Epidural steroid injection for lower back pain

If you can find a good herbalist it might help. Getting lots of sunshine is also good for the bones....I used to take shark cartilage.

I get my herbs from the local whole foods place....they sell them in bulk...very reasonable.

I am fortunate also there is a good local V.A. Hospital that provides good Occupational Therapy and they give me lots of capsacin cream which can get expensive if one has to use a lot of it.

Soaking in hot water also helps me...I used to go to the gym and sit in the jacuzzi but have not gone there since the pandemic.
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I have a friend who swears by her zero gravity chair.

I tried it out. I don't get it.
I got a small check so far from the Fire Lawyers (Paradise Camp Fire in 2018) so I can use that towards the scooter. I think more will be coming but...still. I hesitate to spend that much money and frankly, going thru medicare is not something I wanna do. I'm very independent, so.....
My cousin recently had that very same problem, had the operation and now he's done.
One slip of the scalpel is a poor excuse for not having it. You're probably a little hesitant to take good advice.
Suffer the pain if you don't want to help yourself . It's your choice. Good luck.
I asked for some advice and whatnot...and you are on iggie. But I looked because I thought you MIGHT have something I need to read. Nope. So...toodles. Back to ignoring you.
Anyone have a mobility scooter, 3 wheeler? Do you tip over if yo go too fast around corners? What kind do you have? Anything under 1k and even that is prolly too much for me to pay. Oy.
I don't know where you live, but we live in Florida and the local auction often like almost all the time has scooters (many really good quality) hardly used that they sell off at reasonable prices....but we got a lot of old people out here with always an excess of medical equipment. I've been thinking about getting one to have when (not if) we need it.

My suggestion is the next time you go to the grocery store, use their scooter to get a feel for what one feels like. My husband I and did this so it wouldn't be so scary thinking about how to drive them or what they were like. The unknowing is the scary thing. The grocery store ones aren't so scary once you get on them and see that they don't wobble and aren't hard to drive. They don't tip over and they don't go fast---you can go forward and backwards. I had to ask the young bagger how to get mine started.
For the record...I am taking all that is said and musing on it. I am careful what I know must be done, and will do the best I can but I HAVE to keep my wits about me, cannot take a chance of a slip of a needle or scalpel, etc. If something happens to me...MrGracie will be in deep doo doo. So....what affects ME will also affect HIM.
I asked for some advice and whatnot...and you are on iggie. But I looked because I thought you MIGHT have something I need to read. Nope. So...toodles. Back to ignoring you.

You got advice. You didn't want to take it.
You can ignore me forever and that won't relieve the pain. The operation will.
I don't know where you live, but we live in Florida and the local auction often like almost all the time has scooters (many really good quality) hardly used that they sell off at reasonable prices....but we got a lot of old people out here with always an excess of medical equipment. I've been thinking about getting one to have when (not if) we need it.

My suggestion is the next time you go to the grocery store, use their scooter to get a feel for what one feels like. My husband I and did this so it wouldn't be so scary thinking about how to drive them or what they were like. The unknowing is the scary thing. The grocery store ones aren't so scary once you get on them and see that they don't wobble and aren't hard to drive. They don't tip over and they don't go fast---you can go forward and backwards. I had to ask the young bagger how to get mine started.
lol. I did that last week. Ran into 2 display things and the clerks were laughing their asses off at me until one got on to take it back to the front and ran into a display herself. Those big assed baskets on the front were awful and I hated it. But the little 3 wheeler a lady zooms around in here? Its like that Vive one on Amazon and I feel really good on that one when she let me try it out.
Another place to look is at a medical equipment store, much of it is used but should be in good working order and probably cheaper than Amazon.

As for exercises....... anything that would stretch out your back. Easiest is trying to touch your toes, from standing or sitting, even if your knees are bent. Or even laying on the bed on your side, try to get into the fetal position as much as possible curving your back forward. It does help to open those vertebrae
I'm gonna head out now...go to craigslist and see if any scooters are listed. Then stare at the amazon one for awhile. Just took my one vicodin and melatonins..starting to nod off. Will be back in about 2 hours prolly.
I take 35 to 40 mg of melatonin every night. I start off with 15 (3 gummies of 5gms each). Thats about 10pm. I wake up again at midnight and take two more. Go back to sleep, Up again 2 hours later. Two more gummies.
I will take up to 40 mgs. if needed....a good source I read said one can take up to 75...it is all natural but I still rather not go that high....he said since it is all natural the worst case scenario is just sleeping too much if you take a very high dosage.
I don't know where you live, but we live in Florida and the local auction often like almost all the time has scooters (many really good quality) hardly used that they sell off at reasonable prices....but we got a lot of old people out here with always an excess of medical equipment. I've been thinking about getting one to have when (not if) we need it.

My suggestion is the next time you go to the grocery store, use their scooter to get a feel for what one feels like. My husband I and did this so it wouldn't be so scary thinking about how to drive them or what they were like. The unknowing is the scary thing. The grocery store ones aren't so scary once you get on them and see that they don't wobble and aren't hard to drive. They don't tip over and they don't go fast---you can go forward and backwards. I had to ask the young bagger how to get mine started.
Auctions. Good idea.

Probably yard sales, too. Especially estate sales.

My small town has a senior community center. I've called them in the past to help me find items for seniors I know.
They slipped with the needle when my wife had an epidural during childbirth. She was hospitalized for a month afterwards.
Amazing that they actually admitted that. They normally work really hard to keep their mistakes quiet.
TUMERIC!!! And other foods/suppliments are a big help too.

Turmeric is also a good cancer fighter, works best with pepper. Though I'm not sure what kind of pepper.......black, red, cayenne, or if it matters. Just know that even a little bit of turmeric turns everything yellow. You can also add it and some pepper to a tea and drink that.

Just sayin cause I know you've been thru the cancer crap as well and if you're like me, always worried it will come back. So anything I can do to prevent that is good with me

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