Dr. Jill Biden?


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

...oh she has a phd from school in delaware....
I'm not any more impressed with PhDs than you are, but the Medical sort who break their Hippocratic Oath and the Law of Moses to pull teeth and skin babies to make a living aren't really all that worthy of any particular title either.
Don't forget "doctor" Martin King Jr. who plagiarized some crap to get the fake degree while he read scripts written by lawyers from Brooklyn!
PhD in Systematic Theology ...
Dr. M.L.K. Jr. was a preacher, actually a conservative mainstream preacher, not as liberal as people assume.
And his father's namesake, the German monk Dr. Martin Luther, nailed his 95 theses on the church door of Wittenberg
I don't know that it was any credit to the educational establishment of that day either.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

She has a PHD she earned, so give her credit for technically being a 'Doctor'...doesn't mean you have to give her respect for being a real 'doctor', which she isn't...but she plays one down in Joe's basement. :p
You guys do understand that in a few years when you guys are rallying around someone whom you're calling "doctor"...the same argument is going to be made against him.

For example...since you guys set the bar for getting credit for Bin Laden's death at Obama being on the strike team...we can't give His Blobness any credit for the vaccines since he wasn't on the team doing the actual development.

Every destruction of our common norms is just ammunition to be used later on.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

At least she is not a sex object nude model who married a man as old as her dad.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

I always knew she is a Doctor of Education, and she earned it.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor. Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor, It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.
They call Jill Biden Dr., NOT "a doctor". She is a real doctor. Case closed. Calling an M.D. doctor is kind of honorary. They essentially went to a trade school, instead the historically research oriented world of the Ph.D., which Jill Biden isn't either, BTW. You'd think people would try to get their facts straight before posting. :rolleyes-41:
It is a longstanding custom for people who have doctorates in fields other than physical medicine to be addressed as "doctor," as have people with religious degrees. Where have you people been? Albert Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Robert Jeffress, pastor, are also afforded this title, even though they are not medical doctors, as were my history and law professors. James Dobson, who has a doctorate in psychology, also is referred to using this title.

Who started this stupid, petty argument?
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

Laura Ingram has a Doctorate in Law and has been referred to as Dr. Laura Ingram in the past...

It is the fault of society if they lack the education to understand that Jill Biden is allow to use that title and it does not always mean what many of you think it should mean.

What many of you forget Doctor in your mind is Doctor of Medicine and they should be referred as physician in common speak and not Doctor as many of you do...

So as you complain like so many have on this board about Jill Biden usage of what was granted to her when she got her Doctorate in Education, well then you should learn that she has every right to be call Doctor Jill Biden just like Laura Ingram has done in the past!
It is a longstanding custom for people who have doctorates in fields other than physical medicine to be addressed as "doctor," as have people with religious degrees. Where have you people been? Albert Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Robert Jeffress, pastor, are also afforded this title, even though they are not medical doctors, as were my history and law professors. James Dobson, who has a doctorate in psychology, also is referred to using this title.

Who started this stupid, petty argument?

Laura Ingram holds a Doctorate in Law, and has used the Doctor title in the past and none of them objected but do it because Jill Biden is married to Joe Biden...
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

Laura Ingram has a Doctorate in Law and has been referred to as Dr. Laura Ingram in the past...

It is the fault of society if they lack the education to understand that Jill Biden is allow to use that title and it does not always mean what many of you think it should mean.

What many of you forget Doctor in your mind is Doctor of Medicine and they should be referred as physician in common speak and not Doctor as many of you do...

So as you complain like so many have on this board about Jill Biden usage of what was granted to her when she got her Doctorate in Education, well then you should learn that she has every right to be call Doctor Jill Biden just like Laura Ingram has done in the past!

In the Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin the Surgeons that graduate actual use Mr/Miss as there title even though they are Doctors... And the college is Royal even though it isn't under any monarchy....

Mind blowing stuff...

So to make things simple:
There are two way to get the title Doctor. Become a

  • Medical Doctor
  • Get a PhD
Even when you you get them, you don't have to use them.

A footnote, Dr. Phil is not a Medical Doctor but hold a PhD is Psychology. HE is one of the original creators of the TV Show 'Bull' which is very loosely based on when he set up CSI a trial consulting company.
Trump is a Fake Billionaire
True, much of his "wealth" is tied up in debt, much of it held by foreign interests. I think Americans should have known all along by whom. IMO, it's a major reason why Trump didn't want his tax returns revealed, begging the question of why he wouldn't want us to know such an important piece of information.
Many folks were led to believe that Jill was a real doctor as in the media constantly referred to her as a doctor.

Now we are see many finding out she is not a real doctor....oh she has a phd from school in delaware.....yet how many with a Phd demand they be called doctor? I know a few and none of them are referred to as a doctor nor do they demand they be referred to as a doctor,

It is a insult to the medical community to call Jill a doctor.

She earned a phD.
That earns her the title of “doctor” based on our cultural norms.
She is a “real doctor”. She didn’t earn the degree out of a Cracker Jack box (do they still do Cracker Jack prizes?)
Attacking her over this is silly at best, petty partisan BS at most, and damaging to our societal norms at worst.
We can’t participate in tearing down small pieces of our society when it’s politically convenient and then bitch about “liberals destroying the culture”.

As for her respectability, the character of doctors in the medical Community (md, do, dc, dpt, dds), and other such debates are a side note. Having a degree of any kind doesn’t mean the person is a good person. As loathe as I am to use nazi references, Dr. mengele was a Doctor. Did he earn the degree and deserve respect in that regard? Yup. Did he keep his oath and deserve to keep sucking oxygen? Fuck no.

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