Elizabeth Warren’s bizarre anti-tech billboard

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren was one of the earlier 2020 candidates to propose breaking up the largest tech companies and potentially having the government regulate them like utilities. It’s a mantra she’s repeated on the campaign trail on a regular basis. But now she’s doubling down on the message with a campaign tactic that may not make the most sense. Her team has put up a massive billboard on the subject, which isn’t all that unusual for a political campaign. It’s the location that makes it peculiar. She put it up right in Silicon Valleynear many of the Big Tech companies she’s looking to fracture. (The Verge)

On Wednesday, 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) put up a billboard in the heart of Silicon Valley pressing for big tech companies like Facebook, Amazon, and Google to be broken up.

The billboard is located at 4th and Townsend, right next to the city’s primary Caltrain stop, where a substantial chunk of South Bay technology workers arrive each morning. It’s not exactly prime placement — considering it’s neither facing the Caltrain station nor along the most traffic’d sidewalks for employees commuting back to the South Bay — but the billboard is just blocks from the headquarters for Lyft and Dropbox, among other startups. Alongside the call for antitrust action, the billboard includes a short-code number for passersby to subscribe to updates from the Warren campaign, a common fundraising tactic.

Breaking up and/or regulating the Big Tech companies like Google, Apple, Amazon and Facebook isn’t a particularly unique idea among Democrats, so it’s not all that crazy of a point for Warren to be campaigning and fundraising on during the primary. But when she wades directly into enemy territory and buys a huge billboard ad, doesn’t her team worry about potential backlash?

Thinks of it this way. A huge number of people passing through that train station probably work for one of those companies or they have friends or family members who do. If you use your power as president to break up those companies, there are going to be people who lose their jobs. She’s going to need all of the Democrats in that region to be voting for her in the primary (and theoretically in the general election if she wins the nomination). Also, Silicon Valley is a lucrative fundraising region. Is this smart?

Warren includes a number to send a text message to so people can “join her campaign.” But she may as well have changed the billboard message to, “Vote for Warren and enjoy exciting new adventures on the unemployment line!” I wouldn’t be surprised if some of those text messages she receives will include some four letter words

Check out the link in story for its placement!

Perhaps the Tech industry can bring some fertilizer and water and GROW THAT HEDGE another foot or so and people will NEVER see it...PLAN AHEAD....FAUXAHONTAS!!!
I agree with her on this issue. I will never vote for her though. Actually I agree with her on a handful of issues, but still wouldn't vote for her.
America's permissive anti-trust laws have not served us well. We have been living like this so long that some think that plutocracy and monopoly is how it's supposed to be.
I agree with her on this issue. I will never vote for her though. Actually I agree with her on a handful of issues, but still wouldn't vote for her.

Just a question: If she wants Facebook, Google and Amazon to be broken up? Why is she even using those in the first place? Lol
You would think that if someone is against them, they wouldn't be using them. Duh! Lol
I agree with her on this issue. I will never vote for her though. Actually I agree with her on a handful of issues, but still wouldn't vote for her.

Just a question: If she wants Facebook, Google and Amazon to be broken up? Why is she even using those in the first place? Lol
You would think that if someone is against them, they wouldn't be using them. Duh! Lol

I assume she is fine with them individually but believes that they have acquired too many other companies and control too much of the internet. Saying youtube and google should be seperate business is not the same as saying they shouldn't exist
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren was one of the earlier 2020 candidates to propose breaking up the largest tech companies and potentially having the government regulate them like utilities. It’s a mantra she’s repeated on the campaign trail on a regular basis. But now she’s doubling down on the message with a campaign tactic that may not make the most sense. Her team has put up a massive billboard on the subject, which isn’t all that unusual for a political campaign. It’s the location that makes it peculiar. She put it up right in Silicon Valleynear many of the Big Tech companies she’s looking to fracture. (The Verge)

On Wednesday, 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) put up a billboard in the heart of Silicon Valley pressing for big tech companies like Facebook, Amazon, and Google to be broken up.

The billboard is located at 4th and Townsend, right next to the city’s primary Caltrain stop, where a substantial chunk of South Bay technology workers arrive each morning. It’s not exactly prime placement — considering it’s neither facing the Caltrain station nor along the most traffic’d sidewalks for employees commuting back to the South Bay — but the billboard is just blocks from the headquarters for Lyft and Dropbox, among other startups. Alongside the call for antitrust action, the billboard includes a short-code number for passersby to subscribe to updates from the Warren campaign, a common fundraising tactic.

Breaking up and/or regulating the Big Tech companies like Google, Apple, Amazon and Facebook isn’t a particularly unique idea among Democrats, so it’s not all that crazy of a point for Warren to be campaigning and fundraising on during the primary. But when she wades directly into enemy territory and buys a huge billboard ad, doesn’t her team worry about potential backlash?

Thinks of it this way. A huge number of people passing through that train station probably work for one of those companies or they have friends or family members who do. If you use your power as president to break up those companies, there are going to be people who lose their jobs. She’s going to need all of the Democrats in that region to be voting for her in the primary (and theoretically in the general election if she wins the nomination). Also, Silicon Valley is a lucrative fundraising region. Is this smart?

Warren includes a number to send a text message to so people can “join her campaign.” But she may as well have changed the billboard message to, “Vote for Warren and enjoy exciting new adventures on the unemployment line!” I wouldn’t be surprised if some of those text messages she receives will include some four letter words

Check out the link in story for its placement!

Perhaps the Tech industry can bring some fertilizer and water and GROW THAT HEDGE another foot or so and people will NEVER see it...PLAN AHEAD....FAUXAHONTAS!!!
I agree with her on breaking up Big Tech.

Elizabeth Warren made her mark helping insurance companies use bankruptcy to avoid paying asbestos claims. If she were a Republican, this would be a big story, and people would be calling her “Mesothelioma Madam”.
I agree with her on this issue. I will never vote for her though. Actually I agree with her on a handful of issues, but still wouldn't vote for her.

Really? Why break up successful companies and destroy jobs? For what?

When they broke up the telephone company, all it did was drastically increase the cost of calling long distance. Nothing good came from it. Nothing.

Why would you support this? For what purpose?
I agree with her on this issue. I will never vote for her though. Actually I agree with her on a handful of issues, but still wouldn't vote for her.

Really? Why break up successful companies and destroy jobs? For what?

When they broke up the telephone company, all it did was drastically increase the cost of calling long distance. Nothing good came from it. Nothing.

Why would you support this? For what purpose?
They discriminate against Conservatives. When are you going to figure out that we don't have second class citizens in this nation?
I agree with her on this issue. I will never vote for her though. Actually I agree with her on a handful of issues, but still wouldn't vote for her.

Really? Why break up successful companies and destroy jobs? For what?

When they broke up the telephone company, all it did was drastically increase the cost of calling long distance. Nothing good came from it. Nothing.

Why would you support this? For what purpose?

I get free unlimited long distance, Can't get cheaper than free.
I agree with her on this issue. I will never vote for her though. Actually I agree with her on a handful of issues, but still wouldn't vote for her.

Really? Why break up successful companies and destroy jobs? For what?

When they broke up the telephone company, all it did was drastically increase the cost of calling long distance. Nothing good came from it. Nothing.

Why would you support this? For what purpose?
They discriminate against Conservatives. When are you going to figure out that we don't have second class citizens in this nation?

While a valid point, this is not why I think they should be broken up. The reason so many sites fold is because they cannot create enough ad revenue to sustain themselves. One of the big reasons for that is that google and facebook vacuum up all that money. injecting more competition into the marketplace even if it is google vs. youtube is a good thing. Likewise, amazon is sucking up online sales. I have ordered things not from amazon that ended up coming an amazon boxes with amazon shipping tape on them because they people are so used to having to do most of their sales through amazon. It was quite weird.
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren was one of the earlier 2020 candidates to propose breaking up the largest tech companies and potentially having the government regulate them like utilities. It’s a mantra she’s repeated on the campaign trail on a regular basis. But now she’s doubling down on the message with a campaign tactic that may not make the most sense. Her team has put up a massive billboard on the subject, which isn’t all that unusual for a political campaign. It’s the location that makes it peculiar. She put it up right in Silicon Valleynear many of the Big Tech companies she’s looking to fracture. (The Verge)

On Wednesday, 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) put up a billboard in the heart of Silicon Valley pressing for big tech companies like Facebook, Amazon, and Google to be broken up.

The billboard is located at 4th and Townsend, right next to the city’s primary Caltrain stop, where a substantial chunk of South Bay technology workers arrive each morning. It’s not exactly prime placement — considering it’s neither facing the Caltrain station nor along the most traffic’d sidewalks for employees commuting back to the South Bay — but the billboard is just blocks from the headquarters for Lyft and Dropbox, among other startups. Alongside the call for antitrust action, the billboard includes a short-code number for passersby to subscribe to updates from the Warren campaign, a common fundraising tactic.

Breaking up and/or regulating the Big Tech companies like Google, Apple, Amazon and Facebook isn’t a particularly unique idea among Democrats, so it’s not all that crazy of a point for Warren to be campaigning and fundraising on during the primary. But when she wades directly into enemy territory and buys a huge billboard ad, doesn’t her team worry about potential backlash?

Thinks of it this way. A huge number of people passing through that train station probably work for one of those companies or they have friends or family members who do. If you use your power as president to break up those companies, there are going to be people who lose their jobs. She’s going to need all of the Democrats in that region to be voting for her in the primary (and theoretically in the general election if she wins the nomination). Also, Silicon Valley is a lucrative fundraising region. Is this smart?

Warren includes a number to send a text message to so people can “join her campaign.” But she may as well have changed the billboard message to, “Vote for Warren and enjoy exciting new adventures on the unemployment line!” I wouldn’t be surprised if some of those text messages she receives will include some four letter words

Check out the link in story for its placement!

Perhaps the Tech industry can bring some fertilizer and water and GROW THAT HEDGE another foot or so and people will NEVER see it...PLAN AHEAD....FAUXAHONTAS!!!

This is an issue she and Trump see eye to eye on.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I agree with her on this issue. I will never vote for her though. Actually I agree with her on a handful of issues, but still wouldn't vote for her.

Really? Why break up successful companies and destroy jobs? For what?

When they broke up the telephone company, all it did was drastically increase the cost of calling long distance. Nothing good came from it. Nothing.

Why would you support this? For what purpose?
They discriminate against Conservatives. When are you going to figure out that we don't have second class citizens in this nation?

While that may be true..... how would this help?

Let's say you broke up Facebook.

How do you see that playing out? What are they going to do? Create a separate web site called BookFace, and force half the users onto it?

Not going to happen, because the moment the website is split up, everyone is going to migrate to which ever new website has all their friends. Naturally over time, as activity declines on one, and increases on the other, everyone will migrate to the largest site.

How do I know this? Because this is what already happened. Social Media sites like Compuserve, SixDegrees, MySpace,, Classmates, and so on... all fell into obscurity.

So if you broke up FaceBook, the same thing would happen all over again.

Additionally, breaking up Facebook would not stop the discrimination, because it is driven by Government. The whole reason that they dragged Zuckerberg to Congress, was to subtly give a clear hint to clamp down on the politically incorrect.

That isn't going to change if you break up Facebook.
I agree with her on this issue. I will never vote for her though. Actually I agree with her on a handful of issues, but still wouldn't vote for her.

Really? Why break up successful companies and destroy jobs? For what?

When they broke up the telephone company, all it did was drastically increase the cost of calling long distance. Nothing good came from it. Nothing.

Why would you support this? For what purpose?

I get free unlimited long distance, Can't get cheaper than free.

That's today. Today, the effects of breaking up the telephone companies are muted.

Using the technology today, a call can be placed in New York, that goes all the way to California, and never uses anything but the infrastructure of the company you are with.

That is now how it was in the almost 100 years before cell phones, and digital transmission.

Before that, everything was carried by copper, from one phone network, to another network, to another, across the entire country.

When the Telephone company was one large company, all those networks were owned by Bell Telephone. Thus it cost them nothing to patch a call across 20 different networks, since it was all their property.

But when they broke up Bell, each network became a separate company, that started charging to use their lines.

Consumers were much worse off.

The damaged done to consumers by the breakup of Bell Telephone was only un-done, by technology.
I agree with her on this issue. I will never vote for her though. Actually I agree with her on a handful of issues, but still wouldn't vote for her.

Just a question: If she wants Facebook, Google and Amazon to be broken up? Why is she even using those in the first place? Lol
You would think that if someone is against them, they wouldn't be using them. Duh! Lol

Maybe you don't know what a monopoly is.
I agree with her on this issue. I will never vote for her though. Actually I agree with her on a handful of issues, but still wouldn't vote for her.

Just a question: If she wants Facebook, Google and Amazon to be broken up? Why is she even using those in the first place? Lol
You would think that if someone is against them, they wouldn't be using them. Duh! Lol
You clearly do not understand what she is proposing.

"Broken Up" does not mean destroyed. It means that facebook will remain facebook but only that.

It will no longer be an online product dealer or a news service
I agree with her on this issue. I will never vote for her though. Actually I agree with her on a handful of issues, but still wouldn't vote for her.

Really? Why break up successful companies and destroy jobs? For what?

When they broke up the telephone company, all it did was drastically increase the cost of calling long distance. Nothing good came from it. Nothing.

Why would you support this? For what purpose?
They discriminate against Conservatives. When are you going to figure out that we don't have second class citizens in this nation?

While that may be true..... how would this help?

Let's say you broke up Facebook.

How do you see that playing out? What are they going to do? Create a separate web site called BookFace, and force half the users onto it?

Not going to happen, because the moment the website is split up, everyone is going to migrate to which ever new website has all their friends. Naturally over time, as activity declines on one, and increases on the other, everyone will migrate to the largest site.

How do I know this? Because this is what already happened. Social Media sites like Compuserve, SixDegrees, MySpace,, Classmates, and so on... all fell into obscurity.

So if you broke up FaceBook, the same thing would happen all over again.

Additionally, breaking up Facebook would not stop the discrimination, because it is driven by Government. The whole reason that they dragged Zuckerberg to Congress, was to subtly give a clear hint to clamp down on the politically incorrect.

That isn't going to change if you break up Facebook.

No they require facebook to sell off instagram, face.com, messenger, whatsap, etc or segregate them into a separate business with separate management from the top down.
I agree with her on this issue. I will never vote for her though. Actually I agree with her on a handful of issues, but still wouldn't vote for her.

Really? Why break up successful companies and destroy jobs? For what?

When they broke up the telephone company, all it did was drastically increase the cost of calling long distance. Nothing good came from it. Nothing.

Why would you support this? For what purpose?

I get free unlimited long distance, Can't get cheaper than free.

That's today. Today, the effects of breaking up the telephone companies are muted.

Using the technology today, a call can be placed in New York, that goes all the way to California, and never uses anything but the infrastructure of the company you are with.

That is now how it was in the almost 100 years before cell phones, and digital transmission.

Before that, everything was carried by copper, from one phone network, to another network, to another, across the entire country.

When the Telephone company was one large company, all those networks were owned by Bell Telephone. Thus it cost them nothing to patch a call across 20 different networks, since it was all their property.

But when they broke up Bell, each network became a separate company, that started charging to use their lines.

Consumers were much worse off.

The damaged done to consumers by the breakup of Bell Telephone was only un-done, by technology.

Consumers were worse of and now they are better off. This is why europe can deliver internet so much better than the US---they actually force competition into the marketplace.
I agree with her on this issue. I will never vote for her though. Actually I agree with her on a handful of issues, but still wouldn't vote for her.

Really? Why break up successful companies and destroy jobs? For what?

When they broke up the telephone company, all it did was drastically increase the cost of calling long distance. Nothing good came from it. Nothing.

Why would you support this? For what purpose?

I get free unlimited long distance, Can't get cheaper than free.

That's today. Today, the effects of breaking up the telephone companies are muted.

Using the technology today, a call can be placed in New York, that goes all the way to California, and never uses anything but the infrastructure of the company you are with.

That is now how it was in the almost 100 years before cell phones, and digital transmission.

Before that, everything was carried by copper, from one phone network, to another network, to another, across the entire country.

When the Telephone company was one large company, all those networks were owned by Bell Telephone. Thus it cost them nothing to patch a call across 20 different networks, since it was all their property.

But when they broke up Bell, each network became a separate company, that started charging to use their lines.

Consumers were much worse off.

The damaged done to consumers by the breakup of Bell Telephone was only un-done, by technology.

Consumers were worse of and now they are better off. This is why europe can deliver internet so much better than the US---they actually force competition into the marketplace.

Consumers were better off before Bell Telephone was broken up. They were worse off after the phone company turned into a bunch of baby bells. Prices went up, not down.

Consumers are better off today, than they were under the regulation of broken up Bell Telephone, but it is because of less regulation, not more.

Before GWB, the FCC had the spectrum used for cell phones tied up in regulation. As a result there were very few cell phone networks, and the technology was hampered by government.

In 2001, under GWB, the FCC transitioned from a regulation based system, to a market based system.

For review and comment – not for quotation or circulation We present this proposal in broadest conceptual outline, without pretense that the technical details have been worked through. We do not claim authorship of this proposal;this transition plan has been put forward by Kwerel and Williams (2001) of the FCC. We endorse this plan as a starting point for a “win-win” transition to the market-based technology-friendly regime we believe we need
So even the current drastically better telephone system we have today, is not due to government involvement, but government getting un-involved.

Now as for Europe... people tend to lump all of Europe together, and quite frankly, not all of Europe has good internet. In fact, not even most.

The UK is the most often cited example of fantastic internet, but even that is a questionable comparison.

High speed broadband internet costs roughly $56 a month in London. Well I'm paying $41.95 for high speed broadband. That does not seem spectacularly better.

Regardless, the problem in the comparison is population density.

The distance you have from the network provider to your home, will determine the relative speeds you are able to achieve. If you are physically closer to the provider, you will have faster speeds.

Thus, as people are more spread out over a larger area, the speeds will naturally be slower. This is largely unavoidable.

London has a high level of density, being nearly 15,000 people per sq.mile. Whereas for example, Columbus is only about 4,000 people per sq.mile.

The bottom line is, they have to run the internet across a larger distance, to reach the same number of people.
She bring bow and arrows ?
Lyin cunntt.
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