e pluribus unum ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
The once sancrosanct Motto of a majority of Americans.
S'not no mores.Then again it wasn't shared among members
of the Ku Klu Klan or those Democrats feeling the urge to author
and impliment Jim Crow.Like Biden's Southern Segregationist buddies.
Where Out of many,one is now considered hokey,a relic of some
past and need for Instant Re-education of our Youth.Not with
any Civics course but full blown Critical Race Theory.
Way to go you of the Drat Left.Or All Y'all southerners that
are still clinging to the way Florida was a very racist and dangerous
place to live if a Black.The Pulitzer Prize true story of Thurgood Marshall
in - Devil in the Grove - { 2012 } non-fiction and as close to understanding
how it must have felt for an Educated Black man who went to college and earned
cum laude status graduating with a degree in American Literature and
Philosophy.His father was a railroad porter and his mother a teacher.
His parents instilling in him an appreciation of the U.S. Constitution and
rule of law.
Chalk it up to Those were the days.The Theme song of - All in the Family -
the hit TV show of the 70's by TV whiz creator *Norman Lear.
Where Bigotry was easily spotted and made fun of in the name of
Archie Bunker.
One should ask Lear if he's feeling well enough { he'll be 100 in
July } what he thinks of Today's Democrat and the teaching of CRT to
our Youth.I mean,how apropos.The guy who created shows pointing
out how to identify Bigotry and make it less frustrating and injurious.
Thru commonality of humor.
Not that ... The Times they are a Changin'.
But in spite of.Where Lady Liberty today mise well be wagging her finger.
Wag dat Dog ... Y'all.
You know it was the south, now republicans control the south, thats why they are into suppression of the vote.

Biden was never a segregationist.

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