EU to send spacecraft to find out why Venus is hot


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May 11, 2004
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Madison, WI

Venus Express set for liftoff Tue Oct 18,12:22 PM ET

PARIS (AFP) - Venus Express, the European Space Agency's first mission to explore Earth's closest neighbour, will be launched next Wednesday from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

The ESA gave the prospective launch time as 0443 GMT.

The 1.27-tonne unmanned spacecraft, which will be taken aloft by a Russian-made Soyuz-Fregat rocket, is expected to arrive at Venus on April 6.

Venus Express, equipped with seven instruments, is intended to map the Venusian surface and weather system, looking at temperature variation, cloud formations, wind speeds and gas composition.

Its main goal is to help understand why Venus fell prey to runaway global warming.

Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It is similar in size, mass and age to Earth, but the two planets are otherwise quite different.

The so-called Morning Star has clouds of suffocating gas driven by hurricane-force winds, as well as a surface pressure and temperature high enough to crush and melt steel.

Venus Express is a sister to Mars Express, an orbiter that is now circling the Red Planet.

Further information is available on (

It might have something to do with the fact that Venus is 30,000,000 miles closer to the sun. There. I have just saved Europe countless millions of wasted Euros. Can I get a thank you?

Then again...I'll bet that sonofabitch KKKarl Rove and his pet TEH BU$HITLER secretly flew a squadron of SUVs and Halliburton probes to Venus! Those f***ing Neocon BASTARDS!!!!!!!
If this has an interest for science, not bad.

Mercure : nearest planet from the Sun, but : temperature from 430 °C (celsius)maximum to -170 °C (celsius) minimum : so, your so birght theory "it's near the Sun" is quite destroyed here : Mercure has far far lower temperatures than Earth, and is all the same far far near the Sun than Earth.

So, Venus can be hotter than Earth with other reasons than your theory.

Hey Padish,
How about that landing craft Europe sent to Mars in a hurry to beat the U.S. Have you guys found it yet? I remember a lot of boasting about how Europe beat the U.S. to Mars. Are you sure it was sent to the correct planet?

The U.S. has received incredible photos taken by the 2 NASA rovers that successfully made it to the surface of Mars.
WTF , Why do you change and avoid the topic ?

Europe already launch space sondes. (Cassini-Huygens, example).

If you believe that's our goal in the life is to beat USA even on Moon and mars, good for you.
The Polish just announced a mission to the Sun.
In the press conference the question, “Won’t the vehicle burn up before it arrives” was ask. The Polish spokesmen’s reply was, “No, we have that all figured out. Our scheduled launch is set so that the vehicle arrives at night”.
I really never thought Venus was hot. Or Serena as far as that goes.
ok.....someone tell me why those at the EU belive Venus was once a thriving planet that was destroyed by global warming....what proof do the have that venus once supported life that was killed off by globla warming...
padisha emperor said:
Mercury has far far lower temperatures than Earth,


Mercury has far HIGHER temps than earth. Why? It's REALLY close to the big star we're revolving around...
dmp said:

Mercury has far HIGHER temps than earth. Why? It's REALLY close to the big star we're revolving around...

Actually since it has zero atmosphere (it is very small, and has no magnetic feild, so the solar wind blasted it off), the half that is facing away from the sun is directly exposed to the Abosulute Zero temperature of space, making it really damn cold.
American probes have charted much of the surface of Venus with radar. There's no evidence that anything ever existed there except rock and poisonous gas.
The fields of Geology and Astronomy are pretty international.

It is the main theory is that Venus went through some process
of changing atmospheres. Now they check it out.

I am quite sure the data will be shared with their American collegues.
dmp said:

Mercury has far HIGHER temps than earth. Why? It's REALLY close to the big star we're revolving around...

didn't you read the whole message ?

430 °C : face on the sun
-170 °C : face at night.

I don't think that Earth knows temperature so cold.

padisha emperor said:
If this has an interest for science, not bad.

Mercure : nearest planet from the Sun, but : temperature from 430 °C (celsius)maximum to -170 °C (celsius) minimum : so, your so birght theory "it's near the Sun" is quite destroyed here : Mercure has far far lower temperatures than Earth, and is all the same far far near the Sun than Earth.

So, Venus can be hotter than Earth with other reasons than your theory.


That might have something to do with the fact its a completely different type of planet. Mercury is not much more than an astroid with no sustainable atmosphere, whereas Venus has so much atmostphere that the pressure is the same as on earth.....1 kilometer below the ocean.

But hey, maybe they'll find out there was an ancient civilization that was overrun by Neo-cons that didn't heed to warnings of Global Warming !
theHawk said:
That might have something to do with the fact its a completely different type of planet. Mercury is not much more than an astroid with no sustainable atmosphere, whereas Venus has so much atmostphere that the pressure is the same as on earth.....1 kilometer below the ocean.

But hey, maybe they'll find out there was an ancient civilization that was overrun by Neo-cons that didn't heed to warnings of Global Warming !

That would really put a kink in someone's day, now wouldn't it...
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