Euthanasia: A Capitalism Model (Dianetics)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a Euthanasia opus regarding capitalism chatter (e.g., 'Dianetics marketing').

It's inspired by The Devil in the White City.

Does consumerism/media remind you of a buffet?

Signing off (I think),



"American movie star Leo DiCaprio just watched the Al Pacino film The Devil's Advocate (about an aspiring and unusually gifted lawyer who is recruited by the Devil and has to deal with a special morality-test in the modern world) and started thinking deeply about ethics complications in a post-Industrialization America. Leo started thinking about the social value of evaluating lifestyle prescriptions in our consumerism/media society (e.g., GNC, steroids, etc.). Leo decided to plan a film with Jonathan Demme (director of the crime-dissection paranoia film The Silence of the Lambs) called Seven Devils (about an idealistic FBI detective named Stan who discovers a foul plot by American terrorists to murder thousands people in hospitals using a painless sleeping powder in the name of 'Euthanasia-revolution.' Obviously, The Devil's Advocate deeply 'affected' Leo DiCaprio..."


"After consulting with his PR-manager, Leo decided to attend a Euthanasia protest and discussion in Washington (to research his upcoming film). After all, Euthanasia (and clinical access to free-will gauged assisted medical suicide) was a modernism symbol of 'convenience-based' marketing politics (not unlike the genetic-cloning issues/chatter of yesteryear). Leo went to the Washington conference/rally and took photos and himself participated in a debate with liberals (and a radical lawyer named Ellis) concerning Euthanasia legality in modern America. It was very exciting..."


LEO: Euthanasia is certainly a complicated modern issue...
ELLIS: Doctors want to know about its relevance to marketing!
LEO: This Washington rally/conference should generate some nice media buzz.
ELLIS: In my opinion, Euthanasia is really about 'convenience metaphysics.'
LEO: Yeah, if a patients feels it's 'easier' to die than keep fighting to live, it's his/her 'choice.'
ELLIS: Sometimes the pain is too much...
LEO: Sometimes it makes sense (e.g., coma).
ELLIS: This is a free-will problem in our Wall Street and Wal-Mart world.
LEO: Consumerism is about conveniences and streamlined access; not gluttony.
ELLIS: That's what we think at least...
LEO: Maybe what we need is some nice yoga, poetry, literature, art, and cinema.
ELLIS: Psychiatry and creativity help, but sometimes Euthanasia is a liberation from suffering.
LEO: Isn't Euthanasia likened to drug-addiction (since both reference notions of 'dependence')?
ELLIS: Sure. A human being has to decide his/her own 'commitment' to social hygiene.
LEO: Is suicide considered dirty or impure?
ELLIS: Many religions consider it a betrayal of a human's promise to preserve life.
LEO: Preserve all costs?
ELLIS: That's really the issue; is assisted-suicide a form of pity?
LEO: A person in a coma or great pain may seek assisted-suicide to simply feel free...
ELLIS: They're in hell/purgatory; we need to resolve all this controversy for the people!
LEO: Euthanasia is very symbolic of capitalism and alternative religions.
ELLIS: When a celebrity such as Tom Cruise talks about Dianetics, you imagine the media.
LEO: Sure, the media is a 'vehicle' for role-model discourse and social dialogue.
ELLIS: Euthanasia is a top-issue in this 'thick pit' of pedestrianism flowery.
LEO: Americans are concerned about cholesterol and free-speech (Burger King, WikiLeaks)!
ELLIS: Euthanasia is to capitalism what the Occult was to communism (an 'oddity').
LEO: Capitalism is sometimes at odds with democracy (U.S. vs. Microsoft); we need councils.
ELLIS: The people need to know there is adequate dialogue in the social arena.
LEO: It's a good thing the press is covering this Washington rally/conference.
ELLIS: Yeah, I'm glad...elated even.
LEO: Media has changed the way we look at social consciousness.
ELLIS: It's a good thing thespians such as yourself are interested in poignant topics.
LEO: It's so darn frustrating sometimes...
ELLIS: You wish you were a Yale tenured professor sipping tea and meditating about poetry.
LEO: Escapism is the great malignancy of capitalism and media (e.g., MTV).
ELLIS: It drives all this socio-political 'anger.'


"After attending the Washington conference/rally, Leo decided to return to his Los Angeles home and start looking at pulp-magazines presenting symbolic modernism/commercial images of consumerism relics and free-speech pageantry (e.g., pornography aesthetics) and continued to brood about his upcoming Euthanasia-themed film Seven Devils. Leo concluded that capitalism and consumerism make for great debate-kickstarters. Leo realized that Euthanasia was a modern issue, since American pedestrians of this new age of high traffic meditated greatly about the 'complexity' of liberty in a convenience-based culture (e.g.,, eTrade, Burger King, Wal-Mart, GNC, Hustler, etc.)."


GOD: I'm excited for Leo DiCaprio's new film Seven Devils.
SATAN: I'm more excited about his early Italian mafia film The Black Hand.
GOD: American celebrities are interested in trends/aesthetics that reach the masses.
SATAN: Euthanasia is indeed a convenience-oriented issue.
GOD: It has to be analysed on a case-by-case basis (many would agree).
SATAN: Consumerism has changed the way we evaluate 'candy.'
GOD: Perhaps Facebook will redefine social revelry.
SATAN: Leo DiCaprio was fascinated by the Washington conference/rally.
GOD: Yes, his debate with Ellis regarding media rationalism was stirring!
SATAN: In our modern 'Starbucks World' we think about energy...
GOD: Euthanasia provokes our deep fears of social contract reliability.
SATAN: This is truly the new world.
GOD: I wonder what Martin Luther would say about all this?
SATAN: I'd imagine he'd say, "DiCaprio is a role-model, since he cares about mob psychology."
GOD: I'd also imagine he'd say "Religion is much more personal in the age of media."
SATAN: Personal, yes, but also pornographic...
GOD: Well, there will always be a 'demand' for entertainment (e.g., MTV).
SATAN: This all sounds like some kind of journalism S&M tale.
GOD: Are you a fan of Newsies?
SATAN: I like the concept of journalism creativity...
GOD: Journalists today are obligated to evaluate the ethics of free-speech.
SATAN: Perhaps some subjects are simply too 'hairy' to weave.
GOD: Let's go watch Barbershop on Netflix!
SATAN: Media will change the way we imagine friendship...
GOD: Capitalism remains useful for models of free-will.
SATAN: Of course, competitive behaviors complicate networking.
GOD: The best way to negotiate democracy with capitalism is through market ratings.
SATAN: Yes, peer-evaluation of markets creates objectivity (e.g., Siskel and Ebert).




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