Erickson On Obamacare: 'We Must Deny Them The Opportunity To Fix The Law Itself


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Erick Erickson On Obamacare: 'We Must Deny Them The Opportunity To Fix The Law Itself'

So, the law can work if we just tweak it…

But you want do deny the Dems the credit for fixing it -- so better no one fix it.

Win at any cost.

Obama administration officials may continue to repair the Affordable Care Act's hobbled online exchange, but right-wing pundit Erick Erickson had some advice Monday for Republicans: Don't let them "fix the law itself."

With the administration touting improvements made to, Erickson urged Republicans to stay focused on the substance of the law.

"Conservatives need to keep their focus on the law overall. The website is a reflection of a terrible law. The law is causing millions to lose insurance, millions more to pay more for insurance, and the best the Democrats can do is claim it’d work well if the GOP didn’t think nasty thoughts about it," Erickson wrote on, the website he founded.

Since the law is based on Conservative think tanks' ideas, why do they hate it so?

Wouldn't have anything to do with the black guy, would it?
Erick Erickson On Obamacare: 'We Must Deny Them The Opportunity To Fix The Law Itself'

So, the law can work if we just tweak it…

But you want do deny the Dems the credit for fixing it -- so better no one fix it.

Win at any cost.

Obama administration officials may continue to repair the Affordable Care Act's hobbled online exchange, but right-wing pundit Erick Erickson had some advice Monday for Republicans: Don't let them "fix the law itself."

With the administration touting improvements made to, Erickson urged Republicans to stay focused on the substance of the law.

"Conservatives need to keep their focus on the law overall. The website is a reflection of a terrible law. The law is causing millions to lose insurance, millions more to pay more for insurance, and the best the Democrats can do is claim it’d work well if the GOP didn’t think nasty thoughts about it," Erickson wrote on, the website he founded.

Since the law is based on Conservative think tanks' ideas, why do they hate it so?

Wouldn't have anything to do with the black guy, would it?

Your theory that Republicans swallow anything put out by self-styled "conservative" think tanks like manna from heaven isn't born out by the facts, is it?
back to the OP, folks, huh

Obama has the executive order to fix administrative problems without congressional approval
Opportunity to fix the law? You can't fix it. It's designed to fail. Though I dont think the left anticipated it being such a cataclysmic failure.

There is only one fix for the law. REPEAL IT.
back to the OP, folks, huh

Obama has the executive order to fix administrative problems without congressional approval

Administrative issues are not the problem with the law. The law itself is the problem with the law.
The only way to really fix this law is to repeal it.

Trying to fix it (i.e. make it work) is like trying to keep cancer alive for the health of the patient.
No one needs Obama's skin color to recognize him as an abject failure of a President.

But skin color does explain why the press has been so easy on this moronic big-eared ape.

It is because the MSM AGREES with Obama's agenda!

I've told this many times, when I was in journalism classes in the 60s, Students for Democratic Society were also class members.
And over the years they became reporters, then editors, and greater responsibilities in presenting the news.
They NEVER forgot their SDS/Weathermen roots though.


"There is a liberal bias. It's demonstrable. You look at some statistics. About 85 percent of the reporters who cover the White House vote Democratic, they have for a long time. There is a, particularly at the networks, at the lower levels, among the editors and the so-called infrastructure, there is a liberal bias.
There is a liberal bias at Newsweek, the magazine I work for -most of the people who work at Newsweek live on the upper West Side in New York
and they have a liberal bias"...Editor Newsweek Evan Thomas
Journalists Admitting Liberal Bias, Part One | Media Research Center
Erick Erickson On Obamacare: 'We Must Deny Them The Opportunity To Fix The Law Itself'

So, the law can work if we just tweak it…

But you want do deny the Dems the credit for fixing it -- so better no one fix it.

Win at any cost.

Obama administration officials may continue to repair the Affordable Care Act's hobbled online exchange, but right-wing pundit Erick Erickson had some advice Monday for Republicans: Don't let them "fix the law itself."

With the administration touting improvements made to, Erickson urged Republicans to stay focused on the substance of the law.

"Conservatives need to keep their focus on the law overall. The website is a reflection of a terrible law. The law is causing millions to lose insurance, millions more to pay more for insurance, and the best the Democrats can do is claim it’d work well if the GOP didn’t think nasty thoughts about it," Erickson wrote on, the website he founded.

Since the law is based on Conservative think tanks' ideas, why do they hate it so?

Wouldn't have anything to do with the black guy, would it?

The new Health Care Bill is not based on Conservative ideas.
The new ACA is the total oppisite of conservative ideas on reforming the heatlh care system.
Conservative ideas are for free market solutions not this bill run by the government.
I'm getting really sick of the lies the left wing news and Dems are using.
This is their bill, their baby, their mess and it is a terrible bill. It needs to be repealed.
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Erick Erickson On Obamacare: 'We Must Deny Them The Opportunity To Fix The Law Itself'

So, the law can work if we just tweak it…

But you want do deny the Dems the credit for fixing it -- so better no one fix it.

Win at any cost.

Obama administration officials may continue to repair the Affordable Care Act's hobbled online exchange, but right-wing pundit Erick Erickson had some advice Monday for Republicans: Don't let them "fix the law itself."

With the administration touting improvements made to, Erickson urged Republicans to stay focused on the substance of the law.

"Conservatives need to keep their focus on the law overall. The website is a reflection of a terrible law. The law is causing millions to lose insurance, millions more to pay more for insurance, and the best the Democrats can do is claim it’d work well if the GOP didn’t think nasty thoughts about it," Erickson wrote on, the website he founded.

Since the law is based on Conservative think tanks' ideas, why do they hate it so?

Wouldn't have anything to do with the black guy, would it?

The law is not based on anything other than Progressive utopianism.
Yeah all those people losing their health insurance are really racists. INcluding those who voted for Obama. Twice.
You're such an idiot. You've gone full retard on this site this morning.
Erick Erickson On Obamacare: 'We Must Deny Them The Opportunity To Fix The Law Itself'

So, the law can work if we just tweak it…

But you want do deny the Dems the credit for fixing it -- so better no one fix it.

Win at any cost.

Obama administration officials may continue to repair the Affordable Care Act's hobbled online exchange, but right-wing pundit Erick Erickson had some advice Monday for Republicans: Don't let them "fix the law itself."

With the administration touting improvements made to, Erickson urged Republicans to stay focused on the substance of the law.

"Conservatives need to keep their focus on the law overall. The website is a reflection of a terrible law. The law is causing millions to lose insurance, millions more to pay more for insurance, and the best the Democrats can do is claim it’d work well if the GOP didn’t think nasty thoughts about it," Erickson wrote on, the website he founded.

Since the law is based on Conservative think tanks' ideas, why do they hate it so?

Wouldn't have anything to do with the black guy, would it?

The new Health Care Bill is not based on Conservative ideas.
The new ACA is the total oppisite of conservative ideas on reforming the heatlh care system.
Conservative ideas are for free market solutions not this bill run by the government.
I'm getting really sick of the lies the left wing news and Dems are using.
This is their bill, their baby, their mess and it is a terrible bill. It needs to be repealed.

The free market is not a solution for healthcare in America unless you believe that the quality of healthcare you get should be directly reflective of your wealth and income.
I heard today that the GOP scheme may now be to quit with the repeal rhetoric and instead try to initiate passing some changes, aka improvements, to the bill,

mainly so that when it eventually works they can claim credit for making the changes that made it successful.
Erick Erickson On Obamacare: 'We Must Deny Them The Opportunity To Fix The Law Itself'

So, the law can work if we just tweak it…

But you want do deny the Dems the credit for fixing it -- so better no one fix it.

Win at any cost.

Since the law is based on Conservative think tanks' ideas, why do they hate it so?

Wouldn't have anything to do with the black guy, would it?

The new Health Care Bill is not based on Conservative ideas.
The new ACA is the total oppisite of conservative ideas on reforming the heatlh care system.
Conservative ideas are for free market solutions not this bill run by the government.
I'm getting really sick of the lies the left wing news and Dems are using.
This is their bill, their baby, their mess and it is a terrible bill. It needs to be repealed.

The free market is not a solution for healthcare in America unless you believe that the quality of healthcare you get should be directly reflective of your wealth and income.

Would you agree that $850 billion is a big number? Just a simple yes or no.

Do you agree that the $850 billion spent by insurance companies/Medicare is used to pay claims submitted by providers?

Now you don't have to agree because IT IS A FACT. Someone pays the claims submitted by providers and it is generally:
a) insurance companies b) Medicare/medicaid c) out of pocket.
So this $850 billion is spent by the above do you agree?

So if providers admit they send the claims for these services ALL BECAUSE they feared something... wouldn't it make sense to figure out how to reduce this $850 billion??

The FACT is providers send $850 billion a year in real dollar claims because they KNOW they will get sued if they don't!
So why are we perpetuating this waste when we KNOW second guessing, fear of lawsuits all are generated by those that make the most out of this...LAWYERS!
30 to 40% of lawsuit payments go to lawyers.. they make over $270 billion a year!

So honestly folks if providers say they do it out of fear:
90% of physicians say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year
Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

So why not TAX lawyers like ACA taxes tanning salons now .. 10% of lawyers income would actually pay the premiums for ALL the truly uninsured that go into
the emergency room and the hospitals would NOT be allowed to pad and pass sometimes 6,000% markups to the people that pay!!!
If it's not based on that, what should it be based on? Political affiliation?

Access to basic healthcare regardless of your ability to pay, subsidized by the government, should be a fundamental right in this country similar to the right to a basic education regardless of one's ability to pay.

The free market cannot provide that.

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