Duckworth vs Walsh on Abortion


Apr 22, 2007
First I want to say I am a proud pro-choice conservative (that usu votes for the GOP).

In my district Walsh is getting justifiability villified for saying that there should be no exception for abortion even if the woman's life is in danger. Pro-life without exceptions is his stance. He is getting villified as an extremist!!!

Yet his opponent Tammy "All I will talk about is serving in the military and social issues not what I will do to improve the economy or anything I have accomplished to earn your vote" Duckworth says she is pro-choice WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS!!! That is an amazing stance. A health child, not conceived in rape, incest, no birth defects and the woman's life is not in danger and is only a few weeks (even days) from being born is alright in her opinion to get aborted!!! An aborted baby that survives the abortion should not be saved or rescued and should be lefted to die (Obama's view also) is her stance.

Duckworth approves late term abortions right up to the day before the birth, no questions asked and no restrictions, yet she is not called out as an extremist or glup as a monster. Only Walsh is called an extremist in his opposite end of the spectrum view (which should be condemned, as he is s giant douche)!
Duckworth will win hands down and I can't stomach voting for Walsh again and there are no third party candidates, so I blame it write in someone, maybe Porky Pig, Elmoe, Mike Ditka, Walter Payton...any good suggestions welcome!
Duckworth will win hands down and I can't stomach voting for Walsh again and there are no third party candidates, so I blame it write in someone, maybe Porky Pig, Elmoe, Mike Ditka, Walter Payton...any good suggestions welcome!

just to let you know... there is no such thing as someone who is pro choice and votes for people who use our courts as currency to pay back the radical religious right for their votes.
Duckworth gave her blood and her legs for this country.

Mr. Walsh is a criminal. And an asshole.

I respect her scarifice for their country and I'm grateful for that, but she has never presented a plan or a resume that I respect. She doesn't plan to earn our vote, rather she plans to run on social issues (which are unimportant -for the most part- to me).

Being injured in combat doesn't make one qualified to turn around the economy. In fact, she supports Obaminationcare, the Dodd/Frank Act, Higher taxation on Small Business, more regulation so we won't see the manufacturing sector comeback, she is against the pipeline, she is against drilling and wants to restrict fracking for natural gas on public lands etc. She doesn't reflect my values, so just because paid an huge scarifice to this country doesn't earn her my vote.
Duckworth will win hands down and I can't stomach voting for Walsh again and there are no third party candidates, so I blame it write in someone, maybe Porky Pig, Elmoe, Mike Ditka, Walter Payton...any good suggestions welcome!

just to let you know... there is no such thing as someone who is pro choice and votes for people who use our courts as currency to pay back the radical religious right for their votes.

Please explain what you mean better. Obviously there is some story behind your comments.
Duckworth will win hands down and I can't stomach voting for Walsh again and there are no third party candidates, so I blame it write in someone, maybe Porky Pig, Elmoe, Mike Ditka, Walter Payton...any good suggestions welcome!

just to let you know... there is no such thing as someone who is pro choice and votes for people who use our courts as currency to pay back the radical religious right for their votes.

I thought you would be proud of me that I finally decided I can't vote for Walsh! Doesn't that earn me points in your book!
Can I have a link to her saying she supports a woman's right to abort up until birth?

This one is really a hit piece on Walsh, but it states her stance, that of course MSNBAISC doesn't call out or challenge her on. Her stance is clear pro-choice without restrictions (that is the PC way of stating she support Late Term Abortions without restrictions or cause- that's immoral)!
Tammy Duckworth: Rep. Walsh ‘taking biology lessons from Todd Akin’

Here is another.
Duckworth praised for stance on abortion: EMILY'S List backs congressional hopeful. - Chicago Tribune (Chicago, IL) | HighBeam Research
I don't see "pro-choice without restriction" as meaning "I support selective late term abortion, and abortion up until the moment of birth".

I have been able to find nothing from her that suggests she supports selective abortion past the 25th week.
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