Even though I didn't vote for BO. CONGRATULATIONS Barack Obama!


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
I must admit there is no reason for any of us to be sorry tonight. Myself voting for McCain/Palin--we lost. This country has made history tonight. A history that will be written in the books long after all us are gone, & a history which we can all be proud of.

My home state--a swing state went for Obama. None the less, the United States has proved again what a great nation we are, regardless of our political differences. There is much more that keeps us together than drives us apart.

Now--let's move on! In my opinion, Barack Obama will have to govern from the center-right. This nation is center-right & will always be that way. I hope he is intelligent enough to know that. Even though I didn't vote for him, I want him to be a "great" President. If he goes with Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid--he's 4 years & he's out. Barack Obama needs to lead from the center & lean to the right. If he doesn't, he's doomed in 4 years. Obama is going to have to take on his own party against tax hikes & spending in order to survive a 2nd term. He has got a huge job in front of him. He will be critized at every turn, like President Bush.

Barack Obama needs to be a Bill Clinton without the x-tramartial stuff, & have the backbone of G.W. Bush against terrorism. Anything less, & we will see a reversal of fortune in 4 years.

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I must admit there is no reason for any of us to be sorry tonight. Myself voting for McCain/Palin--we lost. This country has made history tonight. A history that will be written in the books long after all us are gone, & a history which we can all be proud of.

My home state--a swing state went for Obama. None the less, the United States has proved again what a great nation we are, regardless of our political differences. There is much more that keeps us together than drives us apart.

Now--let's move on! In my opinion, Barack Obama will have to govern from the center-right. This nation is center-right & will always be that way. I hope he is intelligent enough to know that. Even though I didn't vote for him, I want him to be a "great" President. If he goes with Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid--he's 4 years & he's out. Barack Obama needs to lead from the center & lean to the right. If he doesn't, he's doomed in 4 years. Obama is going to have to take on his own party against tax hikes & spending in order to survive a 2nd term. He has got a huge job in front of him. He will be critized at every turn, like President Bush.

Barack Obama needs to be a Bill Clinton without the x-tramartial stuff, & have the backbone of G.W. Bush against terrorism. Anything less, & we will see a reversal of fortune in 4 years.


Nice post oreo, you said your feelings without anger, how refreshing!
Thank you for sharing your feelings. I've been discouraged so far from browsing this forum tonight because most of the McCain supporters are bitter/angry and seem to have been taking it out on other people here, but your post gives me hope that many of McCain's supporters may to choose "Country First" instead of "Party First." I posted this at another forum, but this topic seems like a good place to put it too:

"There is no red or blue America; there is the United States of America."

I must say: this is the first time I've ever felt proud to be an American. I feel we finally have a president who represents the American people. For so long we've had to endure the garbage the politicans spewed off while they ran our country into ruin, but Obama's proven that curtousy, respect for others, and an understanding of the hurdles we face triumphs the nasty politics of the past. Regardless of how good a president he becomes, he'll at least be remembered for changing politics as we know it and proving once again that America is an amazing country.

The fact that Obama can win over boatloads of Texans and Arizonans shows that he truly has the ability to unite the country. If he runs the country even half as intelligently as he ran his campaign, we will all prosper. I've said it before and now I'm more sure about it then ever: America has changed for the better thanks to this incredible man.

With that being said, I hope we as a nation can put aside our petty partisan problems and work together to conquer the obstacles in front of us.

I also want to express gratefullness to our new congressman and the people who voted for them. Now that we have both a Democrat president and a senate without an overwhelming amount of delusional Bush supporters, we can finally work to undo the suffering Bush has caused for America. This means Obama will be able to do a lot of what he has proposed.

"There is no red or blue America; there is the United States of America."

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