Dubai's ruler abducted daughters and threatened former wife, UK judge rules


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Judge Andrew McFarlane said he accepted as proved a series of allegations made by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum’s former wife, Princess Haya bint al-Hussein, during a custody battle over their two children at London’s High Court.

Haya, the half-sister of Jordan’s King Abdullah, fled to London on April 15 last year with the children, Jalila, 12, and Zayed, 8, fearing for her safety amid suspicions that she had had an affair with one of her British bodyguards.

Her lawyers argued that Mohammed’s treatment of two older daughters by another marriage showed her children were at risk of being abducted too.

As part of the custody case, Andrew McFarlane, President of the Family Court division in England and Wales, made a series of “findings of fact” about allegations raised by Haya, 45, during hearings over the last nine months.
Dubai's ruler abducted daughters and threatened former wife, UK judge rules

Not sure why anyone would think it would somehow impact his business relationships.He's in the Middle East.
This type of behavior is the norm for Islamic 'states'; it's a collection of organized crime families with an ideology built specifically for bandits and gangsters under the fiction of a 'religion', and will they will never be anything else. Their oil will be gone in another decade or two, and they will not have the wealth to keep up their rackets any more. They will fade back into fighting over water holes and stealing each others' goats. The sooner the better for the rest of the world.
Not sure why anyone would think it would somehow impact his business relationships.He's in the Middle East.

European judges are always making pompous pronouncements they have no power to enforce or compel. It's part of their delusions of grandeur. The ICJ is particularly hilarious in this regard as well.

As you know, Dubai has no extradition treaties with anyone, which is why companies like Halliburton move there; it's a haven for criminals, especially rich ones.

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