East Anglia claims that use of word "trick is colloquialilism


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2009
Dr. Phil Jones, before he departed, said that the word trick, which was an issue of concern for those feeling as if they might have been tricked, was only a figure of speech, not a literal meaning and was used "colloquially".

Steve McIntyre did a search of all of the emails and found that of the 1000 plus emails, Jones used that word one time. Interesting that a colloquialism is used one time. The link below is that search for the word "trick" and a dicussion among interested parties that followed.

The "decline", now famously immortalized in verse and song, was the tree ring data that showed a huge decline from 1960 forward. The IPCC, the politically motivated group of policy wonks preaching holier than thou dogma, rejected the use of the whole graph over the objections of the person who produced it.What may we gleen from this?

Counting CRU “tricks” « Watts Up With That?

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