Educational Bullshit?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Research Finds that High School GPAs Are Stronger Predictors of College Graduation than ACT Scores

Read the article closely. The stated/purported conclusions are literally unbelievable. Not believable. The fact that the authors are both woman-academicians doesn't help. My B.S. meter is approaching the Red Zone.

Reading the title of the article and some of the quotes, one would THINK that they are saying that High School GPA is a better predictor of college performance than the ACT (and presumably the SAT). Pretty incredible, right?

If this were TRUE, then one could conclude that, for example, a student with a 4-point-something GPA from a "failing" inner city school is more likely to graduate college than, say, a student from the best public school in the state (wealthy tax base, and all that) with a 3.0 GPA.

But I don't think that's what the findings are. I think they are finding that between two students FROM THE SAME or a very comparable school, if one of them has "high" grades and another one has "low" grades, the student with higher grades is more likely to graduate than the other one. Not controversial at all. The counter-claim is that the same relationship doesn't hold true for "high" ACT scores vs. "low" ACT scores - as it pertains to the percentage likelihood of ultimately graduating.

On the other hand, grades cannot be presumed equally valid when earned in divergent schools. A "good" GPA from a "failing" school is nearly worthless. Coupled with a "good" ACT score it is still of questionable value. Unlike what is implied by the title of the article.

The ACT/SAT have long been known to indicate a student's ABILITY to do high-level college work. They have never claimed to predict college PERFORMANCE. Indeed, college counselors have long been wary of students with high SAT's & mediocre high school grades
The ACT/SAT have long been known to indicate a student's ABILITY to do high-level college work. They have never claimed to predict college PERFORMANCE. Indeed, college counselors have long been wary of students with high SAT's & mediocre high school grades

Keep in mind the entire government-run educational system is bullshit because at the fore it teaches first, CONFORMITY.

Need to grow that next generation of good little hard working taxpayers.
Research Finds that High School GPAs Are Stronger Predictors of College Graduation than ACT Scores

Read the article closely. The stated/purported conclusions are literally unbelievable. Not believable. The fact that the authors are both woman-academicians doesn't help. My B.S. meter is approaching the Red Zone.

Reading the title of the article and some of the quotes, one would THINK that they are saying that High School GPA is a better predictor of college performance than the ACT (and presumably the SAT). Pretty incredible, right?

If this were TRUE, then one could conclude that, for example, a student with a 4-point-something GPA from a "failing" inner city school is more likely to graduate college than, say, a student from the best public school in the state (wealthy tax base, and all that) with a 3.0 GPA.

But I don't think that's what the findings are. I think they are finding that between two students FROM THE SAME or a very comparable school, if one of them has "high" grades and another one has "low" grades, the student with higher grades is more likely to graduate than the other one. Not controversial at all. The counter-claim is that the same relationship doesn't hold true for "high" ACT scores vs. "low" ACT scores - as it pertains to the percentage likelihood of ultimately graduating.

On the other hand, grades cannot be presumed equally valid when earned in divergent schools. A "good" GPA from a "failing" school is nearly worthless. Coupled with a "good" ACT score it is still of questionable value. Unlike what is implied by the title of the article.

The ACT/SAT have long been known to indicate a student's ABILITY to do high-level college work. They have never claimed to predict college PERFORMANCE. Indeed, college counselors have long been wary of students with high SAT's & mediocre high school grades

Why do you assume incorrectly that a good GPA from a failing school is indicative of anything? One of our "failing" high schools in Florida produced more medical doctors than any other high school in a very large district.

The SAT measures only a limited amount of education. That is why the ACT has decimated their usefulness by many colleges and universities.
The ACT/SAT have long been known to indicate a student's ABILITY to do high-level college work. They have never claimed to predict college PERFORMANCE. Indeed, college counselors have long been wary of students with high SAT's & mediocre high school grades

Keep in mind the entire government-run educational system is bullshit because at the fore it teaches first, CONFORMITY.

Need to grow that next generation of good little hard working taxpayers.

Bullshit! If you had stayed in school rather than dropping out, you might have known that is not true.
The ACT/SAT have long been known to indicate a student's ABILITY to do high-level college work. They have never claimed to predict college PERFORMANCE. Indeed, college counselors have long been wary of students with high SAT's & mediocre high school grades

Keep in mind the entire government-run educational system is bullshit because at the fore it teaches first, CONFORMITY.

Need to grow that next generation of good little hard working taxpayers.

Bullshit! If you had stayed in school rather than dropping out, you might have known that is not true.

Had I stayed in school? Where do you dig that crap out from, idiot, your ass? I skipped parts of 5th and 7th grade, left the public school system altogether after 12 days in 9th grade being skipped to some 11th grade classes prior to leaving, finished high school in 2 years at a private high school, then went on to college on a state scholarship in the Who's Who. Tell us your academic achievement, "Admiral."
  • Fry cook in the Navy for 12 years?
  • Advanced math educator even though you cannot explain basic math problems on threads here at USMB?
The ACT/SAT have long been known to indicate a student's ABILITY to do high-level college work. They have never claimed to predict college PERFORMANCE. Indeed, college counselors have long been wary of students with high SAT's & mediocre high school grades

Keep in mind the entire government-run educational system is bullshit because at the fore it teaches first, CONFORMITY.

Need to grow that next generation of good little hard working taxpayers.

Bullshit! If you had stayed in school rather than dropping out, you might have known that is not true.

Had I stayed in school? Where do you dig that crap out from, idiot, your ass? I skipped parts of 5th and 7th grade, left the public school system altogether after 12 days in 9th grade being skipped to some 11th grade classes prior to leaving, finished high school in 2 years at a private high school, then went on to college on a state scholarship in the Who's Who. Tell us your academic achievement, "Admiral."
  • Fry cook in the Navy for 12 years?
  • Advanced math educator even though you cannot explain basic math problems on threads here at USMB?

Yes, you probably attended a private school with unqualified teachers that abound in those institutions.

As to your assertion about basic math problems, you obviously pulled that out of your head which is firmly lodged in your ass. You lack of knowledge about education is historic and well known on this forum.

You paid to be listed in that Who's Who, dumbass! Anyone can do that! That's just epic stupidity of your part!

I attended a PUBLIC high school, then enlisted in the Navy as an Electronic Technician in the Nuclear Field, which is why I know most of your scientific claims are bullshit. I won a 4-year Navy ROTC scholarship and received my commission I went back to school 19 years later to get my teachers certification, quickly followed a few years later by a Master's degree in Education that qualified me to be a school district superintendent.

Don't get into a dick measuring contest unless you have something to show there Stubby!
The ACT/SAT have long been known to indicate a student's ABILITY to do high-level college work. They have never claimed to predict college PERFORMANCE. Indeed, college counselors have long been wary of students with high SAT's & mediocre high school grades

Keep in mind the entire government-run educational system is bullshit because at the fore it teaches first, CONFORMITY.

Need to grow that next generation of good little hard working taxpayers.

Bullshit! If you had stayed in school rather than dropping out, you might have known that is not true.

Had I stayed in school? Where do you dig that crap out from, idiot, your ass? I skipped parts of 5th and 7th grade, left the public school system altogether after 12 days in 9th grade being skipped to some 11th grade classes prior to leaving, finished high school in 2 years at a private high school, then went on to college on a state scholarship in the Who's Who. Tell us your academic achievement, "Admiral."
  • Fry cook in the Navy for 12 years?
  • Advanced math educator even though you cannot explain basic math problems on threads here at USMB?

Yes, you probably attended a private school with unqualified teachers
Sorry, jackass, unless you consider people with PhDs to be unqualified, you guessed wrong again. You certainly do have a propensity for leaping first blindly then ending up eating your own words every time!

As to your assertion about basic math problems, you obviously pulled that out of your head which is firmly lodged in your ass.
No I pulled that out of the thread you likewise jumped into some months back where you similarly jumped in to tell somebody rudely how utterly wrong and stupid they were there as well and how you taught public school math for years and years and what an expert you were yet failed to explain the math problem WHATSOEVER as I embarrassed you by explaining it very simply and eruditely. You remember the thread. Gee, maybe we should get you and that other flaming idiot Charwin together.

You lack of knowledge about education is historic and well known on this forum.
SURE it is, cupcake, that is why I tutored other students in astronomy as far back as 1974 and continue to teach people of all walks of life including PhDs science to this very day on my own forum as group owner and moderator. Wanna try again?

You paid to be listed in that Who's Who, dumbass!
Sorry, no. Are you ever right about anything? The principle of my high school submitted me, as one of his top students.

I attended a PUBLIC high school, then enlisted in the Navy as an Electronic Technician in the Nuclear Field, which is why I know most of your scientific claims are bullshit.
Yes, I remember. You went to public school like most people, taught in public school, and got some sort of ET certificate or diploma in basic electronics. Have you ever programmed Xilinx or Altera CLBs? Programmed a SPICE engine? Done any R&D at all?

a Master's degree in Education that qualified me to be a school district superintendent. Don't get into a dick measuring contest unless you have something to show there
So, you held an administrative position in a system replete with widespread incompetence. All one needs do is look at America's rating something like 38th in the world in education to see that the government schools are a cesspool for the incompetent. One reason why I left it. As to a dick measuring contest, I'm not the one who challenged you, DUMMASS, you challenged me. All I did was make a passing remark about the failures of public school here which most people with a brain here know full well is TRUE.

THE PUBLIC SCHOOL IS A SHAM, AN EMBARRASSMENT AND A RIPOFF, as is most of the American educational system which costs upwards of FIVE TIMES what it costs to get an education anywhere else in the world.

But any time you want to challenge me on electronics or any other topic, "Admiral," do feel free to start the thread and I'LL SEE YOU THERE. Here are some old pictures of just a sampling of some of the test gear I have from my electronics test lab, including a Phillips PM2505 electronic analog Hi-Z VOM ($500 in 1995), a Wavetek 2030 circuit analyzer, a Fluke 27, an HP analog storage scope, along with a Fluke 867 Graphical Multimeter (about $1600 in 1996) which I wrote some of the practice apps for, for Fluke, just to include a small sampling of my own personal in house equipment. What have you, bedsides your dick in your hand, "Admiral?"

The ACT/SAT have long been known to indicate a student's ABILITY to do high-level college work. They have never claimed to predict college PERFORMANCE. Indeed, college counselors have long been wary of students with high SAT's & mediocre high school grades

Keep in mind the entire government-run educational system is bullshit because at the fore it teaches first, CONFORMITY.

Need to grow that next generation of good little hard working taxpayers.

Bullshit! If you had stayed in school rather than dropping out, you might have known that is not true.

Had I stayed in school? Where do you dig that crap out from, idiot, your ass? I skipped parts of 5th and 7th grade, left the public school system altogether after 12 days in 9th grade being skipped to some 11th grade classes prior to leaving, finished high school in 2 years at a private high school, then went on to college on a state scholarship in the Who's Who....

= flunked out of high school then took 2 years to pass the HSET
The ACT/SAT have long been known to indicate a student's ABILITY to do high-level college work. They have never claimed to predict college PERFORMANCE. Indeed, college counselors have long been wary of students with high SAT's & mediocre high school grades

Keep in mind the entire government-run educational system is bullshit because at the fore it teaches first, CONFORMITY.

Need to grow that next generation of good little hard working taxpayers.

Bullshit! If you had stayed in school rather than dropping out, you might have known that is not true.

Had I stayed in school? Where do you dig that crap out from, idiot, your ass? I skipped parts of 5th and 7th grade, left the public school system altogether after 12 days in 9th grade being skipped to some 11th grade classes prior to leaving, finished high school in 2 years at a private high school, then went on to college on a state scholarship in the Who's Who. Tell us your academic achievement, "Admiral."
  • Fry cook in the Navy for 12 years?
  • Advanced math educator even though you cannot explain basic math problems on threads here at USMB?

Yes, you probably attended a private school with unqualified teachers
Sorry, jackass, unless you consider people with PhDs to be unqualified, you guessed wrong again. You certainly do have a propensity for leaping first blindly then ending up eating your own words every time!

As to your assertion about basic math problems, you obviously pulled that out of your head which is firmly lodged in your ass.
No I pulled that out of the thread you likewise jumped into some months back where you similarly jumped in to tell somebody rudely how utterly wrong and stupid they were there as well and how you taught public school math for years and years and what an expert you were yet failed to explain the math problem WHATSOEVER as I embarrassed you by explaining it very simply and eruditely. You remember the thread. Gee, maybe we should get you and that other flaming idiot Charwin together.

You lack of knowledge about education is historic and well known on this forum.
SURE it is, cupcake, that is why I tutored other students in astronomy as far back as 1974 and continue to teach people of all walks of life including PhDs science to this very day on my own forum as group owner and moderator. Wanna try again?

You paid to be listed in that Who's Who, dumbass!
Sorry, no. Are you ever right about anything? The principle of my high school submitted me, as one of his top students.

I attended a PUBLIC high school, then enlisted in the Navy as an Electronic Technician in the Nuclear Field, which is why I know most of your scientific claims are bullshit.
Yes, I remember. You went to public school like most people, taught in public school, and got some sort of ET certificate or diploma in basic electronics. Have you ever programmed Xilinx or Altera CLBs? Programmed a SPICE engine? Done any R&D at all?

a Master's degree in Education that qualified me to be a school district superintendent. Don't get into a dick measuring contest unless you have something to show there
So, you held an administrative position in a system replete with widespread incompetence. All one needs do is look at America's rating something like 38th in the world in education to see that the government schools are a cesspool for the incompetent. One reason why I left it. As to a dick measuring contest, I'm not the one who challenged you, DUMMASS, you challenged me. All I did was make a passing remark about the failures of public school here which most people with a brain here know full well is TRUE.

THE PUBLIC SCHOOL IS A SHAM, AN EMBARRASSMENT AND A RIPOFF, as is most of the American educational system which costs upwards of FIVE TIMES what it costs to get an education anywhere else in the world.

But any time you want to challenge me on electronics or any other topic, "Admiral," do feel free to start the thread and I'LL SEE YOU THERE. Here are some old pictures of just a sampling of some of the test gear I have from my electronics test lab, including a Phillips PM2505 electronic analog Hi-Z VOM ($500 in 1995), a Wavetek 2030 circuit analyzer, a Fluke 27, an HP analog storage scope, along with a Fluke 867 Graphical Multimeter (about $1600 in 1996) which I wrote some of the practice apps for, for Fluke, just to include a small sampling of my own personal in house equipment. What have you, bedsides your dick in your hand, "Admiral?"

View attachment 306188 View attachment 306189 View attachment 306190 View attachment 306191

So you have a PH.D.? Considering I work for the US Army, and not in electronics, why would have such antiquated pieces of shit? I had more advanced equipment than that in the late 70s as I worked on radar and communications systems.

In your case that would be "Piled Higher and Deeper"!
Keep in mind the entire government-run educational system is bullshit because at the fore it teaches first, CONFORMITY.

Need to grow that next generation of good little hard working taxpayers.

Bullshit! If you had stayed in school rather than dropping out, you might have known that is not true.

Had I stayed in school? Where do you dig that crap out from, idiot, your ass? I skipped parts of 5th and 7th grade, left the public school system altogether after 12 days in 9th grade being skipped to some 11th grade classes prior to leaving, finished high school in 2 years at a private high school, then went on to college on a state scholarship in the Who's Who. Tell us your academic achievement, "Admiral."
  • Fry cook in the Navy for 12 years?
  • Advanced math educator even though you cannot explain basic math problems on threads here at USMB?

Yes, you probably attended a private school with unqualified teachers
Sorry, jackass, unless you consider people with PhDs to be unqualified, you guessed wrong again. You certainly do have a propensity for leaping first blindly then ending up eating your own words every time!

As to your assertion about basic math problems, you obviously pulled that out of your head which is firmly lodged in your ass.
No I pulled that out of the thread you likewise jumped into some months back where you similarly jumped in to tell somebody rudely how utterly wrong and stupid they were there as well and how you taught public school math for years and years and what an expert you were yet failed to explain the math problem WHATSOEVER as I embarrassed you by explaining it very simply and eruditely. You remember the thread. Gee, maybe we should get you and that other flaming idiot Charwin together.

You lack of knowledge about education is historic and well known on this forum.
SURE it is, cupcake, that is why I tutored other students in astronomy as far back as 1974 and continue to teach people of all walks of life including PhDs science to this very day on my own forum as group owner and moderator. Wanna try again?

You paid to be listed in that Who's Who, dumbass!
Sorry, no. Are you ever right about anything? The principle of my high school submitted me, as one of his top students.

I attended a PUBLIC high school, then enlisted in the Navy as an Electronic Technician in the Nuclear Field, which is why I know most of your scientific claims are bullshit.
Yes, I remember. You went to public school like most people, taught in public school, and got some sort of ET certificate or diploma in basic electronics. Have you ever programmed Xilinx or Altera CLBs? Programmed a SPICE engine? Done any R&D at all?

a Master's degree in Education that qualified me to be a school district superintendent. Don't get into a dick measuring contest unless you have something to show there
So, you held an administrative position in a system replete with widespread incompetence. All one needs do is look at America's rating something like 38th in the world in education to see that the government schools are a cesspool for the incompetent. One reason why I left it. As to a dick measuring contest, I'm not the one who challenged you, DUMMASS, you challenged me. All I did was make a passing remark about the failures of public school here which most people with a brain here know full well is TRUE.

THE PUBLIC SCHOOL IS A SHAM, AN EMBARRASSMENT AND A RIPOFF, as is most of the American educational system which costs upwards of FIVE TIMES what it costs to get an education anywhere else in the world.

But any time you want to challenge me on electronics or any other topic, "Admiral," do feel free to start the thread and I'LL SEE YOU THERE. Here are some old pictures of just a sampling of some of the test gear I have from my electronics test lab, including a Phillips PM2505 electronic analog Hi-Z VOM ($500 in 1995), a Wavetek 2030 circuit analyzer, a Fluke 27, an HP analog storage scope, along with a Fluke 867 Graphical Multimeter (about $1600 in 1996) which I wrote some of the practice apps for, for Fluke, just to include a small sampling of my own personal in house equipment. What have you, bedsides your dick in your hand, "Admiral?"

View attachment 306188 View attachment 306189 View attachment 306190 View attachment 306191

So you have a PH.D.? Considering I work for the US Army, and not in electronics, why would have such antiquated pieces of shit? I had more advanced equipment than that in the late 70s as I worked on radar and communications systems.

In your case that would be "Piled Higher and Deeper"!

FUCK YOU, you lying sack of dog shit. Why don't you just admit you GOT NOTHING, on another thread you said you TAUGHT SCHOOL, now you claim you work for the
US Army. They don't even have Admirals in the Army do they??? ??? Then you make the Faux Pas of saying you had more advanced equipment (supplied by the Army) in the 1970s when much of what I showed wasn't invented until TWENTY YEARS LATER!!!!

You're such a horse's ass.

This is my PERSONAL gear, Moron, it doesn't have to be SOTA today, just good enough to do what I NEED. And for the most part, everything I showed you was SOTA and cutting edge when I bought it. Still better than what 99% of what people own. The 867 measures ohmage down to I think 1/100th ohm ACCURATELY. Lab quality.

Still waiting for you to tell / show us what pissant crap you own.

You WORKED on telecom. I DESIGNED it, fool.

Or should I say, "Admiral."
Bullshit! If you had stayed in school rather than dropping out, you might have known that is not true.

Had I stayed in school? Where do you dig that crap out from, idiot, your ass? I skipped parts of 5th and 7th grade, left the public school system altogether after 12 days in 9th grade being skipped to some 11th grade classes prior to leaving, finished high school in 2 years at a private high school, then went on to college on a state scholarship in the Who's Who. Tell us your academic achievement, "Admiral."
  • Fry cook in the Navy for 12 years?
  • Advanced math educator even though you cannot explain basic math problems on threads here at USMB?

Yes, you probably attended a private school with unqualified teachers
Sorry, jackass, unless you consider people with PhDs to be unqualified, you guessed wrong again. You certainly do have a propensity for leaping first blindly then ending up eating your own words every time!

As to your assertion about basic math problems, you obviously pulled that out of your head which is firmly lodged in your ass.
No I pulled that out of the thread you likewise jumped into some months back where you similarly jumped in to tell somebody rudely how utterly wrong and stupid they were there as well and how you taught public school math for years and years and what an expert you were yet failed to explain the math problem WHATSOEVER as I embarrassed you by explaining it very simply and eruditely. You remember the thread. Gee, maybe we should get you and that other flaming idiot Charwin together.

You lack of knowledge about education is historic and well known on this forum.
SURE it is, cupcake, that is why I tutored other students in astronomy as far back as 1974 and continue to teach people of all walks of life including PhDs science to this very day on my own forum as group owner and moderator. Wanna try again?

You paid to be listed in that Who's Who, dumbass!
Sorry, no. Are you ever right about anything? The principle of my high school submitted me, as one of his top students.

I attended a PUBLIC high school, then enlisted in the Navy as an Electronic Technician in the Nuclear Field, which is why I know most of your scientific claims are bullshit.
Yes, I remember. You went to public school like most people, taught in public school, and got some sort of ET certificate or diploma in basic electronics. Have you ever programmed Xilinx or Altera CLBs? Programmed a SPICE engine? Done any R&D at all?

a Master's degree in Education that qualified me to be a school district superintendent. Don't get into a dick measuring contest unless you have something to show there
So, you held an administrative position in a system replete with widespread incompetence. All one needs do is look at America's rating something like 38th in the world in education to see that the government schools are a cesspool for the incompetent. One reason why I left it. As to a dick measuring contest, I'm not the one who challenged you, DUMMASS, you challenged me. All I did was make a passing remark about the failures of public school here which most people with a brain here know full well is TRUE.

THE PUBLIC SCHOOL IS A SHAM, AN EMBARRASSMENT AND A RIPOFF, as is most of the American educational system which costs upwards of FIVE TIMES what it costs to get an education anywhere else in the world.

But any time you want to challenge me on electronics or any other topic, "Admiral," do feel free to start the thread and I'LL SEE YOU THERE. Here are some old pictures of just a sampling of some of the test gear I have from my electronics test lab, including a Phillips PM2505 electronic analog Hi-Z VOM ($500 in 1995), a Wavetek 2030 circuit analyzer, a Fluke 27, an HP analog storage scope, along with a Fluke 867 Graphical Multimeter (about $1600 in 1996) which I wrote some of the practice apps for, for Fluke, just to include a small sampling of my own personal in house equipment. What have you, bedsides your dick in your hand, "Admiral?"

View attachment 306188 View attachment 306189 View attachment 306190 View attachment 306191

So you have a PH.D.? Considering I work for the US Army, and not in electronics, why would have such antiquated pieces of shit? I had more advanced equipment than that in the late 70s as I worked on radar and communications systems.

In your case that would be "Piled Higher and Deeper"!

FUCK YOU, you lying sack of dog shit. Why don't you just admit you GOT NOTHING, on another thread you said you TAUGHT SCHOOL, now you claim you work for the
US Army. They don't even have Admirals in the Army do they??? ??? Then you make the Faux Pas of saying you had more advanced equipment (supplied by the Army) in the 1970s when much of what I showed wasn't invented until TWENTY YEARS LATER!!!!

You're such a horse's ass.

This is my PERSONAL gear, Moron, it doesn't have to be SOTA today, just good enough to do what I NEED. And for the most part, everything I showed you was SOTA and cutting edge when I bought it. Still better than what 99% of what people own. The 867 measures ohmage down to I think 1/100th ohm ACCURATELY. Lab quality.

Still waiting for you to tell / show us what pissant crap you own.

You WORKED on telecom. I DESIGNED it, fool.

Or should I say, "Admiral."

When are you going to learn how to read, dumbass?
You paid to be listed in that Who's Who

BTW, ShitFerBrains, you don't "pay" to be listed in the Who's Who, otherwise, everyone would be in it and it'd be MEANINGLESS! As I recall, your school submits an application with your scholastic achievement and it must be accepted to go in. You are such an ignorant, lying ass.

Yes , you do. As a a retired educator, why don't you just admit you are tap dancing in a mine field?
You paid to be listed in that Who's Who

BTW, ShitFerBrains, you don't "pay" to be listed in the Who's Who, otherwise, everyone would be in it and it'd be MEANINGLESS! As I recall, your school submits an application with your scholastic achievement and it must be accepted to go in. You are such an ignorant, lying ass.


Pretentious sucker!


Have you heard from your uncle the Nigerian prince lately?
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You paid to be listed in that Who's Who

BTW, ShitFerBrains, you don't "pay" to be listed in the Who's Who, otherwise, everyone would be in it and it'd be MEANINGLESS! As I recall, your school submits an application with your scholastic achievement and it must be accepted to go in. You are such an ignorant, lying ass.

Yes , you do. As a a retired educator, why don't you just admit you are tap dancing in a mine field?

Fuck off, Twit. I never paid to be listed anywhere. My parents never paid for me to be listed anywhere. We got a letter saying that I had been submitted and accepted by them from the school. End of story. I think you had to pay them something if you wanted your picture included, or maybe a copy of that year's publication with your name in it, but not for the listing itself. It included a list of things I qualified for, including things only the school could have submitted. End of story. Would you like to see a copy of my listing? Were you ever listed in the Who's Who? YOU HAVE ZERO CREDIBILITY for anything you ever say, Fuckwit, you lie, you change your story and you NEVER EVER back up a thing you say about anything.

And the public schools STILL BLOW.
The 867 measures ohmage down to I think 1/100th ohm ACCURATELY. Lab quality.
Oh Jesus, my sides are in pain from the laughter your statement above gave me. Ohmage? 1/100th ohm? LAB QUALITY? The Fluke 867's resistance range is 300 ohm to 30.000 Mohm in Fluke's manual for the meter (see link below). If you're gonna try and cover your ass and talk tolerance in the lowest range, that would come to +/-0.07% of 300 ohm or 0.21 ohm max difference. You obviously don't know the spec'ed limits of your own test equipment. If you are what you say you are, you would know that! Any engineer worth a damn KNOWS the limits of their tools they use!
~~ ~~

Now just what the Hell is defined as LAB QUALITY about that Fluke meter? Fluke does make fine portable instruments but that portability yields certain sacrifices including a noticeable loss of accuracy in trade offs for that portability. My HP 3478A has a maximum allowable error of 1 mohm @ 300 ohm @ 5 1/2 digits. That's "a few" orders of magnitude improvement in error (210 mohm vs. 1 mohm). Anyway, in the last 56 years I've been involved in this field, primarily analog & RF, I've never heard that term applied to anything outside the Bureau of Standards. The specs of a piece of test equipment are determined by it's manufacturer and LAB QUALITY is a pure bullshit descriptor and sophistry when coming from a boasting neophyte signifying nothing.
You paid to be listed in that Who's Who

BTW, ShitFerBrains, you don't "pay" to be listed in the Who's Who, otherwise, everyone would be in it and it'd be MEANINGLESS! As I recall, your school submits an application with your scholastic achievement and it must be accepted to go in. You are such an ignorant, lying ass.

Yes , you do. As a a retired educator, why don't you just admit you are tap dancing in a mine field?

Fuck off, Twit. I never paid to be listed anywhere. My parents never paid for me to be listed anywhere. We got a letter saying that I had been submitted and accepted by them from the school. End of story. I think you had to pay them something if you wanted your picture included, or maybe a copy of that year's publication with your name in it, but not for the listing itself. It included a list of things I qualified for, including things only the school could have submitted. End of story. Would you like to see a copy of my listing? Were you ever listed in the Who's Who?


When they sold you the Brooklyn Bridge, did they promise to wash it before handing over the keys?

You paid to be listed in that Who's Who

BTW, ShitFerBrains, you don't "pay" to be listed in the Who's Who, otherwise, everyone would be in it and it'd be MEANINGLESS! As I recall, your school submits an application with your scholastic achievement and it must be accepted to go in. You are such an ignorant, lying ass.

Yes , you do. As a a retired educator, why don't you just admit you are tap dancing in a mine field?

Fuck off, Twit. I never paid to be listed anywhere. My parents never paid for me to be listed anywhere. We got a letter saying that I had been submitted and accepted by them from the school. End of story. I think you had to pay them something if you wanted your picture included, or maybe a copy of that year's publication with your name in it, but not for the listing itself. It included a list of things I qualified for, including things only the school could have submitted. End of story. Would you like to see a copy of my listing? Were you ever listed in the Who's Who? YOU HAVE ZERO CREDIBILITY for anything you ever say, Fuckwit, you lie, you change your story and you NEVER EVER back up a thing you say about anything.

And the public schools STILL BLOW.

Here you go fucktard!

"There was much debate over the value of the book. Although it does not cost any money to be listed, it is often categorized as a scam since it is an attempt by a private company to make money through proud parents and students who purchase the book and various memorabilia (such as a "commemorative keychain") associated with the publication in attempt at recognition. There have been concerns about how students are nominated as well as whether the listing's entries are fact-checked and accurate."

Who's Who Among American High School Students - Wikipedia

It was a fucking scam, dildo breath!
The 867 measures ohmage down to I think 1/100th ohm ACCURATELY. Lab quality.
Oh Jesus, my sides are in pain from the laughter your statement above gave me. Ohmage? 1/100th ohm? LAB QUALITY? The Fluke 867's resistance range is 300 ohm to 30.000 Mohm in Fluke's manual for the meter.

I just love it when I get another shitstain who doesn't know what he''s talking about. The 867 has a 32000 count display, which means its lowest range is full scale 320.00 ohms, or 0.01 resolution. Here is mine measuring the test leads shorted:


I first held them tightly together to get the lowest and most stable reading then zeroed out the display. But I had to take one hand off to take this picture and the reading drifted up to 130 milliohms or 13 centiohms.

Here is the 96 Test Tools catalog where the 860 Series GMM first appeared:


And here is the page giving product details:


And on the right side, a chart of specifications.


Resolution: 0.01 ohm. Not many handheld meters (and hardly any of that day) resolved ohms past 0.1 ohms. What is the point? How often does someone need to measure an Ohm? A tenth of an ohm? A hundredth?

And here is it in Flukes own words:


The first thing they said was THE WORLD'S MOST ACCURATE HANDHELD DMM. Go take it up with them, cupcake.

What does this mean in real world situations? A MAXIMUM ERROR DEVIATION within the temperature range of no more than 0.2 ohms under any circumstance. OR BETTER. I routinely had my meter checked, tested and calibrated in the lab where I worked (it was required of all equipment and mine was the only personally owned test gear), and if I short out the leads, I get a REPEATABLE READING. Then if I zero that out, I get 0.00 ohms, with a counter fluctuation of + / - 0.01 ohms. That is a good sign that the meter is reading well below the stated maximum deviation and giving a reading at least within a few hundredths of an ohm.

THAT IS ACCURATE. Good enough for any lab, good enough for the many years I used mine in a lab doing R&D. Is it equal to a piece of lab gear costing tens of thousands? Of course not. But it was more than good enough to take with me on company business, use its frequency counter to get a stable reading where a high quality HP counter failed (better triggering), and justified Lucent bringing in a Stratum 3 clock from New Jersey to do the final determination, confirming what I already knew.

So what's you're point shitstain? All this because you disagree about the semantics of one word? The 860 series was best that could be engineered in a portable battery operated unit in its day, certainly suitable for use in a lab. My company designed global telecom using my 867. I never said it was the same as a BENCH meter, nor did I ever say it set a new reference benchmark world standard.

Maybe if you actually knew half as much as you thought you knew or read, you wouldn't have made a total ass of yourself.
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You paid to be listed in that Who's Who

BTW, ShitFerBrains, you don't "pay" to be listed in the Who's Who, otherwise, everyone would be in it and it'd be MEANINGLESS! As I recall, your school submits an application with your scholastic achievement and it must be accepted to go in. You are such an ignorant, lying ass.

Yes , you do. As a a retired educator, why don't you just admit you are tap dancing in a mine field?

Fuck off, Twit. I never paid to be listed anywhere. My parents never paid for me to be listed anywhere. We got a letter saying that I had been submitted and accepted by them from the school. End of story. I think you had to pay them something if you wanted your picture included, or maybe a copy of that year's publication with your name in it, but not for the listing itself. It included a list of things I qualified for, including things only the school could have submitted. End of story. Would you like to see a copy of my listing? Were you ever listed in the Who's Who? YOU HAVE ZERO CREDIBILITY for anything you ever say, Fuckwit, you lie, you change your story and you NEVER EVER back up a thing you say about anything.

And the public schools STILL BLOW.

Here you go fucktard!

"There was much debate over the value of the book. Although it does not cost any money to be listed, it is often categorized as a scam since it is an attempt by a private company to make money through proud parents and students who purchase the book and various memorabilia (such as a "commemorative keychain") associated with the publication in attempt at recognition. There have been concerns about how students are nominated as well as whether the listing's entries are fact-checked and accurate."

Who's Who Among American High School Students - Wikipedia

It was a fucking scam, dildo breath!

TOTAL FUCKING DEFLECTION AND EVASION BY THE FUCKTARD! Now you are ADMITTING that unlike your original claim, it DID NOT cost money nor could anyone pay to just get themselves listed! Who gives a flying crap if it is "often categorized" as a "scam" because (lord help us), a private company publishing it all sought to offset their costs by selling copies of the annual publication, etc! Bottom line is my HS put me in it! So What, shithead! You mad because you weren't? And had to finish out four years of drudgery in a public school then go off to the Army to be a grunt because no college would take you?

You originally said I DROPPED OUT OF SCHOOL! Proven wrong again. Another bald faced bullshit clueless lie by a hapless assfuck like you.

WHERE'S YOUR LISTING IN THE WHO'S WHO? What university did you go to on a state funded scholarship? Any college at all? Not even Community College? I see. Why you call yourself an Admiral when you say you served in the Army? Why do you claim you were a PS administrator when you haven't demonstrated JACK SHIT ability to even teach anything? I wouldn't let you with 100 feet of my kids. It's because of fuckheads like you that so many kids are fucked up and bringing guns to school. Never had a single gun problem in my private high school. Kids were actually HAPPY there. Why you so sore because some people are lucky enough to get the fuck out of the hell hole public school system and get a REAL fucking education? My neighbors have two girls and they won't even let them ride the school bus. They drive them there and bring them home themselves.
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