Even Democrats have dropped to less then 18% confidence in Obama....


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Americans' confidence in all three branches of government is at or near record lows, according to a major survey that has measured attitudes on the subject for 40 years.

The 2014 General Social Survey finds only
-- 23 percent of Americans have a great deal of confidence in the Supreme Court,
-- 11 percent in the executive branch and
-- 5 percent in Congress.

But confidence[in the Obama executive branch] among Democrats has dropped some in recent years, too, from 25 percent in 2010
to 18 percent in 2014.

Confidence has decreased since the 1970s,
when about a quarter (25%) of Americans expressed a great deal of confidence in the press.
Now, a record low of 7 percent have a lot of confidence, while 44 percent have hardly any confidence at all.

Republicans are the least likely to express a lot of confidence in the press, at only 3 percent, but Democrats aren't far behind at 10 percent.

Only 1 in 10 has a lot of confidence in television, which is also near a record low.
The typical sample size was 1,500 prior to 1994, but increased to 2,700-3,000 until 2008, and decreased to 2,000 for the most recent surveys. Resulting margins of error are between plus or minus 3.1 percentage points for the smaller sample sizes and plus or minus 2.2 percentage points for the larger sample sizes at the 95 percent confidence level.

The 2014 survey was conducted March 31-Oct. 11, 2014, among 2,538 American adults.

News from The Associated Press
So when you match the below survey from this source: Newsmax.com - Breaking news from around the globe U.S. news politics world health finance video science technology live news stream with the above what possible defense
can LIPs/Obamatrons mount to counter the reality that Americans have little or no confidence in Obama!
I really now know why the Jim Jones suicide cult did what they did... they would rather die then admit they had been fooled and so too LIPs/Obamatrons.
They find every thing else to blame rather then face the truth that Obama is at the minimum grossly inept to most disgusting, destroying Americans'
confidences and institutions on purpose!
ObamalPoll2015-03-11 at 2.01.26 PM.png
Americans' confidence in all three branches of government is at or near record lows, according to a major survey that has measured attitudes on the subject for 40 years.

The 2014 General Social Survey finds only
-- 23 percent of Americans have a great deal of confidence in the Supreme Court,
-- 11 percent in the executive branch and
-- 5 percent in Congress.

But confidence[in the Obama executive branch] among Democrats has dropped some in recent years, too, from 25 percent in 2010
to 18 percent in 2014.

Confidence has decreased since the 1970s,
when about a quarter (25%) of Americans expressed a great deal of confidence in the press.
Now, a record low of 7 percent have a lot of confidence, while 44 percent have hardly any confidence at all.

Republicans are the least likely to express a lot of confidence in the press, at only 3 percent, but Democrats aren't far behind at 10 percent.

Only 1 in 10 has a lot of confidence in television, which is also near a record low.
The typical sample size was 1,500 prior to 1994, but increased to 2,700-3,000 until 2008, and decreased to 2,000 for the most recent surveys. Resulting margins of error are between plus or minus 3.1 percentage points for the smaller sample sizes and plus or minus 2.2 percentage points for the larger sample sizes at the 95 percent confidence level.

The 2014 survey was conducted March 31-Oct. 11, 2014, among 2,538 American adults.

News from The Associated Press

Gallop daily rolling poll begs to differ.

Gallup Daily Confidence in Obama

I can say confidently that gallop is more accurate then a right-wing shill site like newsmax.

That's "than," idiot. Why can't you illiterate Marxist proles at least learn the distinction between "then" and "than"? And speaking of illiteracy, apparently the recent Gallup scandal over their admission to long cooking political polls in favor of the left, must have sailed straight over your stellar erudition, yes?
Gallop daily rolling poll begs to differ.

Gallup Daily Confidence in Obama

I can say confidently that gallop is more accurate then a right-wing shill site like newsmax.

That's "than," idiot. Why can't you illiterate Marxist proles at least learn the distinction between "then" and "than"? And speaking of illiteracy, apparently the recent Gallup scandal over their admission to long cooking political polls in favor of the left, must have sailed straight over your stellar erudition, yes?

A typo and Ad Homs is all you got, and you have the nerve to call me an idiot? Epic.
Gallop daily rolling poll begs to differ.

Gallup Daily Confidence in Obama

I can say confidently that gallop is more accurate then a right-wing shill site like newsmax.
How in the f...k would you know! You can't even spell Gallup right you dummy!
GEEZ right in front of you "Gallup Daily Confidence" and twice you can't even spell Gallup!
Your credibility is worth CRAP!
Unbelievable lazy or stupid either way why would anyone believe anything from you?
Gallop daily rolling poll begs to differ.

Gallup Daily Confidence in Obama

I can say confidently that gallop is more accurate then a right-wing shill site like newsmax.

That's "than," idiot. Why can't you illiterate Marxist proles at least learn the distinction between "then" and "than"? And speaking of illiteracy, apparently the recent Gallup scandal over their admission to long cooking political polls in favor of the left, must have sailed straight over your stellar erudition, yes?

A typo and Ad Homs is all you got, and you have the nerve to call me an idiot? Epic.
NOT A TYPO but lazy! Twice! and it isn't "Ad Homs" dummy! It is "ad hominem"...means responding to arguments by attacking a person's character.

Please continue the further proof of LIPs' stupidity. You are the poster child for Gruber's "Stupidity of American Voter!"

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