EU 'Concerned' About Israeli Cold Shoulder in Yesha


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
The European Union expressed concern on Friday over a directive by Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon to suspend contact with Europe on matters related to Judea, Samaria and Gaza.

Maja Kocijancic, a spokeswoman for EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, responded to the decision by saying, "The EU is concerned by reports in the Israeli media that the Israeli Minister of Defense has announced a number of restrictions affecting EU activities supporting the Palestinian people."

Kocijancic stressed, however, "We have not received any official communication from the Israeli authorities. Our delegations on the spot are seeking urgent clarifications.”


Well done, Ya'alon!:clap2:
Just more evidence that the Palestinian people are help captive by the fascist Israel government.

In the world's largest open air concentration camp. .. :cool:

The Jew haters love the Jews when they are at the mercy of their kind:cuckoo:

My solution to the Jewish problem.

Would be to round them up world wide and find and island to quarantine them on.

There are several islands in the world that could easily contain the 13 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of.

Several gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape.

This way the Jews could be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus a Win = Win for both Jews and Gentiles :thup:
Just more evidence that the Palestinian people are help captive by the fascist Israel government.

In the world's largest open air concentration camp. .. :cool:

I wouldn't go quite as far as comparing the plight of the Palestinians to that of Jews in WWII camps because even Israeli wouldn't be able to get away with that, regardless of how many in their government probably want it.

However, it does prove what bastards the Israeli government are and how easily they dismiss and smash international law.
They're punishing the people under their occupation because Europe refused to fund Israel's illegal activities.

We need a UN resolution and a US backed invasion as happened when Iraq invaded Kuwait.
Just more evidence that the Palestinian people are help captive by the fascist Israel government.

In the world's largest open air concentration camp. .. :cool:

I wouldn't go quite as far as comparing the plight of the Palestinians to that of Jews in WWII camps because even Israeli wouldn't be able to get away with that, regardless of how many in their government probably want it.

However, it does prove what bastards the Israeli government are and how easily they dismiss and smash international law.
They're punishing the people under their occupation because Europe refused to fund Israel's illegal activities.

We need a UN resolution and a US backed invasion as happened when Iraq invaded Kuwait.

Kind of funny you people cried and complained when we attacked our enemies but you would love the Jews attacked..nutjob:cuckoo:
How dare we have a spine! that's outrageous!


i think the world is not so much concerned about your possession of a spine as they are concerned about your lack of a just mind and a compassionate heart.

It is because of compassionate heart that we release now 100 worthless killers.

without discussing the merits of the charges against the prisoners and the nimpatiality or lack thereof of the israeli courts in regard to the trials of palestinians, haven't you been posting about how the israeli government and israeli citisens are vehemently opposed, as are you, to the release of these prisoners.

it would seem that more than a compassionate heart is involved in their release. perhaps even, israel holds such prisoners in anticipation of their value as bargaining chips in negotiations.

marwan barghouti refused to recognise the jurisdiction of israeli courts over the palestinians and refused to participaate in his own defense. this did not escape the notice of the irish people, who have similarily been treated by the british courts.

if israel were truly serious about peace, barghouti would be released as he is the only bridge between HAMAS and the PLO.
i think the world is not so much concerned about your possession of a spine as they are concerned about your lack of a just mind and a compassionate heart.

It is because of compassionate heart that we release now 100 worthless killers.

without discussing the merits of the charges against the prisoners and the nimpatiality or lack thereof of the israeli courts in regard to the trials of palestinians, haven't you been posting about how the israeli government and israeli citisens are vehemently opposed, as are you, to the release of these prisoners.

it would seem that more than a compassionate heart is involved in their release. perhaps even, israel holds such prisoners in anticipation of their value as bargaining chips in negotiations.
marwan barghouti refused to recognise the jurisdiction of israeli courts over the palestinians and refused to participaate in his own defense. this did not escape the notice of the irish people, who have similarily been treated by the british courts.

if israel were truly serious about peace, barghouti would be released as he is the only bridge between HAMAS and the PLO.

Bargaining chips?

Israel to trade terrorists for remains

Israel to trade terrorists for remains
What I was angry about was that these murdering terrorists were going to be released as a condition to starting talks. If (and it is a big if in my view) they had to be released at all, then it should not have been as a pre-condition to talks taking place. That is complete madness.
It is because of compassionate heart that we release now 100 worthless killers.

without discussing the merits of the charges against the prisoners and the nimpatiality or lack thereof of the israeli courts in regard to the trials of palestinians, haven't you been posting about how the israeli government and israeli citisens are vehemently opposed, as are you, to the release of these prisoners.

it would seem that more than a compassionate heart is involved in their release. perhaps even, israel holds such prisoners in anticipation of their value as bargaining chips in negotiations.
marwan barghouti refused to recognise the jurisdiction of israeli courts over the palestinians and refused to participaate in his own defense. this did not escape the notice of the irish people, who have similarily been treated by the british courts.

if israel were truly serious about peace, barghouti would be released as he is the only bridge between HAMAS and the PLO.

Bargaining chips?

Israel to trade terrorists for remains

Israel to trade terrorists for remains

one could almost conclude that these so called and alleged "terrorists" are not nearly as terrible as they are made out to be.

one could almost conclude that they are imprisoned for the sole purpose to be used by the israelis to negotiate conditions.

one could almost conclude that an arab, be he or she palestinian or israeli, is frequently tried and convicted unfairly and imprisoned unjustly if israel is willing to release such "terrorists" in battalion size numbers.
one could almost conclude that an arab, be he or she palestinian or israeli, is frequently tried and convicted unfairly and imprisoned unjustly if israel is willing to release such "terrorists" in battalion size numbers.

One has to question what their crimes actually were.
How many 'terrorists' were convicted because they tossed a few stones or were simply in the wrong place when kids, pissed off at being ruled by an occupying force, vented their anger with a few stones but others were arrested in mass sweeps, just because they were there at the time.

You also have to remember, when the IDF catch a 'terrorist', they commonly destroy the house so his family have nowhere to live.

HRR 2005

I believe that's collective punishment of a SUSPECT'S family, not even a convicted criminal.

Is there any wonder so many people want to kill the IDF and would love to see Israel disappear?
However, the pro Israeli posters consider this abhorrent violence to be perfectly acceptable whist moaning about a few kids with stones.
Perhaps David should have been arrested as a terrorist but Jewish stone throwers are heroes so that's okay, even when they kill someone.
How dare we have a spine! that's outrageous!


i think the world is not so much concerned about your possession of a spine as they are concerned about your lack of a just mind and a compassionate heart.
Of course Seal has no problems with so many Mulims not having a just mind and a compassionate heart that they finally realize that they should have tolerance for those of other religions instead of being so quick to murder those who believe differently from them. So tell us, Seal, have you been keeping up as to how many Catholics and other Christians (in addition to Hindus, Buddhists and other Muslims) you the Muslims have done in let's say just during the Holy Month of Ramadan?
Death toll in twin suicide bombing in Pakistan rises to 52 - The Irish Times - Sat, Jul 27, 2013

I have a great idea. Seal should start an organization that would raise money for those made refugees by Muslims in the Syrian Civil War whatever their religious beliefs are because I just know that Seal is very compassionate towards others and wants to help.
Jewish groups sending aid to Syrian refugees in Jordan | World | Jewish Journal
Just more evidence that the Palestinian people are help captive by the fascist Israel government.

In the world's largest open air concentration camp. .. :cool:

The Jew haters love the Jews when they are at the mercy of their kind:cuckoo:

My solution to the Jewish problem.

Would be to round them up world wide and find and island to quarantine them on.

There are several islands in the world that could easily contain the 13 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of.

Several gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape.

This way the Jews could be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus a Win = Win for both Jews and Gentiles :thup:
It is quite evident from SunniMan's posts that, as a Muslim convert, he has learned his lessons well from the Imam of the Mosque he attends. It is really a short step from there to see why many converts turn to terrorism when it comes to their killing the "unbelievers." I think a better suggestion would be is to get rid of all the Muslim clergy who brainwash those born to the religion and those who have converted and then after they are gone to slowly try to deprogram those Muslims who feel that they have to take over the world for Islam. I think by now, given what is going on in the Muslim world when it comes to people who are non Muslims, people are waking up to the truth about what the Muslims truly want to do when it comes to ruling the world. Maybe SunniMan can tell us why it is not the Jews who are murdering Gentiles (Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and Muslim of different sects), but his own brethren who are busy doing this. How can the world ever have peace and security with these type of people running around. What;s the death toll this week, SunniMan, for the Shiites murdered by your fellow Sunnis?
The EU are concerned? Shame :eusa_whistle:

At last Israel is showing some balls.
Yea, they got a lot of mazzaballs using Tanks and Jets on an un-armed civilian population. Gawd, the balls on you people?
I wonder what kind of cojones the Dhimmis would have wandering around in some of the Muslim countries where they don't like people who eat spaghetti all the time and don't think that Mohammed was the final prophet. I also wonder what Phillip thinks the Muslims had when they murdered millions and millions of innocent people. Does anyone really think that Phillip cares about the approx. 100,000 who have perished in the Syrian Civil War? Does anyone really think that Phillip is concerned about the Copts being murdered in Egypt? Does anyone think that Phillip is concerned with the way Sudan is busy killing Christians and Black tribes? If the Jews are not involved, Phillip is just not concerned.

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