Economics 101

Are you serious, or are you simply trying to prove you are a toad. You forgot all of the amendments. Jesus, me boy. Were you born stupid, or have you been working at it. Have you ever wondered why, if Social Security, for instance, was not illegal, the Supreme Court disagrees with you? Proof again you are an idiot.

No, stupid....I don't wonder at all. The Supreme Court does is not stacked with 9 justices dedicated to upholding and defending the U.S. Constitution as it was intended to be. Instead, idiots like Obama stacked it with political activists such as Sonja Sotomayor and Elana Kagen.

It speaks volumes that you can't dispute my factual claim. If all you can say is "why does the Supreme Court disagree with you", then you have no leg to stand on at all. The U.S. Constitution dictates how the government functions - not the Supreme Court. Show me what article and section in the U.S. Constitution the federal government is authorized to provide Social Security, Medicare, etc.

You are so astoundingly ignorant of the most basic fundamentals of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. government that you are actually shocked when someone speaks the truth to you. You are a Dumbocrat master's dream. Completely ignorant, totally blind, and fiercely obedient to their false narrative.
What is really stupid is that you think that social security and medicare are illegal. And, me boy, it would take one chief justice to determine it was illegal. Sorry you think that a Supreme Court that has been mostly conservative for over a decade could stop that.
Now, here is the thing. If you think those programs are illegal, you could no doubt find a source to back you up. You know, me boy, an impartial source. If you ever use them. So, I will be waiting to see that source to back up your claim. Otherwise, we can all consider it just a stupid claim by a stupid person.
Here are a few Democratic Socialist Nations, for you review. And please, you should not get pissy with me. I am helping you. Get pissy with the people who have been lying to you.

"The Nordic model (also called Nordic capitalism orNordic social democracy) refers to the economic and social policies common to the Nordic countries(Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland and Sweden)."

Now, if you were capable of it, you could look at the internet and find another 40 or so.

I don't need to "review" them. I can promise you that I know about them than you ever will. For instance, I know that everything you point to about those nations is 100% false. I know that you people also pointed to Greece for these same "success stories" only to watch the nation completely collapse. Over the past 5 years, they have experienced horrific riots. One the past year, the banks were shut down and people were allowed to pull $70 per week to live off of. I know that England is currently trying to decentralize their single payer, government-run healthcare system because it is collapsing their nation.

And I know the single most important thing that you are far too stupid to realize - that while libtards such as yourself point to all of these other nations as bastions of liberal utopia, not one of you assholes ever denounce your U.S. citizenships and go live in these nations. Meanwhile, people from all over the world (including these nations) risk their lives to make it to the U.S.

You lose. But thank for playing.
You won nothing, me boy. At this point, I have provided proof that there are democratic socialist countries doing very, very well. Complete with a link;
You, on the otherhand, have no proof of what you say. No link. Just your opinion. And you must know how much I value your opinion.
That is two losses for you, two wins for me. Dipshit.
Second, a public library is not socialism as it does not take from one to benefit another. Everyone can use that library. Same with roads. Furthermore, it is done at the local level where it is legal.

So, you are suggesting it is LOCAL socialism. Did you have a point?

The fact that you actually need this explained to you yet again is unbelievable. There are two points to be made here - both of which I have already made. Both of which are very simple. And both of which you have been incapable of grasping for some reason. Here they are yet again:

The U.S. Constitution explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers. Anything beyond those 18 specific powers is 100% illegal for the federal government to involve themselves in. It is unacceptable for our federal government (or any level of government for that matter) to engage in illegal behavior.

A library and a road is not socialism. It does not take from me and give to you. The road is not yours. I have as much access to that road and that library as you do or as my neighbor does. But when the federal government takes my money and buys food with it that they then give to unemployable people like you, and you eat that food, that is socialism. I labored - you benefited.

The fact that you actually need this explained to you yet again is unbelievable.
Perhaps it is time you provide a link, dipshit. Because so far you have not proven you are correct.
So, are you unable to prove you claim?

ncapable of grasping for some reason. Here they are yet again:
I grasped them. They are untrue statements. Which is why you can not prove them.

A library and a road is not socialism.
Of course not. A library is an entity that is social, created and run by local gov. A road is a product created by a private company but paid for and governed by the government, either national or local. Neither are socialism, dipshit. Socialism is an economic type. They are social entities in that both were paid for by taxes.

The road is not yours. I have as much access to that road and that library as you do or as my neighbor does.
The road, me boy, belongs to us all. In other words, it belongs to the government, who collects taxes to pay for the road, and to maintain the road. Making it (Now pay attention) a social entity. If it were private, as toll roads often are, then you would have no right to use the road unless you paid tolls to the owner of the road. And it would be PRIVATE.

Yes, me poor ignorant con troll, food stamps are a social program.
That is really, really bad, me poor ignorant con troll. You got one of 4 correct. I would shoot myself if I were that stupid.
What is really stupid is that you think that social security and medicare are illegal.
Me boy....I don't "think" anything. I know they are illegal. The U.S. Constitution says so.
And, me boy, it would take one chief justice to determine it was illegal. boy....a "Chief Justice" doesn't determine that. The U.S. Constitution does. The question is - why haven't you taken 10 minutes out of your life to read it and why do you comment about something you've never read?
Now, here is the thing. If you think those programs are illegal, you could no doubt find a source to back you up.
I did. I've given you the source a dozen times now. It's called the U.S. Constitution, me boy... You seem really confused. Perhaps all of this is just a tad over your head?
You know, me boy, an impartial source. If you ever use them. So, I will be waiting to see that source to back up your claim.
There is no more impartial source in the world than the U.S. Constitution. I've proven you have no idea what you are talking about. You're completely and totally unqualified to be having this discussion because you simply have no idea about the subject matter.
That is two losses for you, two wins for me. Dipshit.

Uh-oh....someone is a little butt-hurt about having their ignorance about the subject matter exposed. But here's the thing "me boy" - that is your fault. You're the one who wants to speak out about a subject you are 100% ignorant about. Don't blame me for your failures and your mistakes.
I would shoot myself if I were that stupid.

You are that stupid. You can't even figure out how to respond to comments on a website. You have to change colors to respond instead of properly quoting. What kind of a tool can't figure out how to respond to comments properly? You have to be really dumb for this to be too difficult for you. :lmao:
Perhaps it is time you provide a link, dipshit. Because so far you have not proven you are correct.
So, are you unable to prove you claim?

I provided it at least a dozen times already. It's called the U.S. Constitution, me astoundingly ignorant boy!

Here is a link, me astoundingly ignorant boy!
United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And here is the actual document itself, me astoundingly ignorant boy!

Ask an adult to read it to you since you are illiterate.

I grasped them. They are untrue statements. Which is why you can not prove them.

I provided it at least a dozen times already. It's called the U.S. Constitution, me astoundingly ignorant boy!

Here is a link, me astoundingly ignorant boy!
United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And here is the actual document itself, me astoundingly ignorant boy!

Ask an adult to read it to you since you are illiterate.
The road, me boy, belongs to us all. In other words, it belongs to the government, who collects taxes to pay for the road, and to maintain the road. Making it (Now pay attention) a social entity. If it were private, as toll roads often are, then you would have no right to use the road unless you paid tolls to the owner of the road. And it would be PRIVATE.

Wait. Wait. Wait. You think Toll Roads are "private"? Bwahahahahahahaha!!!! You really are the dumbest poster in the history of USMB.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

(Psst......stupid.....the toll roads are owned and operated by the state governments. The tolls are just to pay for the roads themselves, repairs, etc.)
Me: A library and a road is not socialism.
You (stupid): Of course not. A library is an entity that is social, created and run by local gov. A road is a product created by a private company but paid for and governed by the government, either national or local. Neither are socialism, dipshit.

(Synopsis - you 100% agree with me and then end it with "neither are socialism, dipshit". Uh....yeah stupid....that's exactly what I said)

Me: The road is not yours. I have as much access to that road and that library as you do or as my neighbor does.
You (stupid): The road, me boy, belongs to us all.

(Synopsis - once again you 100% agree with what I said and just parrot my accurate points)

You (stupid): You got one of 4 correct. I would shoot myself if I were that stupid.


Now, stupid let's think about this. I got the food stamps right (according to you) and I got the fact that roads are not "socialism" right (according to you). So by your own account, I got at least 2 out of 4 right.

You are literally so stupid, you either can't count past one or you don't even realize when you agree with what other people say. :lmao:
What is really stupid is that you think that social security and medicare are illegal.
Me boy....I don't "think" anything. I know they are illegal. The U.S. Constitution says so.
And, me boy, it would take one chief justice to determine it was illegal. boy....a "Chief Justice" doesn't determine that. The U.S. Constitution does. The question is - why haven't you taken 10 minutes out of your life to read it and why do you comment about something you've never read?
Now, here is the thing. If you think those programs are illegal, you could no doubt find a source to back you up.
I did. I've given you the source a dozen times now. It's called the U.S. Constitution, me boy... You seem really confused. Perhaps all of this is just a tad over your head?
You know, me boy, an impartial source. If you ever use them. So, I will be waiting to see that source to back up your claim.
There is no more impartial source in the world than the U.S. Constitution. I've proven you have no idea what you are talking about. You're completely and totally unqualified to be having this discussion because you simply have no idea about the subject matter.

Got it, dipshit. So you can not prove your point. Because you were lying. got it.
That is two losses for you, two wins for me. Dipshit.

Uh-oh....someone is a little butt-hurt about having their ignorance about the subject matter exposed. But here's the thing "me boy" - that is your fault. You're the one who wants to speak out about a subject you are 100% ignorant about. Don't blame me for your failures and your mistakes.

Sure, me boy. You can not find a single source. You would need to have the constitution and all amendments, and you do not, dip shit. But, if you were telling the truth, you would simply provide a link. I know you are lying. I know ss and medicare are completely legal. And I know you lost, and are twisting and turning like a frog in the fire. You are funny, however. Sad, but funny.
Ayn Rand believes in greed and selfishness which she seeks to justify by vilifying the poor. Anyone who reads her has wasted their time.

Exactly like you do! When is the last time you skipped a meal to make sure that someone else had a meal? When is the last time you picked up a second job to pay for the health insurance policy of someone who was uninsured?

Never. You know why? You're selfish and greedy.
Perhaps it is time you provide a link, dipshit. Because so far you have not proven you are correct.
So, are you unable to prove you claim?

I provided it at least a dozen times already. It's called the U.S. Constitution, me astoundingly ignorant boy!

Here is a link, me astoundingly ignorant boy!
United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And here is the actual document itself, me astoundingly ignorant boy!
View attachment 79677

Ask an adult to read it to you since you are illiterate.

I grasped them. They are untrue statements. Which is why you can not prove them.

I provided it at least a dozen times already. It's called the U.S. Constitution, me astoundingly ignorant boy!

Here is a link, me astoundingly ignorant boy!
United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And here is the actual document itself, me astoundingly ignorant boy!
View attachment 79677

Ask an adult to read it to you since you are illiterate.

Why would I want to expend that much effort to prove something is legal. You made the statement about illegality, but you can find no one of expert status to prove your point. You loose again. And are proving to be a clown.
Sure, me boy. You can not find a single source. You would need to have the constitution and all amendments, and you do not, dip shit. But, if you were telling the truth, you would simply provide a link. I know you are lying. I know ss and medicare are completely legal. And I know you lost, and are twisting and turning like a frog in the fire. You are funny, however. Sad, but funny.

Um....I've provided it about 20 times now junior. It's called the U.S. Constitution. I added a link to it and added the document itself several times now. I know you're illiterate so I don't expect you to read it. But I did tell you to have an adult read it to you.

United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why would I want to expend that much effort to prove something is legal. You made the statement about illegality, but you can find no one of expert status to prove your point. You loose again. And are proving to be a clown.

Bwahahahahahaha!!! Reading the U.S. Constitution is "too much effort" in your mind?!? All 8 minutes is too much for you???

One needn't be a liberal to quibble with Friedman. Just ask an Austrian School economist :)
What is really stupid is that you think that social security and medicare are illegal.
Me boy....I don't "think" anything. I know they are illegal. The U.S. Constitution says so.
And, me boy, it would take one chief justice to determine it was illegal. boy....a "Chief Justice" doesn't determine that. The U.S. Constitution does. The question is - why haven't you taken 10 minutes out of your life to read it and why do you comment about something you've never read?
Now, here is the thing. If you think those programs are illegal, you could no doubt find a source to back you up.
I did. I've given you the source a dozen times now. It's called the U.S. Constitution, me boy... You seem really confused. Perhaps all of this is just a tad over your head?
You know, me boy, an impartial source. If you ever use them. So, I will be waiting to see that source to back up your claim.
There is no more impartial source in the world than the U.S. Constitution. I've proven you have no idea what you are talking about. You're completely and totally unqualified to be having this discussion because you simply have no idea about the subject matter.
The road, me boy, belongs to us all. In other words, it belongs to the government, who collects taxes to pay for the road, and to maintain the road. Making it (Now pay attention) a social entity. If it were private, as toll roads often are, then you would have no right to use the road unless you paid tolls to the owner of the road. And it would be PRIVATE.

Wait. Wait. Wait. You think Toll Roads are "private"? Bwahahahahahahaha!!!! You really are the dumbest poster in the history of USMB.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

(Psst......stupid.....the toll roads are owned and operated by the state governments. The tolls are just to pay for the roads themselves, repairs, etc.)

Psst.....stupid...........the toll roads below are owned and operated by private companies!!
Uh, I was starting to feel sorry for you. But since you are stupidly trying to act like a jack ass, here is proof of how badly wrong you are. Here are most of the private toll toads in the United States. There are many also in Canada, and world wide. But here it is, just to prove you are stupid:
List of toll roads in the United States
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[hide]This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page.(Learn how and when to remove these template messages)
This article possibly contains original research. (February 2008)
This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. The specific problem is: Needs to follow a consistent format (April 2011)
This article needs additional citations for verification. (February 2015)
This is a list of toll roads in the United States. Included are current and future high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes, express toll (ETL) lanes, and hybrid systems.HOV, as used in this article, is high occupancy vehicle.

This list does not include items on the list of toll bridges, list of toll tunnels, list of ferry operators, nor pre-freeway turnpikes.

As of January 2014, the states of Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico,North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Wisconsin, and Wyoming have never had any toll roads, while Connecticut,Kentucky, and Georgia have had toll roads in the past, but have since removed the tolls on those roads. Connecticut, Kentucky, Michigan, Georgia, and Tennessee currently have proposals to construct future toll roads.

Road name Southern or western terminus Northern or eastern terminus Length (mi) Length (km) Cash tolls (automobile) Notes
Joe Mallisham Parkway I-20 / I-59Tuscaloosa US-82Northport 4.9 7.9 $1.50 Cash or Freedom Pass
Emerald Mountain Expressway Wares Ferry Road –Montgomery Rifle Range Road –Montgomery 1.2 1.9 $1.50 Cash or Freedom Pass
Foley Beach Express SR-180Orange Beach SR-59Summerdale 14.0 22.5 $3.00 Cash or Freedom Pass; extension to I-10 planned
Montgomery Expressway SR-152Montgomery SR-143Prattville 6.9 11.1 $1.25 Cash or Freedom Pass
Road name Southern or western terminus Northern or eastern terminus Length (mi) Length (km) Cash tolls (automobile) Notes
SR 73 (San Joaquin Hills Toll Road) I-5Laguna Niguel I-405Irvine 12.0 19.3 $5.25 All-electronic toll; allows both FasTrak and ExpressAccount (toll-by-plate)
SR 125 (South Bay Expressway) SR 905Otay Mesa SR 54Spring Valley 10.0 16.1 $3.75 Cash or FasTrak
SR 133 / SR 241 /SR 261 (Eastern Toll Road) I-5Irvine SR 91Anaheim 24.0 38.6 $3.50 (east branch)
$3.25 (west branch) All-electronic toll; allows both FasTrak and ExpressAccount (toll-by-plate)
SR 241 (Foothill Toll Road) Oso Parkway –Rancho Santa Margarita SR 133 (Eastern Toll Road) 12.0 19.3 $2.00 All-electronic toll; allows both FasTrak and ExpressAccount (toll-by-plate)
17 Mile Drive Pebble Beach Pacific Grove 17.0 27.4 $9.25 Cash,[clarification needed] motorcycles prohibited
Managed lanes[edit]
Road name Southern or western terminus Northern or eastern terminus Length (mi) Length (km) Cash tolls (automobile) Notes
I-10 (El Monte Busway) Alameda Street – Los Angeles I-605Baldwin Park 14.0 22.5 $0.25~$1.40 /mi All-electronic toll; must have FasTrak
HOV-2+ and motorcycles toll-free[1]
I-15 (Express Lanes) SR 163San Diego SR 78Escondido 20.0 32.2 $0.50~$8.00 All-electronic toll; must have FasTrak
HOV-2+ and motorcycles toll-free[2]
I-110 (Harbor Transitway) 182nd Street – Los Angeles Adams Boulevard –Los Angeles 11.0 17.7 $0.25~$1.40 /mi All-electronic toll; must have FasTrak
HOV-2+ and motorcycles toll-free[3]
I-680 (Express Lanes) SR 237Milpitas SR 84Sunol 13.8 22.2 $0.30~$6.00 All-electronic toll, southbound only; must have FasTrak
HOV-2+, motorcycles and eligible hybrids toll-free[4][5]
I-880 / SR 237(Express Lanes) North First Street –San Jose Dixon Landing Road –Milpitas 4.0 6.4 $0.30~$6.00 All-electronic toll; must have FasTrak
HOV-2+ and motorcycles toll-free[6]
SR 91 (Express Lanes) SR 55Anaheim Green River Road –Corona 10.0 16.1 $1.20~$10.00 All-electronic toll; must have FasTrak
HOV-3+ and motorcycles receive 50% discount[7][8]

What is that now, 0 for 4. Do you ever win a point, or do you just say you did?

What is really stupid is that you think that social security and medicare are illegal.
Me boy....I don't "think" anything. I know they are illegal. The U.S. Constitution says so.
And, me boy, it would take one chief justice to determine it was illegal. boy....a "Chief Justice" doesn't determine that. The U.S. Constitution does. The question is - why haven't you taken 10 minutes out of your life to read it and why do you comment about something you've never read?
Now, here is the thing. If you think those programs are illegal, you could no doubt find a source to back you up.
I did. I've given you the source a dozen times now. It's called the U.S. Constitution, me boy... You seem really confused. Perhaps all of this is just a tad over your head?
You know, me boy, an impartial source. If you ever use them. So, I will be waiting to see that source to back up your claim.
There is no more impartial source in the world than the U.S. Constitution. I've proven you have no idea what you are talking about. You're completely and totally unqualified to be having this discussion because you simply have no idea about the subject matter.
The road, me boy, belongs to us all. In other words, it belongs to the government, who collects taxes to pay for the road, and to maintain the road. Making it (Now pay attention) a social entity. If it were private, as toll roads often are, then you would have no right to use the road unless you paid tolls to the owner of the road. And it would be PRIVATE.

Wait. Wait. Wait. You think Toll Roads are "private"? Bwahahahahahahaha!!!! You really are the dumbest poster in the history of USMB.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

(Psst......stupid.....the toll roads are owned and operated by the state governments. The tolls are just to pay for the roads themselves, repairs, etc.)

Psst.....stupid...........the toll roads below are owned and operated by private companies!!
Uh, I was starting to feel sorry for you. But since you are stupidly trying to act like a jack ass, here is proof of how badly wrong you are. Here are most of the private toll toads in the United States. There are many also in Canada, and world wide. But here it is, just to prove you are stupid:
List of toll roads in the United States
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[hide]This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page.(Learn how and when to remove these template messages)
This article possibly contains original research. (February 2008)
This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. The specific problem is: Needs to follow a consistent format (April 2011)
This article needs additional citations for verification. (February 2015)
This is a list of toll roads in the United States. Included are current and future high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes, express toll (ETL) lanes, and hybrid systems.HOV, as used in this article, is high occupancy vehicle.

This list does not include items on the list of toll bridges, list of toll tunnels, list of ferry operators, nor pre-freeway turnpikes.

As of January 2014, the states of Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico,North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Wisconsin, and Wyoming have never had any toll roads, while Connecticut,Kentucky, and Georgia have had toll roads in the past, but have since removed the tolls on those roads. Connecticut, Kentucky, Michigan, Georgia, and Tennessee currently have proposals to construct future toll roads.

Road name Southern or western terminus Northern or eastern terminus Length (mi) Length (km) Cash tolls (automobile) Notes
Joe Mallisham Parkway I-20 / I-59Tuscaloosa US-82Northport 4.9 7.9 $1.50 Cash or Freedom Pass
Emerald Mountain Expressway Wares Ferry Road –Montgomery Rifle Range Road –Montgomery 1.2 1.9 $1.50 Cash or Freedom Pass
Foley Beach Express SR-180Orange Beach SR-59Summerdale 14.0 22.5 $3.00 Cash or Freedom Pass; extension to I-10 planned
Montgomery Expressway SR-152Montgomery SR-143Prattville 6.9 11.1 $1.25 Cash or Freedom Pass
Road name Southern or western terminus Northern or eastern terminus Length (mi) Length (km) Cash tolls (automobile) Notes
SR 73 (San Joaquin Hills Toll Road) I-5Laguna Niguel I-405Irvine 12.0 19.3 $5.25 All-electronic toll; allows both FasTrak and ExpressAccount (toll-by-plate)
SR 125 (South Bay Expressway) SR 905Otay Mesa SR 54Spring Valley 10.0 16.1 $3.75 Cash or FasTrak
SR 133 / SR 241 /SR 261 (Eastern Toll Road) I-5Irvine SR 91Anaheim 24.0 38.6 $3.50 (east branch)
$3.25 (west branch) All-electronic toll; allows both FasTrak and ExpressAccount (toll-by-plate)
SR 241 (Foothill Toll Road) Oso Parkway –Rancho Santa Margarita SR 133 (Eastern Toll Road) 12.0 19.3 $2.00 All-electronic toll; allows both FasTrak and ExpressAccount (toll-by-plate)
17 Mile Drive Pebble Beach Pacific Grove 17.0 27.4 $9.25 Cash,[clarification needed] motorcycles prohibited
Managed lanes[edit]
Road name Southern or western terminus Northern or eastern terminus Length (mi) Length (km) Cash tolls (automobile) Notes
I-10 (El Monte Busway) Alameda Street – Los Angeles I-605Baldwin Park 14.0 22.5 $0.25~$1.40 /mi All-electronic toll; must have FasTrak
HOV-2+ and motorcycles toll-free[1]
I-15 (Express Lanes) SR 163San Diego SR 78Escondido 20.0 32.2 $0.50~$8.00 All-electronic toll; must have FasTrak
HOV-2+ and motorcycles toll-free[2]
I-110 (Harbor Transitway) 182nd Street – Los Angeles Adams Boulevard –Los Angeles 11.0 17.7 $0.25~$1.40 /mi All-electronic toll; must have FasTrak
HOV-2+ and motorcycles toll-free[3]
I-680 (Express Lanes) SR 237Milpitas SR 84Sunol 13.8 22.2 $0.30~$6.00 All-electronic toll, southbound only; must have FasTrak
HOV-2+, motorcycles and eligible hybrids toll-free[4][5]
I-880 / SR 237(Express Lanes) North First Street –San Jose Dixon Landing Road –Milpitas 4.0 6.4 $0.30~$6.00 All-electronic toll; must have FasTrak
HOV-2+ and motorcycles toll-free[6]
SR 91 (Express Lanes) SR 55Anaheim Green River Road –Corona 10.0 16.1 $1.20~$10.00 All-electronic toll; must have FasTrak
HOV-3+ and motorcycles receive 50% discount[7][8]

What is that now, 0 for 4. Do you ever win a point, or do you just say you did?
Bwahahahahahahaha!!!! You're so humiliated by your astounding ignorance being exposed that you're attempting to cover it up by posting something that proves nothing. Where in that entire post does it show any private company owning any toll road, stupid?

All you did was list the roads, the tolls, and the costs. Not one word about them being owned by private companies. You are such an asshole. You comment on things when you have no idea what you're talking about. Then you throw a tantrum like a small child when someone proves that you have no idea what you are talking about.
So we've now established that RSHERMR knows nothing about the U.S. Constitution, the federal government, or state governments. :eusa_doh:

Seriously have no business being on a political website because you don't know a damn thing about the U.S. structure of government or current politics.
Psst.....stupid...........the toll roads below are owned and operated by private companies!!
Uh, I was starting to feel sorry for you. But since you are stupidly trying to act like a jack ass, here is proof of how badly wrong you are.

Seriously stupid do you feel right now? :lol:

Q: Why do I have to pay a toll to use the Ohio Turnpike when I already pay taxes?
A: The maintenance, operation and security of the Ohio Turnpike are funded almost exclusively through tolls – not taxes. Your taxes pay for other roads and interstates, but not the Turnpike. What’s more, the Ohio Turnpike receives no federal funding and only a small portion of state tax ($0.05 per gallon from gasoline purchased only at service stations on the Turnpike). This small portion of state tax money is specifically allocated to the maintenance and repair of bridges and overpasses that are state routes

Taxes?!? Taxes? Private companies can't lay and collect taxes. Only government can. Why would there be a FAQ on a government website about the reason for toll fees when the people already pay taxes.

Oh that's right...because the toll roads are run by the state. Not by private companies. Unless you're living in the 1800's. :lol:

General FAQ

Forum List
