Election Impossible To Predict: Alan Dershowitz

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015
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Why it’s impossible to predict this election - The Boston Globe

Normally, this guy annoys me.

However, this is a pretty good column.

The only thing I can say good about this election....is that it will soon be over.

And whatever winds up in the White House will be a mess:

The reality is that polling is incapable of accurately predicting the outcome of elections like this one, where so many voters are angry, resentful, emotional, negative, and frightened. In my new book, “Electile Dysfunction: A Guide for the Unaroused Voter,” I discuss in detail why so many voters now say they won’t vote at all or will vote for a third-party candidate. As The New York Times reported, “Only 9 percent of America chose Trump and Clinton as the Nominees.” Or, to put voters’ frustration with the candidates more starkly, “81 percent of Americans say they would feel afraid following the election of one of the two politicians.”

The bottom line is that in a bizarre election like this one — with so many variables and so much emotion — polls may well under- or over-predict votes for the two major candidates. Think about the vote on Brexit. Virtually all the polls — including exit polls that asked voters how they voted — got it wrong. The financial markets got it wrong. The bookies got it wrong. The 2016 presidential election is more like the Brexit vote in many ways than it is like prior presidential elections. Both Brexit and this presidential election involve raw emotion, populism, anger, nationalism, class division, and other factors that distort accuracy in polling. So those who think they know who will be the next president of the United States are deceiving themselves.


Let the circus continue [cough cough].
APD is out of his element in deciding the election. He’s a celebrated attorney.

From the quip you have listed, the only salient point is Brexit and there are indicators that there is a fair amount of buyers remorse on that one over there. We’ll see how it goes.

As for the election, those who are preaching the “uncertainty sermon” are simply immune from the reality. There is a reason why you won’t see Trump campaigning in NY or CA. He can’t win there. Polling tells you that. Likewise, you won’t see Hillary campaigning in the heartland where she is not popular politically or personally.

Believe what you want. Those of us who know better…well…know better.
From the article:

On Aug. 24, Slate declared, “There is no horse race: it’s Clinton by a mile, with Trump praying for black swans” — only to “predict” one week later “Trump-Clinton Probably Won’t be A Landslide.” A few days ago, in a desperate attempt to analyze the new polls showing Trump closing in on Clinton, Slate explained sheepishly, “Things realistically couldn’t have gotten much worse for Trump than they were a few weeks ago, and so it’s not a shock that they instead have gotten a little better of late.” Some current polls even show Trump with a slight lead.

Sounds like some on this board:

You know it would not bother me if Hillary became the next liar in chief. In fact, I would prefer she race out in front and end all doubt.

But this is election is fun if only to watch both sides pissing down their legs in anger and excitement over the ebb and flow.

And I kinda like the idea of paid matetnity leave.
APD is out of his element in deciding the election. He’s a celebrated attorney.

From the quip you have listed, the only salient point is Brexit and there are indicators that there is a fair amount of buyers remorse on that one over there. We’ll see how it goes.

As for the election, those who are preaching the “uncertainty sermon” are simply immune from the reality. There is a reason why you won’t see Trump campaigning in NY or CA. He can’t win there. Polling tells you that. Likewise, you won’t see Hillary campaigning in the heartland where she is not popular politically or personally.

Believe what you want. Those of us who know better…well…know better.
Blacks ain't voting.
I work and travel through Black neighborhoods and there are ZERO Hillary signs.
Only those intense enough to post on message boards will vote.
APD is out of his element in deciding the election. He’s a celebrated attorney.

From the quip you have listed, the only salient point is Brexit and there are indicators that there is a fair amount of buyers remorse on that one over there. We’ll see how it goes.

As for the election, those who are preaching the “uncertainty sermon” are simply immune from the reality. There is a reason why you won’t see Trump campaigning in NY or CA. He can’t win there. Polling tells you that. Likewise, you won’t see Hillary campaigning in the heartland where she is not popular politically or personally.

Believe what you want. Those of us who know better…well…know better.

He's more celebrated than you on just about anything.

I get the sense you need the self assurance your crowing brings so you can sleep at night.

The rest of us live in a reality where Trump is up in Florida and Ohio and VA/NC are very much in play.

I can't believe I even care. In fact, I don't think I do.

But watching people like you is, to say the least, entertaining.
APD is out of his element in deciding the election. He’s a celebrated attorney.

From the quip you have listed, the only salient point is Brexit and there are indicators that there is a fair amount of buyers remorse on that one over there. We’ll see how it goes.

As for the election, those who are preaching the “uncertainty sermon” are simply immune from the reality. There is a reason why you won’t see Trump campaigning in NY or CA. He can’t win there. Polling tells you that. Likewise, you won’t see Hillary campaigning in the heartland where she is not popular politically or personally.

Believe what you want. Those of us who know better…well…know better.
Blacks ain’t voting.
I work and travel through Black neighborhoods and there are ZERO Hillary signs.
How many Trump signs do you see when you go through the “black neighborhoods”.
Only those intense enough to post on message boards will vote.
Yeah…the mysterious “message board index” has not been factored in.
APD is out of his element in deciding the election. He’s a celebrated attorney.

From the quip you have listed, the only salient point is Brexit and there are indicators that there is a fair amount of buyers remorse on that one over there. We’ll see how it goes.

As for the election, those who are preaching the “uncertainty sermon” are simply immune from the reality. There is a reason why you won’t see Trump campaigning in NY or CA. He can’t win there. Polling tells you that. Likewise, you won’t see Hillary campaigning in the heartland where she is not popular politically or personally.

Believe what you want. Those of us who know better…well…know better.
Blacks ain't voting.
I work and travel through Black neighborhoods and there are ZERO Hillary signs.
Only those intense enough to post on message boards will vote.

Who knows...that's the point.

It scares me to think they could actually predict it that well.

Especially given the volatility of the electorate.

I have coworkers who are swinging wildly in their views of who they are voting for.
APD is out of his element in deciding the election. He’s a celebrated attorney.

From the quip you have listed, the only salient point is Brexit and there are indicators that there is a fair amount of buyers remorse on that one over there. We’ll see how it goes.

As for the election, those who are preaching the “uncertainty sermon” are simply immune from the reality. There is a reason why you won’t see Trump campaigning in NY or CA. He can’t win there. Polling tells you that. Likewise, you won’t see Hillary campaigning in the heartland where she is not popular politically or personally.

Believe what you want. Those of us who know better…well…know better.
Blacks ain’t voting.
I work and travel through Black neighborhoods and there are ZERO Hillary signs.
How many Trump signs do you see when you go through the “black neighborhoods”.
Only those intense enough to post on message boards will vote.
Yeah…the mysterious “message board index” has not been factored in.
I see Trump signs in White neighborhoods and NO Hillary signs in Black neighborhoods.
I DO see signs for local Black candidates in Black neighborhoods which usually have a 21-23% voter turnout.
How many Trump signs do you see when you go through the “black neighborhoods”.

More this week than last week.

And more last week than the week before.
APD is out of his element in deciding the election. He’s a celebrated attorney.

From the quip you have listed, the only salient point is Brexit and there are indicators that there is a fair amount of buyers remorse on that one over there. We’ll see how it goes.

As for the election, those who are preaching the “uncertainty sermon” are simply immune from the reality. There is a reason why you won’t see Trump campaigning in NY or CA. He can’t win there. Polling tells you that. Likewise, you won’t see Hillary campaigning in the heartland where she is not popular politically or personally.

Believe what you want. Those of us who know better…well…know better.

He’s more celebrated than you on just about anything.
Hey, I agree. He’s a great attorney and a quotable source that is usually spot on. What you don’t understand is that Politics is a profession. It’s not something that you can understand if you don’t pay a lot of attention to it.

APD was also on OJ Simpson’s defense team. Nice. You think he knew much about the case or was just there to win?

The rest of us live in a reality where Trump is up in Florida and Ohio and VA/NC are very much in play.
God damn dude, where did I say FL and OH and NC wasn’t in play? VA is firmly in the Blue column. As are WI and PA. In fact, NC isn’t in play, it will go red.

I can't believe I even care. In fact, I don’t think I do.
Yet here you are.

But watching people like you is, to say the least, entertaining.

You sound entertained.
Black folk have had their fun for the past eight years.

Back to apathy for them.
APD is out of his element in deciding the election. He’s a celebrated attorney.

From the quip you have listed, the only salient point is Brexit and there are indicators that there is a fair amount of buyers remorse on that one over there. We’ll see how it goes.

As for the election, those who are preaching the “uncertainty sermon” are simply immune from the reality. There is a reason why you won’t see Trump campaigning in NY or CA. He can’t win there. Polling tells you that. Likewise, you won’t see Hillary campaigning in the heartland where she is not popular politically or personally.

Believe what you want. Those of us who know better…well…know better.
Blacks ain't voting.
I work and travel through Black neighborhoods and there are ZERO Hillary signs.
Only those intense enough to post on message boards will vote.

I live in a purple area, went Obama twice.

only presidential yard signs I've seen are for Trump (2)

Most are for Senators
APD is out of his element in deciding the election. He’s a celebrated attorney.

From the quip you have listed, the only salient point is Brexit and there are indicators that there is a fair amount of buyers remorse on that one over there. We’ll see how it goes.

As for the election, those who are preaching the “uncertainty sermon” are simply immune from the reality. There is a reason why you won’t see Trump campaigning in NY or CA. He can’t win there. Polling tells you that. Likewise, you won’t see Hillary campaigning in the heartland where she is not popular politically or personally.

Believe what you want. Those of us who know better…well…know better.
Blacks ain't voting.
I work and travel through Black neighborhoods and there are ZERO Hillary signs.
Only those intense enough to post on message boards will vote.

I live in a purple area, went Obama twice.

only presidential yard signs I've seen are for Trump (2)

Most are for Senators
I went Obama and would do so again to avoid Romney.
I don't want a Globalist in the White House.
Is Obama a disappointment? OH YEAH.
Why it’s impossible to predict this election - The Boston Globe

Normally, this guy annoys me.

However, this is a pretty good column.

The only thing I can say good about this election....is that it will soon be over.

And whatever winds up in the White House will be a mess:

The reality is that polling is incapable of accurately predicting the outcome of elections like this one, where so many voters are angry, resentful, emotional, negative, and frightened. In my new book, “Electile Dysfunction: A Guide for the Unaroused Voter,” I discuss in detail why so many voters now say they won’t vote at all or will vote for a third-party candidate. As The New York Times reported, “Only 9 percent of America chose Trump and Clinton as the Nominees.” Or, to put voters’ frustration with the candidates more starkly, “81 percent of Americans say they would feel afraid following the election of one of the two politicians.”

The bottom line is that in a bizarre election like this one — with so many variables and so much emotion — polls may well under- or over-predict votes for the two major candidates. Think about the vote on Brexit. Virtually all the polls — including exit polls that asked voters how they voted — got it wrong. The financial markets got it wrong. The bookies got it wrong. The 2016 presidential election is more like the Brexit vote in many ways than it is like prior presidential elections. Both Brexit and this presidential election involve raw emotion, populism, anger, nationalism, class division, and other factors that distort accuracy in polling. So those who think they know who will be the next president of the United States are deceiving themselves.


Let the circus continue [cough cough].
Of course no one can predict the outcome at this point, but a month ago it seemed the election was Clinton's to lose, but with the way things are going it now seems it's Trump's to lose and Clinton has made such striking errors in judgement, it's getting harder and harder to imagine how she can dig herself out the hole she has dug for herself.
I think I saw candy sitting in the background when Clinton made her deplorable comment. I know she has every Barbara Streisand album. If you could just get th elitist condescension out of your posts you would be so much easier to stomach. I know you hope your girl crosses the finish line first but if she doesn't your beat down is going to be unmerciful. My hide has gotten tough losing the last two big ones. Get out the Cornhuskers lotion.
APD is out of his element in deciding the election. He’s a celebrated attorney.

From the quip you have listed, the only salient point is Brexit and there are indicators that there is a fair amount of buyers remorse on that one over there. We’ll see how it goes.

As for the election, those who are preaching the “uncertainty sermon” are simply immune from the reality. There is a reason why you won’t see Trump campaigning in NY or CA. He can’t win there. Polling tells you that. Likewise, you won’t see Hillary campaigning in the heartland where she is not popular politically or personally.

Believe what you want. Those of us who know better…well…know better.
Actually, Brexit is being celebrated over there....
I think I saw candy sitting in the background when Clinton made her deplorable comment. I know she has every Barbara Streisand album. If you could just get th elitist condescension out of your posts you would be so much easier to stomach. I know you hope your girl crosses the finish line first but if she doesn't your beat down is going to be unmerciful. My hide has gotten tough losing the last two big ones. Get out the Cornhuskers lotion.

I have no doubt that HRC will win the election by 120-130 electoral votes, shrimp brains. Trump has two very powerful enemies; himself and his enablers. I'm hesitant to say it because he is so repugnant on his own but his supporters are pretty much reason number one to avoid their messiah like the plague.
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