Enough is enough! It's fight time!


Oct 5, 2004
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Ask your questions? What do you want to know, outside of my true ID?

Today is my day off, it's time to fight. Give me what you got.

You have my full attention; get it off your chest; I have nothing to hide!

I'm ready; let's go!!!
hylandrdet said:
Ask your questions? What do you want to know, outside of my true ID?

Today is my day off, it's time to fight. Give me what you got.

You have my full attention; get it off your chest; I have nothing to hide!

I'm ready; let's go!!!

Okay, I will bite. How old are you?
UsaPride said:
Um, Who are you?


A man with a violent past; My life revolved around a lot of deaths. I became a born again christian because my life was out of control. That's why I take pride in humanitarian work; I appreciate life and will fight to perserve innocent lives; even if those lives possesses ill will towards me.
MtnBiker said:
How are we to believe what you say is fact or fiction?

Dude, pay attention to detail. If you read my "story" postings carefully, you can tell by detail, what is fact from fiction.

You know by now that someone, of significant value, in my life, had died. You know by now that I have kids; you know by now that I have moved on to a new relationship; that's assuming that you're paying attention to detail
hylandrdet said:
Somewhere between 30 and 50. Sorry, I can't give you more info.

So the original post is all just bunk, as always with you.

hylandrdet said:
Ask your questions? What do you want to know, outside of my true ID?

Today is my day off, it's time to fight. Give me what you got.

You have my full attention; get it off your chest; I have nothing to hide!

I'm ready; let's go!!!

Apparently you aren't ready and you do have something to hide.

Right off the bat you refuse to answer the most innocuous of question and will not even narrow your age down to less than 20 years.

You are all hyperbole and nothing more.

I am 37, I live in Las Vegas. See, I really don't have anything to hide.
hylandrdet said:
Dude, pay attention to detail. If you read my "story" postings carefully, you can tell by detail, what is fact from fiction.

You know by now that someone, of significant value, in my life, had died. You know by now that I have kids; you know by now that I have moved on to a new relationship; that's assuming that you're paying attention to detail

Okay, so how do we tell what you say is fact or fiction?

You also say you are a bricklayer and you also say you close business deals and have paperwork in an office. Those are not detail? What is detail and what is not?
hylandrdet said:
Dude, pay attention to detail. If you read my "story" postings carefully, you can tell by detail, what is fact from fiction.

You know by now that someone, of significant value, in my life, had died. You know by now that I have kids; you know by now that I have moved on to a new relationship; that's assuming that you're paying attention to detail

If you won't even answer questions as you said you will, why should we believe ANYTHING you claim?

Frankly, I don't and I believe you are a fake - 100%.
MtnBiker said:
Okay, so how do we tell what you say is fact or fiction?

You can't and that is the way he wants it. That way, he can move which ever way he needs to in an effort to maintain "legitimacy" and/or "credibility".
well i have gleaned this...you are rude and arrogant...oh and full of shit...with no sense of humour
freeandfun1 said:
You can't and that is the way he wants it. That way, he can move which ever way he needs to in an effort to maintain "legitimacy" and/or "credibility".

Are you saying that he wants us to believe certian parts of his posts but not others? Perhaps the parts that do not support or may conflict his positions?
MtnBiker said:
Are you saying that he wants us to believe certian parts of his posts but not others? Perhaps the parts that do not support or may conflict his positions?

I guess he decided to run and hide instead of answering the questions - as he said he would!

What a dipshit and a waste of time he is.
He seems very uptight and easily agitated. He could be from a violent past as he states.

He gets upset when you use his own tone back to him and is very defensive over mundane stuff. Shoot so long as he writes it down and keeps track let him lie about what he is so long as he posts something worth reading.

His Christmas story wasn't so bad but very predictable.

This is what I know about hylandrdet.
no1tovote4 said:
He seems very uptight and easily agitated. He could be from a violent past as he states.

He gets upset when you use his own tone back to him and is very defensive over mundane stuff. Shoot so long as he writes it down and keeps track let him lie about what he is so long as he posts something worth reading.

His Christmas story wasn't so bad but very predictable.

This is what I know about hylandrdet.
anyone whose had a few fights in the past could be said to come from a violent past. hell ask my rehab therapist, shes convinced im the next manson

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