Even Trump's own Justice Department won't defend his lies

Believe what you like. Sorry it doesn't fit your mantra.

Gore was 2000? I wanted someone who was less hawkish when it came to war and would continue Clinton's views on the economy (I was young and stupid) as Clinton's "everyone gets a house" plan ended up being bad but it was good at the time I thought because the .coms were starting to fail and kill the economy.

Trump has no policies?!?!?!?!?!

--- Expanded border protection
--- Corporate tax cut to curb corporate inversions
--- Moving US embassy to Jerusalem?

Your ignorance is astonishing.

You are the case in point of a dumbass leftist. I am sharing your posts with my kids so that they can see that people like you do exist.
Border protection is not a Trump policy, it is a GOP policy that Trump adopted because he knows his xenophobic base loves racism if you can dress it up as "border security"

unpaid for Corporate taxes on the backs of the middle class is also NOT a Trump policy -- it is a GOP policy, the same thing they have always pushed for 70 plus years and they all result in a recession.

Moving the embassy to Jerusalem is something done to appease evangelicals -- if you think that is some policy to be celebrated, then you are one of the dumb ones -- funny how evangelicals are only excited about Israel because of their desire to see the end times -- the fact that Jews will be destroyed if they don't convert is just a minor inconvenience

This may be the dumbest post ever.

#1) Trump ran on the wall and increased border security
#2) Trump pushed for this to halt the inversions no other candidate ran on this
#3) You anti semitism is awesome. He moved the embassy there because Jerusalem is Israel's true capital despite what Hamas says.

Keep up the good work.
All republicans run on border security -- Trump is the only to go full racist on it -- Trump became politically relevant by going full racist on the birther movement and went from that to Mexicans are rapists and murderers -- because he knows folks like you will eat that up

Trump was the only one running on tax cuts? No - the GOP platform only had ONE SINGLE CHANGE made to it by Trump -- and that was about the Ukraine -- everything else was the same old GOP policies...but because you are a sycophant, you think everything Trump tells you is his idea.

And sorry, simply calling something Anti-Semitic doesn't make it so -- if you don't know what Evangelicals believe about Israel, that is your ignorance, not Anti-Semitism..How about I let a theologian explain it to you, unless you are going to claim she is Anti-Semitic too:
Why are these evangelicals so interested in the fate of Israel?

Her Answer
These are the folks who believe that there will be a millennium in the future, a golden age, where Christ reigns on Earth, [and] they believe that before Christ will return, there will be a tribulation where Christ defeats evil. There will be natural disasters and wars, and perhaps an Antichrist, as the book of Revelations notes. Then at the end of that period, the people of the Mosaic covenant, including the Jews, will convert. Then after their conversion, the great millennium starts.

And what about the people who don’t convert? What becomes of them?

Her Answer
Well, according to the evangelicals who believe this, they’ll end up with the rest of the unsaved, which means they’ll be wiped out and sent to hell.

That is what Evangelicals believe, you got a problem with it, take it up with them

This is why evangelicals love Trump's Israel policy

Why do I care what some one off theologian says? Are you kidding me? LOL. There are many whack jobs out there but this was not why the embassy is moving. Your logic is flawed. Trump has led the GOP to these cuts, border security and Israel.

He also put heavy sanctions on Russia, killed 200 Russian Mercs in Syria and armed the Ukranians. Something BHO failed to do.

Sir, you need an education. Desperately.

What is your view on Israel?
Those whack jobs you call them are half of Trump's base -- those whack jobs you call them were front and center at the embassy ceremonies..pastors like Jeffress and Hagee who all believe Jews are going to hell if they don't repent -- but managed to be at the ceremony -- but I am anti-Semitic for knowing what they believe? adorable

Robert Jeffress, Pastor Who Said Jews Are Going to Hell, Led Prayer at Jerusalem Embassy

Trump didn't lead GOP to tax cuts and the whole "Mexicans are scary" BS-- this is a pre-requisite to be a republican, Trump didn't twist anyone's arms to push for tax cuts -- Paul Ryan had this tax plan for 8 years -- you are delusional if you think fearmongering Hispanics and giving corporations tax cuts that balloon the deficit is something new -- how soon people forget Dick Cheney saying "deficits don't matter" --- memory is kryptonite to a Trump supporter

Keep digging your hole. Jeffress is known as a psycho weirdo.

#1) You're bringing race into this. If I buy food and stock my fridge and leave it open for the neighbors, eventually I will run out of money. Border security is important because education and healthcare aren't free.

#2) Stop quoting one off whackos, unless you're implying that was why the embassy was moved? Your dumbassery is priceless.

#3) No. The GOP could not execute w/o the leadership of DJT. He forced their hand by stating he would not support them when re-election came around for them.

Deficits do matter, debt matters, foreign relations matter.

What is your view on Israel? Did you support the Palestinian flag flying at the DNC?
This may be the dumbest post ever.

#1) Trump ran on the wall and increased border security
#2) Trump pushed for this to halt the inversions no other candidate ran on this
#3) You anti semitism is awesome. He moved the embassy there because Jerusalem is Israel's true capital despite what Hamas says.

Keep up the good work.
It's racist to call him dumb.

LOL --- he just lost every single argument with me. This is unbelievable. And when he loses he tries to change it and then digs an even deeper hole for himself.

Thus far he has proven that he is:

#1) An anti semite
#2) Ignorant on the economy
#3) Doesn't understand what a corporate inversion is
#4) Doesn't understand what Fascism is

He is a real peach.
Corporate inversion myth is not new -- it is not something Trump crafted and came up with a tax plan for -- it has been something pushed by corporatists for the longest time....corporatists like Carl Ichan -- you remember him don't you?

3 Myths About Inversions and U.S. Corporate Taxes

I work in the field. Corporate Inversions were happening especially for services companies like pharma. Why pay 35% tax rate when you can pay 12% in Ireland by just moving 20% of your ops to that country. Easy to move ops when you're a services business vs. a manufacturer.

You can scramble around the web all day. I will literally school you in this topic I do this for a living and teach a class on this.

I highly recommed you get an education. Calling people who disagree with you "cucks" makes you look like a world class dumbass. You of course doubled down on that by quoting whacky evangelicals.
You haven't schooled anyone on anything --- corporate inversion is a myth that those like yourself push to justify giving corporations a blank check -- and then you be the same folks who claim you aren't globalists-- pathetic...

I bet before all of these tax cuts went into effect, you were the ones claiming how most of these tax cuts would not be used for stock buy backs -- wrong about that too

I bet you argued the tax cuts would pay for themselves --- wrong about that too

but that is the luxury of being a republican...they can continually be wrong but it doesn't matter because as long as you keep corporate dick in ya mouth, nothing else matters.

LMAO...that is like saying corporate taxes are a myth. You need to get an education.
Keep digging your hole. Jeffress is known as a psycho weirdo.
Why did Trump invite both him and Hagee? Are you saying that psychos have so much pull with Trump that he had to invite them or is the truth of the matter is -- those psychos have a lot of pull -- but keep deflecting.

#1) You're bringing race into this. If I buy food and stock my fridge and leave it open for the neighbors, eventually I will run out of money. Border security is important because education and healthcare aren't free.
How come all of you "Mexicans are scary" folks never have this same amount disdain for the employers who hire them? Yes, it is very much about race -- until I see you folks going all in for punishing employers with jail time, spare me the outrage.

#2) Stop quoting one off whackos, unless you're implying that was why the embassy was moved? Your dumbassery is priceless.
Again, Why were these one off whackos there? You keep avoiding that question
#3) No. The GOP could not execute w/o the leadership of DJT. He forced their hand by stating he would not support them when re-election came around for them.
You are a true sycophant if you think the GOP needed Trump's leadership to push thru tax cuts, something the GOP will do if they don't do anything else -- by the way, Trump was mostly absent when it came to his involvement in the tax cut policy -- why? because Trump doesn't know shit about policies -- only his sycophants believe he does.
Deficits do matter, debt matters, foreign relations matter.
What is your view on Israel? Did you support the Palestinian flag flying at the DNC?
I have the same view on Israel that I have on any other sovereign country -- they can do whatever they want to do -- and we shouldn't be sending them billions of dollars above what we send our other allies -- especially an ally that routinely spies on us -- I don't support Israel because of what some sky daddy tells us to....
It's racist to call him dumb.

LOL --- he just lost every single argument with me. This is unbelievable. And when he loses he tries to change it and then digs an even deeper hole for himself.

Thus far he has proven that he is:

#1) An anti semite
#2) Ignorant on the economy
#3) Doesn't understand what a corporate inversion is
#4) Doesn't understand what Fascism is

He is a real peach.
Corporate inversion myth is not new -- it is not something Trump crafted and came up with a tax plan for -- it has been something pushed by corporatists for the longest time....corporatists like Carl Ichan -- you remember him don't you?

3 Myths About Inversions and U.S. Corporate Taxes

I work in the field. Corporate Inversions were happening especially for services companies like pharma. Why pay 35% tax rate when you can pay 12% in Ireland by just moving 20% of your ops to that country. Easy to move ops when you're a services business vs. a manufacturer.

You can scramble around the web all day. I will literally school you in this topic I do this for a living and teach a class on this.

I highly recommed you get an education. Calling people who disagree with you "cucks" makes you look like a world class dumbass. You of course doubled down on that by quoting whacky evangelicals.
You haven't schooled anyone on anything --- corporate inversion is a myth that those like yourself push to justify giving corporations a blank check -- and then you be the same folks who claim you aren't globalists-- pathetic...

I bet before all of these tax cuts went into effect, you were the ones claiming how most of these tax cuts would not be used for stock buy backs -- wrong about that too

I bet you argued the tax cuts would pay for themselves --- wrong about that too

but that is the luxury of being a republican...they can continually be wrong but it doesn't matter because as long as you keep corporate dick in ya mouth, nothing else matters.

LMAO...that is like saying corporate taxes are a myth. You need to get an education.
No, corporate inversion being something so crippling to corporations that it justifies tax cuts along with maintaining the loop holes that Trump claim he was going to end -- all of that is a myth...and you will always suck it up because that is what sycophants do
LOL --- he just lost every single argument with me. This is unbelievable. And when he loses he tries to change it and then digs an even deeper hole for himself.

Thus far he has proven that he is:

#1) An anti semite
#2) Ignorant on the economy
#3) Doesn't understand what a corporate inversion is
#4) Doesn't understand what Fascism is

He is a real peach.
Corporate inversion myth is not new -- it is not something Trump crafted and came up with a tax plan for -- it has been something pushed by corporatists for the longest time....corporatists like Carl Ichan -- you remember him don't you?

3 Myths About Inversions and U.S. Corporate Taxes

I work in the field. Corporate Inversions were happening especially for services companies like pharma. Why pay 35% tax rate when you can pay 12% in Ireland by just moving 20% of your ops to that country. Easy to move ops when you're a services business vs. a manufacturer.

You can scramble around the web all day. I will literally school you in this topic I do this for a living and teach a class on this.

I highly recommed you get an education. Calling people who disagree with you "cucks" makes you look like a world class dumbass. You of course doubled down on that by quoting whacky evangelicals.
You haven't schooled anyone on anything --- corporate inversion is a myth that those like yourself push to justify giving corporations a blank check -- and then you be the same folks who claim you aren't globalists-- pathetic...

I bet before all of these tax cuts went into effect, you were the ones claiming how most of these tax cuts would not be used for stock buy backs -- wrong about that too

I bet you argued the tax cuts would pay for themselves --- wrong about that too

but that is the luxury of being a republican...they can continually be wrong but it doesn't matter because as long as you keep corporate dick in ya mouth, nothing else matters.

LMAO...that is like saying corporate taxes are a myth. You need to get an education.
No, corporate inversion being something so crippling to corporations that it justifies tax cuts along with maintaining the loop holes that Trump claim he was going to end -- all of that is a myth...and you will always suck it up because that is what sycophants do

There is no point in debating if you keep labeling me as “all of you”, which is another useless and stupid leftist tact.

I teach About corporate inversions. Fact that you don’t believe they exit illustrates your lack of logic and intelligence.

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