Envious Chris Christie Wants to be POTUS


Senior Member
Apr 2, 2023

Donald Trump will be the nominee Chris. You don't have a ghost of a chance.


Donald Trump will be the nominee Chris. You don't have a ghost of a chance.

Don’t mean to be “that guy”, but it's ‘envious’, not ‘jealous’.
Don’t mean to be “that guy”, but it's ‘envious’, not ‘jealous’.
Donald Trump is not POTUS now so both words would be grammatically correct. Envious is better. Duly noted brah. Thread title edited.
Donald Trump is not POTUS now so both words would be grammatically correct. Envious is better. Duly noted brah. Thread title edited.
Jealousy normally involves a personal relationship. For example, if you have a beautiful, intelligent wife and I’d like a wife like her, that’s envy. If I want HER, because we used to date, that’s jealousy.
Gov. Christie was a huge supporter of Sleepy Joe- and that's what kills his campaign from the jump.

If a voter agreed with Christie, and also supports Biden, why vote for Christie.

OTOH, if the voter disagreed with Christie, and opines that Biden is doing a shitty job, why would they want to vote for Biden's huge supporter( no pun intended).
Gov. Christie was a huge supporter of Sleepy Joe- and that's what kills his campaign from the jump.

If a voter agreed with Christie, and also supports Biden, why vote for Christie.

OTOH, if the voter disagreed with Christie, and opines that Biden is doing a shitty job, why would they want to vote for Biden's huge supporter( no pun intended).
Sounds like the Republicans are really up shit’s creek. Maybe Sarah Palin is the answer. :abgg2q.jpg:
Look at the Trump lovers. Making fun of someone who is fat.

Isn't that adorable?

How DO they stand the stench of their own hypocrisy?

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