Equality: The Liberal Definition


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
When is a desire for equality the very opposite of the definition of equality?
When Liberals define it.

1. The Founders of this once-great nation believed that everyone should be equal before the law. That's right: they believed in equality, and, in fact, most were members of Manumission societies, the anti-slavery organizations.

a. But since the 32rd President, that belief has been changed to material equality. A subtle, but monumental change. Somehow, Americans were taught that the aim of a just society was not giving everyone equal opportunity, but equality of result...measured in ducats, dollars.

That is an astounding alteration in the objectives or our nation, and may explain Roosevelt's infatuation with the regime of Joseph Stalin, and with communism.

2. When Republicans broke the death grip that Democrats had on the South, and ended slavery, they didn't stop with the Civil War....they passed amendments that made certain that everyone had an equal chance for success, based on their efforts and ability.

3. The 14th amendment is pointed to as the vehicle of equality.

a. "Key Clauses of the 14th Amendment

Four principles were asserted in the text of the 14th amendment. They were:

1. State and federal citizenship for all persons regardless of race both born or naturalized in the United States was reaffirmed.

2. No state would be allowed to abridge the "privileges and immunities" of citizens.

3. No person was allowed to be deprived of life, liberty,or property without "due process of law."

4. No person could be denied "equal protection of the laws."

Over time, numerous lawsuits have arisen that have referenced the 14th amendment. The fact that the amendment uses the word state in the Privileges and Immunities clause along with interpretation of the Due Process Clause has meant that state as well as federal power is subject to the Bill of Rights."
14th Amendment Summary - What is the fourteenth amendment

Of course it depends on which judges do the interpreting.....

4. Using satire, George Orwell wrote the ultimate exposé of totalitarian governance, hiding truth in the same way that Aesop did, as told by animals. In "Animal Farm," we find the motto of Liberals/Progressives/Democrats....
All animals are equal, but some animals are moreequal than others.”

According to Liberals/Progressives/Democrats certain 'authorized' groups form classes with special rights and privileges based on identifying features such as skin color and/or the language that they speak.

Such is the brave new world sculpted by Liberals.
5. The federal government insists that colleges and universities accept government funds, and follow guidelines that Washington institutes.

" Most major federal education programs are “state-administered programs,” in which the state is legally responsible for ensuring that school districts receiving federal funds comply with federal requirements....states may layer additional compliance requirements on top of federal requirements, if they believe this will increase the likelihood of compliance....school districts are legally bound to follow the rule as a condition of receiving federal funds from the state."
Federal compliance works against education policy goals

As the current government of the United States is out of step with the Constitution, and the aims of the Founders, the constraints that the government enforces on those with traditional views is intolerable.
5. The federal government insists that colleges and universities accept government funds, and follow guidelines that Washington institutes.

" Most major federal education programs are “state-administered programs,” in which the state is legally responsible for ensuring that school districts receiving federal funds comply with federal requirements....states may layer additional compliance requirements on top of federal requirements, if they believe this will increase the likelihood of compliance....school districts are legally bound to follow the rule as a condition of receiving federal funds from the state."
Federal compliance works against education policy goals

As the current government of the United States is out of step with the Constitution, and the aims of the Founders, the constraints that the government enforces on those with traditional views is intolerable.
well, that's not quite correct. IF those institutions wish to use federal funds, they are required to uphold the conditions which come attached to that funding. if they use NO FEDERAL FUNDING AT ALL they are not required to do so. it's the cart and the horse discussion. take the feds money, go by the feds rules. supply your own horse and cart, it's all on you.
It appears that you have reproduced the post as an agreement with same.

If that is not the case, I'd be happy to defend it.
5. The federal government insists that colleges and universities accept government funds, and follow guidelines that Washington institutes.

" Most major federal education programs are “state-administered programs,” in which the state is legally responsible for ensuring that school districts receiving federal funds comply with federal requirements....states may layer additional compliance requirements on top of federal requirements, if they believe this will increase the likelihood of compliance....school districts are legally bound to follow the rule as a condition of receiving federal funds from the state."
Federal compliance works against education policy goals

As the current government of the United States is out of step with the Constitution, and the aims of the Founders, the constraints that the government enforces on those with traditional views is intolerable.
well, that's not quite correct. IF those institutions wish to use federal funds, they are required to uphold the conditions which come attached to that funding. if they use NO FEDERAL FUNDING AT ALL they are not required to do so. it's the cart and the horse discussion. take the feds money, go by the feds rules. supply your own horse and cart, it's all on you.


Yes....that is the case.

But....an institution actually has to go to court if it wishes to refuse government funding.
That is how important it is to Liberal elites to make certain that their dictates are followed.
Here's the context and example.

6. " Conservative colleges provide an important counterbalance to the progressivism and liberalism that pervade so much of American higher education. For students raised with traditional moral values, who favor limited government, who adhere to free-market economic principles, entering the world of higher education is too often an alienating experience.

.... it can be a challenge to find a college or university that embraces—or even tolerates—conservative values in its curriculum and student life.

Located all over the country, some of the schools in this ranking (for example, Biola University) are boldly Christian institutions whose religious focus strongly flavors the atmosphere on campus. Others (such as Hillsdale College) take a more nonreligious or secular approach."
The 20 Best Conservative Colleges in America The Best Schools

a. Hillsdale College: "... in the 1970s. On the pretext that some of its students were receiving federal loans, the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare attempted to interfere with the College’s internal affairs, including a demand that Hillsdale begin counting its students by race. Hillsdale’s trustees responded with two toughly worded resolutions: One, the College would continue its policy of non-discrimination. Two, “with the help of God,” it would “resist, by all legal means, any encroachments on its independence.”

Following almost a decade of litigation, the U.S. Supreme Court decided against Hillsdale in 1984. By this time, the College had announced that rather than complying with unconstitutional federal regulation, it would instruct its students that they could no longer bring federal taxpayer money to Hillsdale. Instead, the College would replace that aid with private contributions." About History - Hillsdale College

Liberal/Progressive/Democrats make clear how opposed they are to any alternative voices.
Totalitarians have a history of doing so.
They've been known to go as far as gulags, concentration camps, and slaughter.
From the OP:
" According to Liberals/Progressives/Democrats certain 'authorized' groups form classes with special rights and privileges based on identifying features such as skin color and/or the language that they speak."

7. "After spending over a decade in this system, the student’s admission to a university comes down to racial identification.

a. African-American students with scores of 1100 had the same chance of getting into an elite school as white students who had a score of 1410…but Asian-Americans needed a 1550 SATscore.
Is there a bias against college applications from Asian students

b. Then, there's this:
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Think he was a Liberal?

8. [Saul] Alinsky, echoing Lenin, justifies almost any immoral act, especially dishonesty and hypocrisy: “…a true community organizer "does not have a fixed truth truth to him is relative and changing; everything to him is relative and changing. He is a political relativist.”
Is there a Saul Alinsky Portrait in the White House

a. “To see the secular socialist building of [Saul Alinsky’s] machine, one need only note the appeal to the self-interest of each of their various interest groups rather than appealing to any unifying vision for the future of the nation. The reason for ‘identity politics’ is that the intellectual mindset of the Leftists is hardly the same as that of the vast majority of Americans.”
Gingrich, “To Save America,” chapter two.


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When is a desire for equality the very opposite of the definition of equality?
When Liberals define it.

1. The Founders of this once-great nation believed that everyone should be equal before the law. That's right: they believed in equality, and, in fact, most were members of Manumission societies, the anti-slavery organizations.

a. But since the 32rd President, that belief has been changed to material equality. A subtle, but monumental change. Somehow, Americans were taught that the aim of a just society was not giving everyone equal opportunity, but equality of result...measured in ducats, dollars.

That is an astounding alteration in the objectives or our nation, and may explain Roosevelt's infatuation with the regime of Joseph Stalin, and with communism.

2. When Republicans broke the death grip that Democrats had on the South, and ended slavery, they didn't stop with the Civil War....they passed amendments that made certain that everyone had an equal chance for success, based on their efforts and ability.

3. The 14th amendment is pointed to as the vehicle of equality.

a. "Key Clauses of the 14th Amendment

Four principles were asserted in the text of the 14th amendment. They were:

1. State and federal citizenship for all persons regardless of race both born or naturalized in the United States was reaffirmed.

2. No state would be allowed to abridge the "privileges and immunities" of citizens.

3. No person was allowed to be deprived of life, liberty,or property without "due process of law."

4. No person could be denied "equal protection of the laws."

Over time, numerous lawsuits have arisen that have referenced the 14th amendment. The fact that the amendment uses the word state in the Privileges and Immunities clause along with interpretation of the Due Process Clause has meant that state as well as federal power is subject to the Bill of Rights."
14th Amendment Summary - What is the fourteenth amendment

Of course it depends on which judges do the interpreting.....

4. Using satire, George Orwell wrote the ultimate exposé of totalitarian governance, hiding truth in the same way that Aesop did, as told by animals. In "Animal Farm," we find the motto of Liberals/Progressives/Democrats....
All animals are equal, but some animals are moreequal than others.”

According to Liberals/Progressives/Democrats certain 'authorized' groups form classes with special rights and privileges based on identifying features such as skin color and/or the language that they speak.

Such is the brave new world sculpted by Liberals.

While there are some "liberals" who believe in this, it is only the very few. Only a nutter would not understand this.
When is a desire for equality the very opposite of the definition of equality?
When Liberals define it.

1. The Founders of this once-great nation believed that everyone should be equal before the law. That's right: they believed in equality, and, in fact, most were members of Manumission societies, the anti-slavery organizations.

a. But since the 32rd President, that belief has been changed to material equality. A subtle, but monumental change. Somehow, Americans were taught that the aim of a just society was not giving everyone equal opportunity, but equality of result...measured in ducats, dollars.

That is an astounding alteration in the objectives or our nation, and may explain Roosevelt's infatuation with the regime of Joseph Stalin, and with communism.

2. When Republicans broke the death grip that Democrats had on the South, and ended slavery, they didn't stop with the Civil War....they passed amendments that made certain that everyone had an equal chance for success, based on their efforts and ability.

3. The 14th amendment is pointed to as the vehicle of equality.

a. "Key Clauses of the 14th Amendment

Four principles were asserted in the text of the 14th amendment. They were:

1. State and federal citizenship for all persons regardless of race both born or naturalized in the United States was reaffirmed.

2. No state would be allowed to abridge the "privileges and immunities" of citizens.

3. No person was allowed to be deprived of life, liberty,or property without "due process of law."

4. No person could be denied "equal protection of the laws."

Over time, numerous lawsuits have arisen that have referenced the 14th amendment. The fact that the amendment uses the word state in the Privileges and Immunities clause along with interpretation of the Due Process Clause has meant that state as well as federal power is subject to the Bill of Rights."
14th Amendment Summary - What is the fourteenth amendment

Of course it depends on which judges do the interpreting.....

4. Using satire, George Orwell wrote the ultimate exposé of totalitarian governance, hiding truth in the same way that Aesop did, as told by animals. In "Animal Farm," we find the motto of Liberals/Progressives/Democrats....
All animals are equal, but some animals are moreequal than others.”

According to Liberals/Progressives/Democrats certain 'authorized' groups form classes with special rights and privileges based on identifying features such as skin color and/or the language that they speak.

Such is the brave new world sculpted by Liberals.

While there are some "liberals" who believe in this, it is only the very few. Only a nutter would not understand this.

That "very few" is known as the DNC.....and, unfortunately, more than a few morons put this thinking into the structure of today's secular society.

Only one as dim as a ten watt bulb would fail to understand the reality.
Yet another straw man fallacy from the OP, yet another failed thread, yet another lie.

Another empty post from the moron, C_Chamber_Pot.

So....how come you are never able to assemble an actual critique, complete with the sort of support that I provide?

Is it because I'm totally correct or because you're an imbecile?
You can be honest....which one?
If only selected groups are honored with emoluments based on skin color, or language, or their religion, whatever Liberals choose to honor....well, logic dictates that there must be other groups that are forced to labor under the burden of discrimination....pushed to the back of the line, as it were.

And there are.

9. " For Asian Americans, a changing landscape on college admissions

.... a Princeton University study that tried to measure how race and ethnicity affect admissions by using SAT scores as a benchmark. It uses the term “bonus” to describe how many extra SAT points an applicant's race is worth. She points to the first column.

African Americans received a “bonus” of 230 points, Lee says.

“Hispanics received a bonus of 185 points.

The last column draws gasps.

Asian Americans, Lee says, are penalized by 50 points — in other words, they had to do that much better to win admission.

“Do Asians need higher test scores? Is it harder for Asians to get into college? The answer is yes,”....."
For Asian Americans a changing landscape on college admissions - LA Times

Liberalism: you get to choose who to bully and government supports you!

The new "equality."

Yet another straw man fallacy from the OP, yet another failed thread, yet another lie.

Another empty post from the moron, C_Chamber_Pot.

So....how come you are never able to assemble an actual critique, complete with the sort of support that I provide?

Is it because I'm totally correct or because you're an imbecile?
You can be honest....which one?

You lie. Constantly.
But not in the way you think:

Whites/Men: Scott Walker, Jeb Bush, Rand Paul, Chris Christie among others

Blacks/Hispanics/Women/Indian (from India): Ben Carson, Josue Larose, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Condoleeza Rice, Kelly Ayotte, Bobby Jindal, Susana Martinez, Carly Fiorina, Deb Fischer, Nikki Haley, Sarah Palin among others
Heck, everyone knows that Asian-American don't really care about their education......do they?

10. " College admission season ignites deep anxieties for Asian American families, who spend more than any other demographic on education. At elite universities across the U.S., Asian Americans form a larger share of the student body than they do of the population as a whole. And increasingly they have turned against affirmative action policies that could alter those ratios, and accuse admissions committees of discriminating against Asian American applicants.

....[Asians] see academic achievement as a moral virtue, and families organize their lives around their child's education, moving to the best school districts and paying for tutoring and tennis lessons. "
For Asian Americans a changing landscape on college admissions - LA Times

11. "....what happens to the famous Chinese family values? ....In fact, the Fujianese immigrants don’t have a family life, or at least not one that middle-class Americans would recognize. “I never saw my parents,” Mandy Wong told me. Wong graduated from Brooklyn Tech High School and is now a junior at Hamilton College.Her parents “worked from 10 AM to 1 AM.” .....She had many chores, and by third grade, she was serving as primary caretaker for her younger brothers. She had few friends—not because she was unlikable but because friends were deemed an unnecessary waste of time..... “I was considered one of the lucky ones,” she says, “because I had grandparents to take care of me and didn’t have to spend all my time in the sweatshop.” She was referring to the many poor Fujianese kids with nowhere to go after school but their mothers’ steaming workplaces..... children sometimes get enlisted as reduced-fee or even free labor.

First is a cultural trait that has become a cliché in the model-minority discussion: a zealous focus on education. ....education for the next generation is close to a religion..... One recent college graduate, now a public school math teacher, told me that his mother would wake him at 5 AM to go over math problems—when he was in the first and second grade. ..
....one kindergartner’s mother said, in faltering English: “My son must go Harvard.”

No matter how poor they are, parents find a way to get their fourth- or fifth-graders into test-prep classes. WNYC foundone Sunset Park family who put aside $5,000 for classes for their three sons out of a yearly household income of just $26,000. "
Brooklyn s Chinese Pioneers by Kay S. Hymowitz City Journal Spring 2014

Yet these are the people that Liberals deem eligible to be sacrificed.
Yet another straw man fallacy from the OP, yet another failed thread, yet another lie.

Another empty post from the moron, C_Chamber_Pot.

So....how come you are never able to assemble an actual critique, complete with the sort of support that I provide?

Is it because I'm totally correct or because you're an imbecile?
You can be honest....which one?

You lie. Constantly.

Of course, NYLiar, you've been unable to identify any lies .....so let me smash another pie in your face: the Liberal lie called 'diversity.'

"America's Universities Are Living a Diversity Lie

...Supreme Court Justice Lewis F. Powell Jr. condemned our nation's selective colleges and universities to live a lie. Writing the deciding opinion in the case Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, he prompted these institutions to justify their use of racial preferences in admissions with a rationale most had never considered and still do not believe – a desire to offer a better education to all students.

To this day, few colleges have even tried to establish that their race-conscious admissions policies yield broad educational benefits. The research is so fuzzy and methodologically weak that some strident proponents of affirmative action admit that social science is not on their side.

In his book, "Diversity Challenged," Gary Orfield, a staunch advocate of affirmative action, says people in higher education looked around and suddenly realized "no consensus existed on the benefits of diversity" and "the research had not been done to prove the academic benefits."

Proponents of race-conscious admissions policies have yet to produce a study of their educational benefits without some limitation or flaw."
America s Universities Are Living a Diversity Lie - WSJ

So....if you're a Liberal....QED, you're a liar.
Of course, the current discrimination in university is just one more iteration of the same kind of strain.....

....but shouldn't the 'enlightened' Liberals running the show today, know better?

12. " Complaints about bias in college admissions have persisted since at least the 1920s, when a Harvard University president tried to cap the number of Jewish students. In November, a group called Students for Fair Admissions filed a suit against Harvard University for admissions policies that allegedly discriminate against Asian Americans. The group cited the 2004 Princeton study and other sources that offer statistics about Asian Americans' test performance.

At the University of Texas at Austin, an affirmative action policy that allows admissions committees to consider the race of prospective applicants has been argued all the way to the Supreme Court. (The policies were upheld by a lower court, but that court's decision was voided by the Supreme Court. Another court upheld the policies and another appeal is pending.)

A 2014 bill that would have asked voters to consider restoring race as a factor in admissions to public California colleges and universities sparked multiple public protests and scathing editorials in Chinese newspapers. The bill, Senate Constitutional Amendment 5, was shelved last year." For Asian Americans a changing landscape on college admissions - LA Times

According to Liberals/Progressives/Democrats certain 'authorized' groups form classes with special rights and privileges based on identifying features such as skin color and/or the language that they speak.

Such are the realities America faces by giving up it's values in favor of identity politics, i.e., Liberalism.

Notice that not one apologist for Liberalism has championed racial preferences in this thread.

Perhaps they've recognized evil, at long last.

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