"EPIC! Fearless Veteran Actor Angrily RIPS Adam Schiff and NANCY Pelosi To SHREDS"

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
I cant wait to hear the ranting and ravings of our Anti-Americans and those that REFUSE to acknowledge the accomplishments that Trump has brought....now to make the DemonRATS IRRELEVANT!....put it out in video form, as most of our ABNORMALS get bored after reading 2 sentences that HURT THEIR "FEELINGS!"

I cant wait to hear the ranting and ravings of our Anti-Americans and those that REFUSE to acknowledge the accomplishments that Trump has brought....now to make the DemonRATS IRRELEVANT!....put it out in video form, as most of our ABNORMALS get bored after reading 2 sentences that HURT THEIR "FEELINGS!"

Jon Voight is SO damned cool! And SO correct in what he says. I wish more actors and actresses had the guts he has.
I'm shocked that Jon Voight would disagree with Democrats on anything. He continues to surprise us. :rolleyes:
I cant wait to hear the ranting and ravings of our Anti-Americans and those that REFUSE to acknowledge the accomplishments that Trump has brought....now to make the DemonRATS IRRELEVANT!....put it out in video form, as most of our ABNORMALS get bored after reading 2 sentences that HURT THEIR "FEELINGS!"

I honestly don't know how the room could help not laughing Jerry Nadler out of the room when he claimed that Trump has prevented you and me from enjoying a free and fair election! All because he tried to look into the devious crimes of another crooked Washington politician padding his wallet? The very election that just a few years ago Obama got up on stage and swore up and down Trump had a screw loose for suggesting that ANYTHING could adversely influence or affect them? I'd bet they got the whole idea for the entire Russian election myth from these speeches in the first place.

And here they are just a few short years later now claiming that very thing.

Yet, they were no where to be found protecting our elections when Obama was using the IRS to block Romney supporters, nowhere to be found when Hillary was paying for the Steele Dossier against Trump, no where to be found when they blocked Bernie from winning by rigging their super-delegates, nowhere to be found when Donna Brazille was working with CNN to slip her advances on what questions would be asked during the national debate.

Democrats would be downright FUNNY if they literally weren't the Nutria of the American political scene.
Why the surprise Voight? The left are communists. Godless, ignorant, treasonous communists.
I cant wait to hear the ranting and ravings of our Anti-Americans and those that REFUSE to acknowledge the accomplishments that Trump has brought....now to make the DemonRATS IRRELEVANT!....put it out in video form, as most of our ABNORMALS get bored after reading 2 sentences that HURT THEIR "FEELINGS!"

So now we are supposed to care what hollywood thinks?

Damn, I wish you people would make up your minds.

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