Egyptian/Libyan forces strike ISIS positions in Libya


Nov 14, 2012
Egypt takes revenge for the 21 Egyptians beheaded by ISIS in Libya:

Cairo, Tripoli, SANA

Egyptian and Libyan armed forces conducted separately Monday morning air strikes against positions and training camps of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS ) terrorist organization in Libya.

ISIS terrorist organization on Sunday released a graphic video showing ISIS terrorists beheading 21 Egyptian persons who had been kidnapped in Libya.

The Egyptian strikes, conducted by war planes, targeted ISIS weapons cache and ammunition, in retaliation of criminal acts of terrorist organizations inside and outside the country, Egyptian armed forces spokesman Brigadier General Mohamad Samir said in a statement.

For his part, Colonel Ahmad Mesmari, spokesman of the Libyan Army Staff Headquarters said in a statement that Libyan army is striking ISIS positions in the city of Serte and surroundings, indicating that air strikes would not stop till ISIS heavy losses are achieved.

Col. Mesmari condemned ISIS beheading 21 Egyptians Sunday calling it a part of the terrorist organization’s crimes in Libya and other Arab countries.

Following the release of the video, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi called for an urgent security talks. Egypt has announced seven days of mourning.

The Coptic Church confirmed that 21 Egyptians believed to have been held by ISIS are dead."

Egyptian forces strike ISIS positions in Libya SYRIA 360
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Noteworthy that Jordan supposedly was going to strike fear into the heart of ISIS and with the U.S.'s assistance seemed to do nothing much. Egypt acted on their own and seemed to do some real damage to ISIS. Makes one wonder. hhmmmmm...
Smart power at it's best...

Clinton: US Intervention in Libya Was ‘Smart Power at its Best’
October 14, 2015 – The U.S. military intervention in Libya in 2011 was an example of “smart power at its best,” Hillary Clinton said during Tuesday night’s CNN Democratic presidential debate, adding that she thought “President Obama made the right decision at the time.”
Debate moderator Anderson Cooper noted that former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb, also running for the Democratic nomination, had said on the campaign trial he would not have used military force in Libya, and that the subsequent terror attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi had been inevitable. Clinton was secretary of state when the U.S. participated in a NATO campaign of airstrikes, initially designed to save Libyan civilians under attack from the regime. Muammar Gaddafi was killed by rebel militiamen that October and Libya spiraled into chaos. A Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi cost the lives of lives of the U.S. ambassador, a foreign service officer and two Navy Seals. “Well, let’s remember what was going on,” Clinton said in response to the criticism. “We had a murderous dictator, Gaddafi, who had American blood on his hands, as I’m sure you remember, threatening to massacre large numbers of the Libyan people.

“We had our closest allies in Europe burning up the phone lines begging us to help them try to prevent what they saw as a mass genocide, in their words. And we had the Arabs standing by our side saying, ‘We want you to help us deal with Gaddafi.’” “Our response – which I think was smart power at its best – is that the United States will not lead this,” Clinton continued. “We will provide essential, unique capabilities that we have, but the Europeans and the Arabs had to be first over the line. We did not put one single American soldier on the ground in Libya.” “But American citizens did lose their lives in Benghazi,” interjected Cooper. “I’ll get to that,” Clinton said. “But I think it’s important, since I understand Senator Webb’s very strong feelings about this, to explain where we were then and to point out that I think President Obama made the right decision at the time.” Clinton went on to recall that Libyans had been able to hold a free election for the first time in half a century, and had “voted for moderates.”

She conceded that “turmoil” followed, and then, alluding to the Benghazi attack, said, “Unless you believe the United States should not send diplomats to any place that is dangerous, which I do not, then when we send them forth, there is always the potential for danger and risk.” Clinton is scheduled to testify before House Select Committee on Benghazi for the first time on October 22. Invited to respond to her defense of the administration’s Libya policy, Webb did not back down from his opposition to the intervention. “We had no treaties at risk,” he said. “We had no Americans at risk. There was no threat of attack or imminent attack.” Webb also said the president could have sought congressional authority to use military force – something he said he had called for repeatedly on the Senate floor. The U.S. intervention had not been wise, he said. “And if people think it was a wise thing to do, try to get to the Tripoli airport today,” Webb added. “You can’t do it.”

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