Draft APS Statement on Climate Change

So, once again we have ol' Walleyes claiming a worldwide conspiracy among most of the scientists in the world to get government grants. Thereby also claiming a worldwide conspiracy among governments to fool us all. Be sure to stock up on aluminum foil for your little tin hats there, old boy.

If it walks like a duck.... Quacks like a duck.... It's a duck...
Once again, every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Now if you defined all of those people as a cult, then that is a cult I am proud to be part of.

What about your cult, Staph? What evidence do you have for your statements? Published where? Scientific journals?

And, once again, every scientific organization and university are wholly dependent on the continuance of the AGW fraud to further their funding. I am not surprised in the least. What I do find hilarious is the cultists here claim the "deniers" are all about politics when the APS has clearly adopted the political line and ignored the science.

Not surprising in the least.

Of course they are dependent on this fraud. and why these Politicians has jumped on the bandwagon. It's another way to RAPE the people out of more their hard earned monies and also gain more CONTROL over our lives, lifestyles, and livelihood
What money would that be Stephanie?

when they raise my taxes, or put more regulations on a business like "coal" that is passed ONTO US and has caused my bills to go through the roof,

they wanted a carbon tax, but I haven't heard anymore on that.... next they'll want to tax us for any air we might breath. I think the UN is pushing for some fund to help save the world and that would be OUR MONEY unless this government has magic money trees growing
As for these so called, Scientist. They get funded through grants by "taxpayers" though this government. so they are pretty much BOUGHT and Paid for.

I'm beginning to think you are one of these bought and paid for Globull warmers working in Government somehow. you sure show up in everyone of these threads.
So, once again we have ol' Walleyes claiming a worldwide conspiracy among most of the scientists in the world to get government grants. Thereby also claiming a worldwide conspiracy among governments to fool us all. Be sure to stock up on aluminum foil for your little tin hats there, old boy.

If it walks like a duck.... Quacks like a duck.... It's a duck...
LOL. Yep, a worldwide conspriracy. Staph, meet Walleyes, Walleyes, meet Staph. LOL.
So, Curry does not like the fact that fellow scientists believe that they and their descendents have a stake in policys in regard to Global Warming. No decision is a decision, and no policy is a policy. Curry can play the sweet little virgin that just doesn't get involved with nasty things like what should we do about the effects of the GHGs in the atmosphere, and how do we go about doing those neccessary things. She has placed herself, and her opinions, in a position of irrelevancy.

C'mon Ray......for years, you referenced this woman all the time in here........now that she has dropped her alarmist position, she is a k00k!!!:uhh:

Don't get why the hard line AGW community doesn't reassess their position on things.........its not going well. They would generate far more credibility if they were to consider what some others are saying. In 2015, almost everybody has tuned out the alarmist position on this stuff...........
Steve, we have reassesed our position. Prior to 1998, we were talking of an open Arctic Ocean in September by 2100. Today, because of the present melt, we are talking of that ocean being essentially ice free in September by 2030, maybe a lot sooner. We did not have any idea of what the effects of the open water would be, but now, after two years of polar vortex, we are beginning to see that the effects will be major.
What money would that be Stephanie?

when they raise my taxes, or put more regulations on a business like "coal" that is passed ONTO US and has caused my bills to go through the roof,

they wanted a carbon tax, but I haven't heard anymore on that.... next they'll want to tax us for any air we might breath. I think the UN is pushing for some fund to help save the world and that would be OUR MONEY unless this government has magic money trees growing
As for these so called, Scientist. They get funded through grants by "taxpayers" though this government. so they are pretty much BOUGHT and Paid for.

I'm beginning to think you are one of these bought and paid for Globull warmers working in Government somehow. you sure show up in everyone of these threads.

You don't appear to be able to name any additional taxes with which you've been levied. Industries like coal have been burdened with the cost of doing their business in a clean manner since Britain's Clean Air Act of 1956. Added to this were the costs required to satisfy the US Clean Air Act of 1963, the Air Quality Act of 1967 and its amendments in 1970, 1977 and 1990. Do you believe the results of those acts was worth their costs?
So, once again we have ol' Walleyes claiming a worldwide conspiracy among most of the scientists in the world to get government grants. Thereby also claiming a worldwide conspiracy among governments to fool us all. Be sure to stock up on aluminum foil for your little tin hats there, old boy.
What money would that be Stephanie?

when they raise my taxes, or put more regulations on a business like "coal" that is passed ONTO US and has caused my bills to go through the roof,

they wanted a carbon tax, but I haven't heard anymore on that.... next they'll want to tax us for any air we might breath. I think the UN is pushing for some fund to help save the world and that would be OUR MONEY unless this government has magic money trees growing
As for these so called, Scientist. They get funded through grants by "taxpayers" though this government. so they are pretty much BOUGHT and Paid for.

I'm beginning to think you are one of these bought and paid for Globull warmers working in Government somehow. you sure show up in everyone of these threads.

You don't appear to be able to name any additional taxes with which you've been levied. Industries like coal have been burdened with the cost of doing their business in a clean manner since Britain's Clean Air Act of 1956. Added to this were the costs required to satisfy the US Clean Air Act of 1963, the Air Quality Act of 1967 and its amendments in 1970, 1977 and 1990. Do you believe the results of those acts was worth their costs?

where I live there is a carbon tax.
Good. Is that the money Stephanie was talking about? Does Stephanie pay a carbon tax? Is the carbon tax in your neighborhood, Ian, making anyone rich? Do you think it was levied to make someone rich? Was it levied to put more money in the government's coffers? Do you have some evidence that it was NOT put into place to reduce carbon emissions?
If one of them suggests they'd do that, feel free to vote for them. Perhaps Cruz or Trump. I have to ask, though, do you think the US these days would elect someone with such a view?
Steve, we have reassesed our position. Prior to 1998, we were talking of an open Arctic Ocean in September by 2100. Today, because of the present melt, we are talking of that ocean being essentially ice free in September by 2030, maybe a lot sooner. We did not have any idea of what the effects of the open water would be, but now, after two years of polar vortex, we are beginning to see that the effects will be major.
lol, because it was supposed to be ice free by 2012 right? doh!!!!! I guess you have a lot of Dohs headed your way. It's simply impossible for the arctic to be ice free without a rise in temperatures and so far that hasn't happened. Most likely won't. so DOH!!!!!
These political conspiracy theories are now all they deniers have left.

It's for the best, really, that deniers have given up on pretending to care about the science, given how bad they were at it.
Actually, I'm too good at science just plain too intelligent to be fooled by global warming nutjobs.

I think anyone who gets fooled by the IPCC and the climategate frasudsters is an idiot.
For someone just "too good at science and just plain too intelligent" you don't do a very good job at providing evidence for your claims, links to your sources or presenting rational arguments about much of anything.
Curry has a thread up at her blog for APS members only to put up their written comments to the APS leadership committee. So far most disagreed with the last one, are shocked at the new one, and would prefer that no statement be put forward.
Most of those visiting Curry's website. Do you really think that's a representative sample of the APS membership?

I've just reviewed the APS member comments. There are less than a dozen displayed and 100% of those are vehemently in opposition to the new (and the old) APS statement on global warming. Gosh... what are the odds?
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