Zone1 Eponymous Nomian Patriarch Genetic Religions Of Torahnism And Qurayshism : Isaac Versus Ishmael Sacrifice Circumcision Option


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Eponymous Patriarch Nomian Genetic Religions Of Torahnism And Qurayshism : Isaac Or Ishmael Sacrifice And Circumcision "

* Opening Post Perspective Proposition For Contention *

There is contention between the nomian sects of qurayshism and torahnism as to whether abraham was directed by gawd to kill either ishmael or isaac .

The conjecture by torahnism is that abraham was directed by gawd to kill isaac but optioned the ritual of circumcision as atonement .

The conjecture by qurayshism is that abraham was directed by gawd to kill ishmael but optioned the ritual of circumcision as atonement .

Which version of intended sacrifice should one believe ?

* Conflicts For Resolution *

This moniker proposes as a position of challenge that abraham found dissonance in want to kill ishmael because of a " first born " tradition .

That is , according to the story , abraham is semitic , while his wife sarah is referred to as his half sister and semitic by assumption , while it is speculated that sarah's maid servant hagar was hamitic .

If one were to assume that ishmael was considered semitic / hamitic , while isaac was considered semitic / semitic , then if abraham were compelled by a " first born " tradition of designating an heir of providence , then it could be plausible that abraham felt compelled to kill ishmael to get around the " first born " tradition by optioning circumcision as atonement , which would be corroborated with evidence that abraham settled isaac in israeal , while abraham settled ishmael in paran .

For what it is worth , some suggest that sons of noah - ham , japheth and shem , represent a pseudo scientific paradigm for genotype and phenotype of black ( hamitic ) , brown ( semitic ) and white ( japhetic ) peoples .

A premise from the genetic religions of torahnism and of qurayshism is a limit of scope to the geographic of israel or of hejaz for the application of the respective city state laws , while fictional ishmaelism incorrectly presumes that nomian religion of qurayshism applies universally outside of hejaz .

From the qurayn it is evident that qurayshism is genetic religion -

Surah 8:75 - And those who believed after [the initial emigration] and emigrated and fought with you - they are of you. But those of [blood] relationship are more entitled [to inheritance] in the decree of God. God is Knowing of all things.

* Birds On The Wire *

Tweets below are cited for edification as less constructive completeness though effective by suggestion .

Understand the difference between qurayshism , which only applies to lineal descendants of ishmael within hejaz , and between fictional ishmaelism , which falsely presumes that qurayshism applies universally outside of hejaz .
antinomian - sectarian supremacy is nomian nonsense

A pseudo-scientific paradigm for race is related by ham ( hamitic ) , shem ( semitic ) and japheth ( japhetic ) peoples . So abraham optioned circumcision to not kill ishmael ( semitic father / hamitic mother ) and break first born tradition for isaac ( semitic / semitic )

as torahnism , qurayshism is genetic religion by eponymous patriarch
Surah 8:75 - And those who believed after [the initial emigration] and emigrated and fought with you - they are of you. But those of [blood] relationship are more entitled [to inheritance] in the decree of God.
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Too many isms for me. Truth is simple.

All that is needed to know is in the 'books'. The Pentateuch and the Four Gospels are the core; the rest doesn't matter nearly as much.

Abram was a Gentile.

There is no 'Jewish race', that's a fiction fabricated by Babylonians and their endless 'racial purity' obesssions. Jewish and Hebrew aren't synonymous either. No reason to assume Abraham was even semitic. The 'Ur' of Babylon didn't exist until a thousand years after he was born.

That may have been an “urrer.” I knew the geography was problematic, but didn’t know of a better option until I read a recent post by Gary Rentdorf at Rentdorf, an excellent scholar who teaches Jewish studies at Rutgers University, makes a good case that Abraham’s Ur was actually in southern Turkey.

Why? The Bible makes several references to God bringing Abraham from ’Ur-Kasdim, translated as “Ur of the Chaldees” (Gen. 11:27, 31; 15:7; Neh. 9:7). No one in southern Mesopotamia was called a “Chaldean” in Abraham’s day, but since the story was written much later, we assumed that the author retrojected a contemporary label to an ancient situation. Some of the texts imply that Abraham went straight from “Ur of the Chaldees” to Canaan, but the story in Gen. 11:27-32 says that he moved with his father Terah from Ur-Kasdim to Haran (now in northeastern Syria), but stopped there, remaining until Terah died. Genesis 12 picks up the story in Haran, with God’s call for Abraham to proceed to “the land that I will show you” (12:1).

We know that there were Chaldeans in southern Mesopotamia during the Neo-Babylonian period, 1000 years after Abraham’s time, and the Babylonians of that time were also popularly known as Chaldeans. Some ancient sources, however, suggest that the Chaldeans’ original home was in Anatolia, now a part of Turkey, before some of them migrated south.
It turns out that local Jewish, Islamic, and Christian traditions have considered Urfa to be the birthplace of Abraham for more than a thousand years. The biblical names of Abraham’s grandfather Nahor and great-grandfather Serug are also the names of towns located near Urfa.The official Turkish name of the city is Saliurfa: in the Byzantine period it was known as Edessa, a popular focus of Syriac Christianity.
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" More Focus On Details "

* Apologue Of Genetic Religion And Meaning Of An After Life *

All that is needed to know is in the 'books'. The Pentateuch and the Four Gospels are the core; the rest doesn't matter nearly as much.

Abram was a Gentile.

There is no 'Jewish race', that's a fiction fabricated by Babylonians and their endless 'racial purity' obesssions. Jewish and Hebrew aren't synonymous either. No reason to assume Abraham was even semitic. The 'Ur' of Babylon didn't exist until a thousand years after he was born.

That may have been an “urrer.” I knew the geography was problematic, but didn’t know of a better option until I read a recent post by Gary Rentdorf at Rentdorf, an excellent scholar who teaches Jewish studies at Rutgers University, makes a good case that Abraham’s Ur was actually in southern Turkey.

Why? The Bible makes several references to God bringing Abraham from ’Ur-Kasdim, translated as “Ur of the Chaldees” (Gen. 11:27, 31; 15:7; Neh. 9:7). No one in southern Mesopotamia was called a “Chaldean” in Abraham’s day, but since the story was written much later, we assumed that the author retrojected a contemporary label to an ancient situation. Some of the texts imply that Abraham went straight from “Ur of the Chaldees” to Canaan, but the story in Gen. 11:27-32 says that he moved with his father Terah from Ur-Kasdim to Haran (now in northeastern Syria), but stopped there, remaining until Terah died. Genesis 12 picks up the story in Haran, with God’s call for Abraham to proceed to “the land that I will show you” (12:1).

We know that there were Chaldeans in southern Mesopotamia during the Neo-Babylonian period, 1000 years after Abraham’s time, and the Babylonians of that time were also popularly known as Chaldeans. Some ancient sources, however, suggest that the Chaldeans’ original home was in Anatolia, now a part of Turkey, before some of them migrated south.
It turns out that local Jewish, Islamic, and Christian traditions have considered Urfa to be the birthplace of Abraham for more than a thousand years. The biblical names of Abraham’s grandfather Nahor and great-grandfather Serug are also the names of towns located near Urfa.The official Turkish name of the city is Saliurfa: in the Byzantine period it was known as Edessa, a popular focus of Syriac Christianity.
That abraham was born before the exodus , which was before moses and therefore before torahnism , whether abraham was a gentile versus from the tribe of judah is a non sense interjection .

Now abraham is regarded to be a lineal descendant of shem , just as muhammad is considered to be a lineal descendant of ishmael .

The assertion of this thread is that because the mother of ishmael was of hamitic bloodline , while sarah was of semitic blood line , and because of a tradition for first born heir, abraham incurred dissonance against ishmael ( semitic / hamitic ) from a preference for isaac ( semitic / semitic ) .

The dissonance for his own kindred semitic bloodline compelled a consideration by abraham to kill ishmael , which was described as the will of gawd ; however , rather than killing ishmaelim , abraham optioned circumcision to bypass the tradition of first born heir and settled ishmael in paran .
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That abraham was born before the exodus , which was before moses and therefore before torahnism , whether abraham was a gentile versus from the tribe of judah is a non sense interjection .

Has nothing to do with my point, other than the obsessions of Jews with genealogies is worthless, and they aren't a race, no matter how many Rabbis jump up and down and claim they are. It is the practitioners of the theology that is 'chosen', not some genetic mythology of race.
" Ritual Sacrifice Alternatives And Self Preservation Apologue "

* Mind Crime Struggles With First Born Tradition *

Has nothing to do with my point, other than the obsessions of Jews with genealogies is worthless, and they aren't a race, no matter how many Rabbis jump up and down and claim they are. It is the practitioners of the theology that is 'chosen', not some genetic mythology of race.
Consider where ash kin nazi are from the lineage of gomer , which is a lineal descendant of eponymous japheth , which means those adherents of torahnism are not lineal descendants of shem , meaning they are not semites and therefore not semitic , whereby using antisemitism to describe pejoratives levied against beliefs or identity of its members is a nonsense assertion .

A principle of torahnism as a genetic religion for preservation of an eponymous patriarchal lineage also expects immigration by its descendant to its city state of israel and establishment of its religious polity therein .

The basis of torahnism does not preclude a universality of its nomian edicts or tenets or city state laws and likewise neither does the genetic religion of qurayshism , though the universality of qurayshism is a debase presumption of fictional ishmaelism .

* Contention Of Eponymous Patriarchal Excuses *

The intent of the thread is to consider whether the personified directive from gawd for abraham to kill his son would lead one to agree with a torahnism conjecture that the dissonance of abraham led him to almost kill isaac , or whether to agree with a quarayshm conjecture that the dissonance of abraham led him to almost kill ishmael .

Surah 8:75 - And those who believed after [the initial emigration] and emigrated and fought with you - they are of you. But those of [blood] relationship are more entitled [to inheritance] in the decree of God. God is Knowing of all things.
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" Eponymous Patriarch Nomian Genetic Religions Of Torahnism And Qurayshism : Isaac Or Ishmael Sacrifice And Circumcision "

* Opening Post Perspective Proposition For Contention *

There is contention between the nomian sects of qurayshism and torahnism as to whether abraham was directed by gawd to kill either ishmael or isaac .

The conjecture by torahnism is that abraham was directed by gawd to kill isaac but optioned the ritual of circumcision as atonement .

The conjecture by qurayshism is that abraham was directed by gawd to kill ishmael but optioned the ritual of circumcision as atonement .

Which version of intended sacrifice should one believe ?

* Conflicts For Resolution *

This moniker proposes as a position of challenge that abraham found dissonance in want to kill ishmael because of a " first born " tradition .

That is , according to the story , abraham is semitic , while his wife sarah is referred to as his half sister and semitic by assumption , while it is speculated that sarah's maid servant hagar was hamitic .

If one were to assume that ishmael was considered semitic / hamitic , while isaac was considered semitic / semitic , then if abraham were compelled by a " first born " tradition of designating an heir of providence , then it could be plausible that abraham felt compelled to kill ishmael to get around the " first born " tradition by optioning circumcision as atonement , which would be corroborated with evidence that abraham settled isaac in israeal , while abraham settled ishmael in paran .

For what it is worth , some suggest that sons of noah - ham , japheth and shem , represent a pseudo scientific paradigm for genotype and phenotype of black ( hamitic ) , brown ( semitic ) and white ( japhetic ) peoples .

A premise from the genetic religions of torahnism and of qurayshism is a limit of scope to the geographic of israel or of hejaz for the application of the respective city state laws , while fictional ishmaelism incorrectly presumes that nomian religion of qurayshism applies universally outside of hejaz .

From the qurayn it is evident that qurayshism is genetic religion -

Surah 8:75 - And those who believed after [the initial emigration] and emigrated and fought with you - they are of you. But those of [blood] relationship are more entitled [to inheritance] in the decree of God. God is Knowing of all things.

* Birds On The Wire *

Tweets below are cited for edification as less constructive completeness though effective by suggestion .

Understand the difference between qurayshism , which only applies to lineal descendants of ishmael within hejaz , and between fictional ishmaelism , which falsely presumes that qurayshism applies universally outside of hejaz .
antinomian - sectarian supremacy is nomian nonsense

A pseudo-scientific paradigm for race is related by ham ( hamitic ) , shem ( semitic ) and japheth ( japhetic ) peoples . So abraham optioned circumcision to not kill ishmael ( semitic father / hamitic mother ) and break first born tradition for isaac ( semitic / semitic )

as torahnism , qurayshism is genetic religion by eponymous patriarch
Surah 8:75 - And those who believed after [the initial emigration] and emigrated and fought with you - they are of you. But those of [blood] relationship are more entitled [to inheritance] in the decree of God.

Hagar was Egyptian not Black
" Speculating On Dictum For Circumcision "

* Indeterminate Possibilities Of Admixture *

Was Hagar's father one of the Nubian Pharaohs?
That hagar was a female offspring of a pharoah would be related with matriarchal lineage of pharoah and the matriarchal lineages of pharoah concubine .

That ishmael , as isaac , were male offspring of abraham would be related with patriarchal lineage of abraham and the matriarchal lineages of hagar , as sarah .

By deconstructing the name muhammad into any number of eponyms , the set of { mu , ham , mad } could imply an hamitic admixture .

* Eisegesis Traditions Of Exegesis *

Some have suggested the story of abraham being directed to kill ishmael , but not doing so , is an apologue intended to contest ritual sacrifice of first born males .

Check out the following narrative , though it does not seem to justify at for why abraham would be compelled to kill isaac , rather than ishmael : Hagar: Midrash and Aggadah | Jewish Women's Archive .

* Y Densities In Geographic Regions *

* Extraneous Amusing Notes *

There is no direct mention of Hagar in the Quran, which does not declare her explicitly a free woman or as a maid of Sarah or Abraham. Moreover, the notion of Hagar being a slave girl is denied by some modern scholars, who posit instead that Hagar was the daughter of the pharaoh of Egypt, thus making her a princess rather than a slave girl or a bondswoman.[12]

X chromosome - Wikipedia -The X chromosome is one of the two sex chromosomes in many organisms, including mammals, and is found in both males and females. It is a part of the XY sex-determination system and XO sex-determination system.

Human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup - Wikipedia - In human genetics, a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup is a haplogroup defined by mutations in the non-recombining portions of DNA from the male-specific Y chromosome (called Y-DNA). Many people within a haplogroup share similar numbers of short tandem repeats (STRs) and types of mutations called single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).[2]

The human Y-chromosome accumulates roughly two mutations per generation.[3] Y-DNA haplogroups represent major branches of the Y-chromosome phylogenetic tree that share hundreds or even thousands of mutations unique to each haplogroup.

" More Focus On Details "

* Apologue Of Genetic Religion And Meaning Of An After Life *

That abraham was born before the exodus , which was before moses and therefore before torahnism , whether abraham was a gentile versus from the tribe of judah is a non sense interjection .

Now abraham is regarded to be a lineal descendant of shem , just as muhammad is considered to be a lineal descendant of ishmael .

The assertion of this thread is that because the mother of ishmael was of hamitic bloodline , while sarah was of semitic blood line , and because of a tradition for first born heir, abraham incurred dissonance against ishmael ( semitic / hamitic ) from a preference for isaac ( semitic / semitic ) .

The dissonance for his own kindred semitic bloodline compelled a consideration by abraham to kill ishmael , which was described as the will of gawd ; however , rather than killing ishmaelim , abraham optioned circumcision to bypass the tradition of first born heir and settled ishmael in paran .

Gen. 26 lists the six children that Keturah bore to Abraham: Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah, to which the midrash applies the verse (Ps. 1:3): “and whatever he does prospers” (Gen. Rabbah 61:1).
Jewish Women's Archive › article › keturah-m...
Keturah: Midrash and Aggadah | Jewish Women's Archive
" On An Absence For Universal Expectations "

* On Scope Of Geopolitical Acclaim By Brothers With Different Mothers *

Gen. 26 lists the six children that Keturah bore to Abraham: Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah, to which the midrash applies the verse (Ps. 1:3): “and whatever he does prospers” (Gen. Rabbah 61:1).
Jewish Women's Archive › article › keturah-m...
Keturah: Midrash and Aggadah | Jewish Women's Archive
How would the six additional sons of abraham with keturah be related with expectations to establish the religious polities and geographic regions for the genetic religions of qurayshism or torahnism ?

A distinction between torahnism and qurayshism is based on preservation of an eponymous patriarchal lineage that is bound with distinct geographic regions and religious polities .

A distinction between maternal origins for the two eponymous patriarchs is included in the paradigms of each genetic religion of torahnism and of qurayshism .

surah 8:75
And those who believed after [the initial emigration] and emigrated and fought with you - they are of you. But those of [blood] relationship are more entitled [to inheritance] in the decree of God. Indeed, God is Knowing of all things.

* OP Revisit *

This thread considers whether cultural traditions for bequeath of inheritance to a first born could have caused dissonance in abraham , thereby leading abraham to substitute circumcision in place of killing ishmael , or whether some other motivation was involved whereby isaac was to be killed .
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" Eponymous Patriarch Nomian Genetic Religions Of Torahnism And Qurayshism : Isaac Or Ishmael Sacrifice And Circumcision "

* Opening Post Perspective Proposition For Contention *

There is contention between the nomian sects of qurayshism and torahnism as to whether abraham was directed by gawd to kill either ishmael or isaac .

The conjecture by torahnism is that abraham was directed by gawd to kill isaac but optioned the ritual of circumcision as atonement .

The conjecture by qurayshism is that abraham was directed by gawd to kill ishmael but optioned the ritual of circumcision as atonement .

Which version of intended sacrifice should one believe ?

* Conflicts For Resolution *

This moniker proposes as a position of challenge that abraham found dissonance in want to kill ishmael because of a " first born " tradition .

That is , according to the story , abraham is semitic , while his wife sarah is referred to as his half sister and semitic by assumption , while it is speculated that sarah's maid servant hagar was hamitic .

If one were to assume that ishmael was considered semitic / hamitic , while isaac was considered semitic / semitic , then if abraham were compelled by a " first born " tradition of designating an heir of providence , then it could be plausible that abraham felt compelled to kill ishmael to get around the " first born " tradition by optioning circumcision as atonement , which would be corroborated with evidence that abraham settled isaac in israeal , while abraham settled ishmael in paran .

For what it is worth , some suggest that sons of noah - ham , japheth and shem , represent a pseudo scientific paradigm for genotype and phenotype of black ( hamitic ) , brown ( semitic ) and white ( japhetic ) peoples .

A premise from the genetic religions of torahnism and of qurayshism is a limit of scope to the geographic of israel or of hejaz for the application of the respective city state laws , while fictional ishmaelism incorrectly presumes that nomian religion of qurayshism applies universally outside of hejaz .

From the qurayn it is evident that qurayshism is genetic religion -

Surah 8:75 - And those who believed after [the initial emigration] and emigrated and fought with you - they are of you. But those of [blood] relationship are more entitled [to inheritance] in the decree of God. God is Knowing of all things.

* Birds On The Wire *

Tweets below are cited for edification as less constructive completeness though effective by suggestion .

Understand the difference between qurayshism , which only applies to lineal descendants of ishmael within hejaz , and between fictional ishmaelism , which falsely presumes that qurayshism applies universally outside of hejaz .
antinomian - sectarian supremacy is nomian nonsense

A pseudo-scientific paradigm for race is related by ham ( hamitic ) , shem ( semitic ) and japheth ( japhetic ) peoples . So abraham optioned circumcision to not kill ishmael ( semitic father / hamitic mother ) and break first born tradition for isaac ( semitic / semitic )

as torahnism , qurayshism is genetic religion by eponymous patriarch
Surah 8:75 - And those who believed after [the initial emigration] and emigrated and fought with you - they are of you. But those of [blood] relationship are more entitled [to inheritance] in the decree of God.
Are you assuming Egyptians were black?
" Phenomenology Suggestions From Say What You See "

* How Could Anyone Know *

Are you assuming Egyptians were black?
A hamitic admixture of maternal haploidy in offspring of pharoah is not known to this moniker .

The relationship between the morphemes , or eponyms , or allusions of any type , when applied by some individuals in naming other individuals , suggests that the set of " mu ham mad " includes ham as an eponym .

* Regional Intermingling With Continent Bridges *

In 1980, James Harris and Edward F. Wente conducted X-ray examinations of New Kingdom Pharaoh's crania and skeletal remains. They examined the mummified remains of Queen Tiye and noted she possessed a craniofacial profile which was most similar to Mesolithic Nubians.[25]
She was found to be about 40–50 years old at the time of her death, and 145 cm (4 ft 9 in) tall.[27] DNA results published in 2020 revealed that Tiye had the mtDNA haplogroup K (as did her mother, Thuya). Tiye's father Yuya was found to have the Y-DNA haplogroup G2a and mtDNA haplogroup K.[28][29]

* Sectarian Supremacists Of Fictional Ishmaelism Apply Anti-Racist Racist Ignorance *

The biologists of secular humanists begin discussions that there is no such thing as race , which implies an intent to deceive the public of informed consent , by intentionally mandating ignorance for a basic understanding of proteins in biochemistry and phenotype expression .

A correct statement is that different races do not represent different species , as in biology , species are groups which are , due to physiology , or behavior , incapable of interbreeding to produce offspring ; a claim that different races represent different species would be a specious argument .

In general, most biochemical reactions are stereoselective, so only one stereoisomer will produce the intended product while the other simply does not participate or can cause side-effects.
The stereoselective nature of most biochemical reactions meant that different enantiomers of a chemical may have different properties and effects on a person.
Racemization of pharmaceutical drugs can occur in vivo. Thalidomide as the (R) enantiomer is effective against morning sickness, while the (S) enantiomer is teratogenic, causing birth defects when taken in the first trimester of pregnancy.
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" Amplification Resonance "

* Limiting Scope Of Dominion For Violence By Doctrine In Genetic Religions *

He's trying too hard.
Whey understand how difficult the most simple of truths are for those confused between the literal meaning of an after life and the means by which to achieve it .
" Amplification Resonance "

* Limiting Scope Of Dominion For Violence By Doctrine In Genetic Religions *

Whey understand how difficult the most simple of truths are for those confused between the literal meaning of an after life and the means by which to achieve it .
One need not worry about it or focus on it as long as they live in the present and focus on their journey. If they do that, everything else takes care of itself.
" Complexities Simplified Become Overt Intuition "

* Methodologies Of Natural Selection *

One need not worry about it or focus on it as long as they live in the present and focus on their journey. If they do that, everything else takes care of itself.
Is yearn dasein expecting too much or too little about whether other individuals are following methods in common with yearn introspection when planning journeys or forming normative perspectives of subjective realism ?
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" Complexities Simplified Become Overt Intuition "

* Methodologies Of Natural Selection *

Is yearn dasein expecting too much or too little about whether other individuals are following methods in common with yearn introspection when planning journeys or forming normative perspectives of subjective realism ?
There is no yearn when one dies to self. There is only reality.
" Reflective Absence Of Palindrome "

* Prognostication From Gnome Nose *

There is no yearn when one dies to self. There is only reality.
Look , ewe bin popping a lot of kernels to create a huge corn ball retort .

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