Ebola can survive up to 3 weeks on solid substrates, and longer in liquids.

Sneezes and coughs produce droplets. Droplets are large enough to hold viruses, lots of the even. But droplets are too heavy to travel any distance more than a few feet. One would have to be coughed or sneezed on.
"Humans can produce respiratory aerosols (droplets) by several means, including breathing, talking, coughing (Figure C.1, A), sneezing (Figure C.1, B) and even singing (Wong, 2003; Toth et al., 2004)."

Respiratory droplets - Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings - NCBI Bookshelf
It says Droplets, it doesn't say aerosols. YOU added that.

Bullshit. Go to the site, I quoted it, and the link has it's own title, I didn't add that either.

"Humans can produce respiratory aerosols (droplets) by several means, including breathing, talking, coughing (Figure C.1, A), sneezing (Figure C.1, B) and even singing (Wong, 2003; Toth et al., 2004)."

It's a cut and paste.


"Further data on the behaviour of droplet dispersion in naturally generated aerosols are needed."

In addition, droplets don't just "fall to the ground":

"Droplet nuclei floating on the air may be carried by the movement of air. Entrainment of air into neighbouring airspaces may occur during the most innocuous daily activities; for example, as a result of people walking, or the opening of a door between a room and the adjacent corridor or space (Hayden et al., 1998; Edge, Paterson & Settles, 2005; Tang et al., 2005, 2006). In addition, the air temperature (and therefore air density) differences across an open doorway will also cause air exchange to occur between the two areas, providing a second mechanism to allow air into other areas (Tang et al., 2005, 2006) (see Figure C.3)."

Aerosol transmission just refers to the fact that small droplets/particles containing infectious material are being generated in the lungs. The consensus with ebola zaire is that when it reaches that point (and they think it has in the past) it's generally not as virulent (the viral load isn't as high) as it is just BEFORE it becomes airborne.

At this point, what we're talking about is DROPLET SUSPENSION, saliva and blood and whatever else, that is airborn..This is what the 3 foot radius is all about, and the 90 minute time frame that they're throwing around. The researchers maintain droplets can remain airborne for up to 90 minutes, and they can remain infectious for even longer than that.

Respiratory droplets - Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings - NCBI Bookshelf
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"Humans can produce respiratory aerosols (droplets) by several means, including breathing, talking, coughing (Figure C.1, A), sneezing (Figure C.1, B) and even singing (Wong, 2003; Toth et al., 2004)."

Respiratory droplets - Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings - NCBI Bookshelf
It says Droplets, it doesn't say aerosols. YOU added that.

Bullshit. Go to the site, I quoted it, and the link has it's own title, I didn't add that either.

"Humans can produce respiratory aerosols (droplets) by several means, including breathing, talking, coughing (Figure C.1, A), sneezing (Figure C.1, B) and even singing (Wong, 2003; Toth et al., 2004)."

It's a cut and paste.


"Further data on the behaviour of droplet dispersion in naturally generated aerosols are needed."

In addition, droplets don't just "fall to the ground":

"Droplet nuclei floating on the air may be carried by the movement of air. Entrainment of air into neighbouring airspaces may occur during the most innocuous daily activities; for example, as a result of people walking, or the opening of a door between a room and the adjacent corridor or space (Hayden et al., 1998; Edge, Paterson & Settles, 2005; Tang et al., 2005, 2006). In addition, the air temperature (and therefore air density) differences across an open doorway will also cause air exchange to occur between the two areas, providing a second mechanism to allow air into other areas (Tang et al., 2005, 2006) (see Figure C.3)."

Aerosol transmission just refers to the fact that small droplets/particles containing infectious material are being generated in the lungs. The consensus with ebola zaire is that when it reaches that point (and they think it has in the past) it's generally not as virulent (the viral load isn't as high) as it is just BEFORE it becomes airborne.

At this point, what we're talking about is DROPLET SUSPENSION, saliva and blood and whatever else, that is airborn..This is what the 3 foot radius is all about, and the 90 minute time frame that they're throwing around. The researchers maintain droplets can remain airborne for up to 90 minutes, and they can remain infectious for even longer than that.

Respiratory droplets - Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings - NCBI Bookshelf

Interesting. We in the medical field don't define droplets that way. We have several different types if isolation including two separate types; airborne, and droplet. These are two different types and we protect ourselves differently.

Either way, my other point still stands, and that is that in order for a person to transmit the virus in a cough or a sneeze, that person would have to be well into his or her disease. Likely, he or she would be too incapacitated to be our and about. So like I said, the risk to the public at large is very minimal.

This explains why Duncan's family does not have the disease.

But honestly, they just don't know.

And we only know what we're told when it comes to who is infected where.

BTW, the NCBI DOES look at droplets that way.

It's a deadly disease that has a really high fatality rate, that we don't know a lot about, and I am sick to death of being told, when I seek or share information, that I'm "panicking". Last I checked, sharing information or researching into stuff isn't "panic". Nor is taking reasonable precautions to prevent the spread of a deadly disease.

And in this case, quarantine is reasonable.

But honestly, they just don't know.

And we only know what we're told when it comes to who is infected where.

BTW, the NCBI DOES look at droplets that way.

It's a deadly disease that has a really high fatality rate, that we don't know a lot about, and I am sick to death of being told, when I seek or share information, that I'm "panicking". Last I checked, sharing information or researching into stuff isn't "panic". Nor is taking reasonable precautions to prevent the spread of a deadly disease.

And in this case, quarantine is reasonable.
Notice I never said you were panicking. :)

The problem is that the general public doesn't know who to trust. You have experts saying all kinds of stuff and many times they contradict each other.

Of course when you post reasonable concerns here to this site you will get fucktard liberals who will abuse you. I usually only argue with them when I'm bored. Good luck.
I don't consider the cdc "expert" of anything. I see them as vile progressive government mouthpieces who will lie in order to protect their ideology, regardless of who is hurt.

I'm not terrified of ebola because I have the sense to stay far away from people who are hemorrhaging. But there's a reason my ancestors had low mortality rates during the Influenza/smallpox/etc. epidemics of times gone by.

We wash our hands, we handle our food properly, and we understand the basics of how disease is spread, and what constitutes a threat and we take the measures we need to take to reduce risk.
I don't consider the cdc "expert" of anything. I see them as vile progressive government mouthpieces who will lie in order to protect their ideology, regardless of who is hurt.

I'm not terrified of ebola because I have the sense to stay far away from people who are hemorrhaging. But there's a reason my ancestors had low mortality rates during the Influenza/smallpox/etc. epidemics of times gone by.

We wash our hands, we handle our food properly, and we understand the basics of how disease is spread, and what constitutes a threat and we take the measures we need to take to reduce risk.

That IS the problem. Like everything else, the prigs and Obama have pervaded everything with their stench. Everything and everyone sticks rigidly to the agenda. Even if it makes doctors say stuff that is 100% bull shit.

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