🎬 El Chorizo's Great Obscure and Underrated Movies List

Haven't heard or seen either of those. I'll add them to the list.
Not really worth going out of your way for. Twilight of the Golds is a better movie with bigger questions. Unhook the stars is one of those movies that I really think was done and cast to satisfy someone's contractual requirements to do X number of movies for a studio.
Not really worth going out of your way for. Twilight of the Golds is a better movie with bigger questions. Unhook the stars is one of those movies that I really think was done and cast to satisfy someone's contractual requirements to do X number of movies for a studio.
Oh, are they not good?
Both the Dr. Phibes movies , A Clockwork Orange , Wolfen , The Keep , The Island , Beach Red , The Other , Hell in the Pacific , Bear Island , Silent Running , The Andromeda Strain ...
Both the Dr. Phibes movies , A Clockwork Orange , Wolfen , The Keep , The Island , Beach Red , The Other , Hell in the Pacific , Bear Island , Silent Running , The Andromeda Strain ...
I have a clockwork orange painting and a clockwork orange picture up at my house. I've seen The Island, The Other and Silent Running. I'll add the others to the list.
Oh, are they not good?
I think they're good; enjoyable movies. Golds moreso than Twilight.

When I said that they were not going out of your way for, what I was saying was that they were like most other movies; nobody is going to come up to you and quote them and you won't know what they are talking about. Like--going by your avatar--that final shot in Breakfast Club where the guy puts his fist in the air to the Thompson Twins song... when you see some one do that in 2023 in another movie; you get the reference. Neither of these movies will ever be referenced so, by that calculation, you're not really missing out if you don't see it.

Put another way, if they were streaming on a service, I wouldn't subscribe just to see them.
I have a clockwork orange painting and a clockwork orange picture up at my house. I've seen The Island, The Other and Silent Running. I'll add the others to the list.
The Island was radical ( remnants of 18th Century Pirates still pirating in 1980 from a secluded island ) Silent Running ( Outer Space fantasy that was an early Green Movement and AI eye opener )
Southern Comfort , Kelly’s Heroes , Krakatoa east of Java , Siege at Firebase Gloria , Dollman , Dollman verses the Demonic Toys , 1999 The Bronx Warriors
The ending makes perfect sense but the movie is definitely confusing. It's about time travel and alternate timelines. The soundtrack for the movie is also excellent. Definitely a cult classic.
The movie is only confusing until after you have watched and seen the end, and meditated on the nature of self-sacrifice, much like works such as the Bible or the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe.

So much of our lives, we focus on ourselves, our lives, our own happiness, but only at the end, do we have these epiphanies, that our true worth, is only what we have given, or how we have made others' lives worth living. .. .
I've been putting this list together over the past few years and thought maybe some of y'all might be interested in the list. I tried to rank these in order of how obscure it is, how underrated and unkown it is when I factored in the overall score.

The link to the list is here: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls562349509/

Please feel free to suggest other movies that you think should be on the list or ask me about movies on the list. I'm always interested to learn of amazing movies that I've never seen. Thank you in advance.
Kung Fu Hustle

Why is Blue Velvet not there?
I liked Wind River. I could become a fan of Jeremy Renner.

The rest of them l’ve never heard of.

AD Astra l watched over and over again. I was never a fan of Brad Pitt, but he won me over with his restrained performance in this movie.

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