CDZ Email - What is the level of Privacy canyou Expect?


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2012
The firing of John Gruden over leaked emails from 10 years ago raise the question:
How private is email? The the leaks from Gruden's emailswere 10 years on so at the time hewas working for eSPN as an annoucer onn MNF He sent emails to the Redskins official, The NFLread the emails during an investigtion that hd nothingtodo with Gruden.
The NFL leaked the Emails andGruden was fired. WhatgavetheNFL the rightto leak the emails in thefirst place? At the time Gruden was employed by ESPN and not the NFL.
The firing of John Gruden over leaked emails from 10 years ago raise the question:
How private is email? The the leaks from Gruden's emailswere 10 years on so at the time hewas working for eSPN as an annoucer onn MNF He sent emails to the Redskins official, The NFLread the emails during an investigtion that hd nothingtodo with Gruden.
The NFL leaked the Emails andGruden was fired. WhatgavetheNFL the rightto leak the emails in thefirst place? At the time Gruden was employed by ESPN and not the NFL.
Write every email like the whole world will read it

The NFL has a rapper problem. The lyrics they promote are shocking......lolololol
None in theory. There is no expectation of any privacy. Obviously, in Gruden's case, someone leaked the emails. And if that had happened while he worked for ESPN, he'd have been gone in a heartbeat and would have never gotten the Raiders gig.

Always follow this advice in constructing your emails. Never put anything into an email you wouldn't want your mother to read.
The firing of John Gruden over leaked emails from 10 years ago raise the question:
How private is email? The the leaks from Gruden's emailswere 10 years on so at the time hewas working for eSPN as an annoucer onn MNF He sent emails to the Redskins official, The NFLread the emails during an investigtion that hd nothingtodo with Gruden.
The NFL leaked the Emails andGruden was fired. WhatgavetheNFL the rightto leak the emails in thefirst place? At the time Gruden was employed by ESPN and not the NFL.

It raises more questions than that.
  1. What could be in an email worth firing someone over? Some tits? From a guy?
  2. Its a federal crime to just open someone else's mail, but anyone can do anything with an electronic-mail? Who decided that?
  3. Where is the statute of limitations? You can't prosecute a person in court after two years but apparently emails are forever?
  4. I can change an email to say almost anything. Emails can be faked because they are electronic.
  5. Who ever decided that in a society of very STRICT rules over what you can sue or be prosecuted over, that apparently outside of court, you can be prosecuted and found guilty of almost anything by almost anyone, for almost any length of time! What next, a childhood friend comes forth to denounce you for something you said in 6th grade?
Emails generally aren't secure.

And the NFL likely didn't leak the emails. It was probably an employee who worked in the office who leaked the emails to score points with the news press.
None in theory. There is no expectation of any privacy.
Why is that Jack? Who decided that. I don't know anyone who volunteered to give up their privacy in emails.

We call them emails because society has evolved away from mailing written letters in an envelop. There was an expectation of privacy there because THE LAW SAID SO. When we were moved away from mail to electronic mail, why wasn't that expectation carried forward? Why didn't the law extend the same privacy to email? Do you know anyone who voluntarily gave that up?

But Toob, emails can go to any computer! Yes, only to the computer they are addressed to. Just as a letter can go to any house, even the WRONG address. Emails could be made with a passcode that only the person intended to receive it could open and read it! Why don't emails have that?

Our GOVERNMENT made the decision that since emails went via internet that THEY wanted to read them. They want access to see that you are not planning another 9/11. Of course you COULD do that by regular mail as well. There is every reason to expect emails to be private and confidential since if YOU generated them, it should be up to YOU to save or give that confidentiality away, but it was the GOVERNMENT which chose to make them public overriding the public interest.

If the law wanted, they could afford the same protections to e-mail as to any snailmail. They could make it a crime to open, read or share an email with a third party without the sender's permission. Why don't they do that?
I don't want my mother reading my emails anyways, just due to privacy reasons.
It's an expression. When you are constructing your emails, always keep decorum in mind. You never know who will read what when. Emails contrary to popular belief..aren't private.
You wanna be vulgar? IM and Text. That's what those platforms are made for. Unless you get a court order or steal someone's phone, or the person you are communicating with wants to sell you out.
Why is that Jack? Who decided that. I don't know anyone who volunteered to give up their privacy in emails.

We call them emails because society has evolved away from mailing written letters in an envelop. There was an expectation of privacy there because THE LAW SAID SO. When we were moved away from mail to electronic mail, why wasn't that expectation carried forward? Why didn't the law extend the same privacy to email? Do you know anyone who voluntarily gave that up?

But Toob, emails can go to any computer! Yes, only to the computer they are addressed to. Just as a letter can go to any house, even the WRONG address. Emails could be made with a passcode that only the person intended to receive it could open and read it! Why don't emails have that?

Our GOVERNMENT made the decision that since emails went via internet that THEY wanted to read them. They want access to see that you are not planning another 9/11. Of course you COULD do that by regular mail as well. There is every reason to expect emails to be private and confidential since if YOU generated them, it should be up to YOU to save or give that confidentiality away, but it was the GOVERNMENT which chose to make them public overriding the public interest.

If the law wanted, they could afford the same protections to e-mail as to any snailmail. They could make it a crime to open, read or share an email with a third party without the sender's permission. Why don't they do that?
Again, laws and requirements differ from state to state, but as a rule, there is no expectation of privacy when it comes to emails. See Hillary Clinton.
If anybody thinks their email is totally private, just look into their spam folder.
It's an expression. When you are constructing your emails, always keep decorum in mind. You never know who will read what when. Emails contrary to popular belief..aren't private.
You wanna be vulgar? IM and Text. That's what those platforms are made for. Unless you get a court order or steal someone's phone, or the person you are communicating with wants to sell you out.

I know what you meant but I was just making a point. You also have to be a little cautious with IM and text too, just in different ways.
Again, laws and requirements differ from state to state, but as a rule, there is no expectation of privacy when it comes to emails.
I asked you why and all you are telling me is the what, which we all already know! WHY is there no expectation of privacy? How do you send a private communication then when email has REPLACED mail. No one "mails" anything anymore, it is too slow. Who decided that our new, faster, better mailing system cannot have privicy?

See Hillary Clinton.
Why do I want to see Hillary? SHE SAID that the 30,000 emails she kept were PRIVATE, no one's business but her own even though they were on a government server. SHE SAID it was up to HER to decide their disposition. Why don't I have that right? Who decided I didn't need it? I'm not talking about emails sent or received AT WORK on an employer's time and with an employer's terminal, I'm talking about any ol' email you might send a friend from home and I'm sure that whomever this coach sent pictures of tits to, he considered a friend and the message confidential.

Why don't emails have the option to lock and encode them?

Let me answer that FOR YOU Jack as I know it is the only way we will ever get to the STRAIGHT TRUTH:

There is no expectation of privacy, no OPTION for privacy, because the government decided that Big Brother likes spying on everyone too much and doesn't want to give it up. Envelops were too hard to spy on but electronic mail is just too easy and tempting, in fact, they've DESIGNED the internet and email to MAKE it convenient and easy to spy with.
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I asked you why and all you are telling me is the what, which we all already know! WHY is there no expectation of privacy? How do you send a private communication then when email has REPLACED mail. No one "mails" anything anymore, it is too slow. Who decided that our new, faster, better mailing system cannot have privicy?

Why do I want to see Hillary? SHE SAID that the 30,000 emails she kept were PRIVATE, no one's business but her own even though they were on a government server. SHE SAID it was up to HER to decide their disposition. Why don't I have that right? Who decided I didn't need it? I'm not talking about emails sent or received AT WORK, I'm talking about any ol' email you might send a friend from home and I'm sure that whomever this coach sent pictures of tits to, he considered a friend and the message confidential.

Why don't emails have the option to lock and encode them?

Let me answer that FOR YOU Jack as I know it is the only way we will ever get to the STRAIGHT TRUTH:

There is no expectation of privacy, no OPTION for privacy, because the government decided that Big Brother likes spying on everyone too much and doesn't want to give it up. Envelops were too hard to spy on but electronic mail is just too easy and tempting, in fact, they've DESIGNED the internet and email to MAKE it convenient and easy to spy with.
That is your conspiracy theory. Which doesn't belong in a clean debate.
There is no expectation of privacy because nothing on the Internet is private.
When you hit that send button, you are giving up your right to privacy.
That is your conspiracy theory.
WHAT is a conspiracy theory?

Which doesn't belong in a clean debate.

There is no expectation of privacy

because nothing on the Internet is private.
Why? Someone MADE it that way. Who decided that? I didn't. Know anyone who did?

When you hit that send button, you are giving up your right to privacy.
Yeah. WHY?

WHY JACK WHY? :1peleas:
WHAT is a conspiracy theory?



Why? Someone MADE it that way. Who decided that? I didn't. Know anyone who did?

Yeah. WHY?

WHY JACK WHY? :1peleas:
Not the folder for it. Drop it.

Someone didn't make it that way. That is the way the Internet evolved.
So it is sender beware when you hit that send button.
Not the folder for it. Drop it.
Not the folder to discuss why we have no privacy in email, Jack? Drop it? Why? Is that an order? You mean you got no answer and just want to move on? So, in a thread called "Email - What is the level of Privacy canyou Expect?" we are not supposed to discuss the level of privacy we want and can expect and ask why? Gee Jack, you sound like a GOVERNMENT MAN: big on orders, SHORT ON ANSWERS.

Someone didn't make it that way. That is the way the Internet evolved.
So the internet just "evolved" that way. So you mean, no one has any say nor control over that. You mean we COULDN'T design mail to be secure? So I guess when I send banking info over an HTTPS socket layer, that just evolved secure on its own as well?

So it is sender beware when you hit that send button.
NO SHIT. The question is WHY? Why isn't our government protecting the privacy and security of its citizens treating all of us as if we could be terrorists!? Is someone just waiting for government to evolve too?
Not the folder to discuss why we have no privacy in email, Jack? Drop it? Why? Is that an order? You mean you got no answer and just want to move on? So, in a thread called "Email - What is the level of Privacy canyou Expect?" we are not supposed to discuss the level of privacy we want and can expect and ask why? Gee Jack, you sound like a GOVERNMENT MAN: big on orders, SHORT ON ANSWERS.

So the internet just "evolved" that way. So you mean, no one has any say nor control over that. You mean we COULDN'T design mail to be secure? So I guess when I send banking info over an HTTPS socket layer, that just evolved secure on its own as well?

NO SHIT. The question is WHY? Why isn't our government protecting the privacy and security of its citizens treating all of us as if we could be terrorists!? Is someone just waiting for government to evolve too?
You are trying to blur two arguments here. The need for security, and the expectation of privacy.
The topic is the expectation of or lack of privacy. When it comes to email, there are no expectations of privacy.
So far, you've bounced from Big Brother, to Government Man, to ironically, wanting the government to step in and protect your right to
say whatever you want in an email.

There are plenty of rulings on the expectation of privacy in emails. Most decisions conclude..that there IS no right to privacy.
So, mind what you send. :)
You are trying to blur two arguments here.

In other words Jack, you have no answers and aren't even questioning much less seeking answers, just are good with whatever shit Big Brother hands you! :lmao:

Here is A turd, Jack!

Yes Sir May I have another!


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