost certainly ended up in the hands of the Islamic State (Isis) fighters.

The Pentagon blamed the wind for possibly blowing the supplies off course and argued that one cache was not enough to make a significant difference to Isis.

Video footage released by Isis shows what appears to be one of its fighters in desert scrubland with a stack of boxes attached to a parachute. The boxes are opened to show an array of weapons, some rusty, some new. A canister is broken out to reveal a hand grenade. Other equipment appeared to be parts for rocket-propelled grenades.

The Pentagon said the pallet of weapons was one of 28 dropped, not six as previously reported."

Isis apparently takes control of US weapons airdrop intended for Kurds

An "accident" that is repeated is NOT an "accident" it's deliberate. The next time was even better, this was leaving behind weapons and also allowing military hardware including vehicles to fall into the hands of ISIS in Mosul, Iraq.

U.S. Shoots Itself In the Foot By Accidentally Arming ISIS

"One of the earliest major setbacks in the war against ISIS came last June when the U.S.-backed Iraqi army was routed by Islamic militants in the northern Iraq city of Mosul. Government forces retreated from the Islamic jihadists’ assault. They left behind a trove of costly military hardware, including U.S.-made armored Humvees, trucks, rockets, machine guns and even a helicopter.

Last weekend, the new Iraqi prime minister, Haider al-Abadi, gave Iraqi state television the first detailed accounting of those lost weapons. Some were old or barely functioning, but others were in good shape and of great value to the ISIS militants.

According to Reuters, the U.S.-made weaponry that fell into enemy hands including 2,300 Humvee armored vehicles, at least 40 M1A1 main battle tanks, 74,000 machine guns, and as many as 52 M198 howitzer mobile gun systems, plus small arms and ammunition.

Although al-Abadi and other Iraqi and U.S. officials haven’t attached a dollar sign to the lost weaponry and vehicles, a back-of-the-envelope calculation of those losses might look something like this:

    • 2,300 Humvee armored vehicles @ $70,000 per copy. Total: $161 million
    • 40 M1A1 Abram tanks @ $4.3 million per copy. Total: $172 million
    • 52 M198 Howitzer mobile gun systems @ $527,337 per copy. Total: $27.4 million
    • 74,000 Army machine guns @ $4,000 per copy. Total: $296 million
The grand total comes to $656.4 million, but experts say those losses represent just a portion of the many hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of U.S.-supplied military equipment that has fallen into ISIS’s hands and is being used against the U.S. and allied forces on the ground in Iraq and neighboring Syria."

U.S. Shoots Itself In the Foot By Accidentally Arming ISIS
Pogo's Law continues.

In any suggestion about Orange Crash that dares to suggest He is less than a long-fingered god, his self-delusional minions will be in like orange white on rice to change the subject to "Hillary Clinton", "Barack O'bama", "Bill Clinton", "George Clinton", the "Chicago Cubs" or anything else they can think of to wrest the spotlight off their authoritarian Daddy figure.

It's pathetic.

And you want to talk about Trumps ego?


Check the post directly before yours.

Any questions?

Didn't think so.

And your point is?
I think that the real issue here is that Trump supporters have been brainwashed into think that Trump is a paragon who can do no wrong. Anything that goes against Trump or shows him in a negative light is "fake", the "opposition", or the "problem."

This news story is old. Trump has been blasting from the hip with verifiably false information from day one. There is no way to change the mind of the zealots who follow him because anything that doesn't agree with their worldview...is wrong...or backed by George Soros...or whatever other reason somebody's twitter or blog comes up with that is accessible by Googling it.

The sad issue is that I don't think that there is a real good answer on how to educate his followers as their hive mind has reached a religious zeal that ignores all counterpoints. We have a hard journey ahead of us, and we don't have a hope of being the "United" States of America for a long, long time.

Nope, we just know that the bitch was a bigger liar and that trump hadn't killed anyone yet.

Pogster the anti-American spinmeister. Yes, eyewitnesses saw Trump jumping out of the chopper and killed a bunch of children in Yemen. Then, he climbed back and left with great satisfaction that the mission was completed. I have not heard you bitching about the hospital bombing in Afghanistan. Some adults do understand collateral damage with sadness, some imbeciles politicize the unfortunate event with joy. You belong to the latter.

"I have not heard you bitching about the hospital bombing in Afghanistan."

Of course Obama bombing civilians and hospitals is ALWAYS an "accident", yes....okay :rolleyes-41:

America admits mistakenly bombing MSF's Kunduz hospital in Afghanistan

America admits mistakenly bombing MSF's Kunduz hospital in Afghanistan

One year after Kunduz: Battlefields without doctors, in wars without limits

Christopher Stokes, MSF General Director

"Today, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is remembering one of the darkest moments in its history. On 3 October 2015, U.S. airstrikes killed 42 people and destroyed the MSF trauma hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan. As we grieve the loss of our colleagues and patients, we are left with the question: is it still possible to safely provide medical care on the frontline? In the past year, there have been a further 77 attacks on medical facilities run and supported by MSF in Syria and Yemen. Hospitals are being continually dragged onto the battlefield, and patients and their doctors and nurses are sacrificed in the process."

MSF - Kunduz Médecins Sans Frontières

US airstrikes allegedly kill at least 73 civilians in northern Syria

"US airstrikes on a Syrian village have killed at least 73 civilians, a majority of them women and children,activists say, in the deadliest coalition attack on non-combatants since the start of the bombing campaign against the Islamic State.

The bombing was part of a two-month push to seize the town of Manbij, a strategic centre, key to any future advance on Islamic State’s de facto capital, Raqqa. Activists had warned of high civilian casualty rates from airstrikes in Manbij even before the latest airstrike.

In the early hours of Tuesday morning, activists described coalition aircraft hitting a cluster of houses in the village of Tokkhar, where nearly 200 people had gathered to seek shelter as the frontline shifted towards their homes. Most of those inside were killed or injured.

Ahmad Mohammad from the Syrian Institute for Justice, a Turkey-based group which monitors human rights violations, has also documented 73 victims, from at least nine families. UK-based monitoring group AirWars has recorded the names of a similar number of dead from several different sources.

“This is likely the worst reported civilian toll of any coalition attack since the bombing campaign against Isis began nearly two years ago,” said AirWars director Chris Wood. The group had already warned of a rising civilian toll around Manbij.

“Since the siege began it’s our view that at least 190 civilians have been killed by coalition airstrikes, mostly US. We are concerned that the US-led alliance appears to have relaxed some of their rules concerning civilian casualties,” said Woods. A coalition spokesman denied any change to its rules of engagement.

“The death toll is 117. We could document [the identity of] 73 civilians including 35 children and 20 women. The rest of the dead bodies are charred, or have been reduced to shreds,” said Adnan al-Housen, an activist from Manbij.

He said around 50 injured survivors were rushed for treatment to the border town of Jarablus, where they provided details about the attack."

US airstrikes allegedly kill at least 73 civilians in northern Syria

And Obama enabled his friends the Saudi Arabians to do the same.

“Atrocious attack”: U.S.-backed Saudi coalition bombs 4th MSF hospital in Yemen, killing 11 people

Our intelligence agencies are not part of any party. Their job is to protect that American people. Their leaks are saying," We have your backs Americans."

No wonder Trumputin goes after them.

If you seriously believe that, you have just as seriously been misled ---- or read one too many Tom Clancy books.

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