Dr.Fauci ... Bad. Bad Dr.Fauci ... Bad ... Bad !!


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Yes it appears to be so.Breitbart has the scoop up this Morning titled :
REPORT : Fauci's NIH Division Partially Funded Insects Eating Beagles Alive
-- by Paul Bois { Oct.23,2021 }
So why not link to some MSM site.Because they are Corrupt.In the Extreme.
So don't bother for any F.Chuck Todd - Meet the Press - roundtable discussion
on ANYTHING that might in the slighest put The Biden's Adminitration Lord & Savior
the Eminent Dr.Fauci in any bad light.Like the way not one Washington Post or
N.Y.Times column explaining how the NIH did ,InFact, Know this entire time it was
the Wuhan Lab where the Covid 19 Pandemic escaped.Not some Chinese wet market.
Also explaining why NIH Director Francis Collins retired so quickly about 2 weeks ago.
Because he was being found out.
Dr.Fauci's NIH partially funded an experiment of insects eating beagle puppies
ALIVE has sparked bipartisan outrage on Capitol hill.
Well we'll just see about that. - Meet the Press -- will be the first stone to drop.
In Minutes.Or will it.
The American Populace cannot withstand much more or this flagrant Corruption
and use of cushy Lies and hoodwinking.
I mean,not in a Sane sense.

"Breitbart" is a bad source. The story might be partly true, or it might be completely fake.

Fox News is a pretty good source. If it's on Fox, it's probably true. If they make a mistake, they'll do a retraction. Fox News is real news.
What are you all saying?

It's like Fauci says, "I am science, I am the truth"

Fauci is the way, the truth, and the life.

Why can't you all see that?
Yes it appears to be so.Breitbart has the scoop up this Morning titled :
REPORT : Fauci's NIH Division Partially Funded Insects Eating Beagles Alive
-- by Paul Bois { Oct.23,2021 }
So why not link to some MSM site.Because they are Corrupt.In the Extreme.
So don't bother for any F.Chuck Todd - Meet the Press - roundtable discussion
on ANYTHING that might in the slighest put The Biden's Adminitration Lord & Savior
the Eminent Dr.Fauci in any bad light.Like the way not one Washington Post or
N.Y.Times column explaining how the NIH did ,InFact, Know this entire time it was
the Wuhan Lab where the Covid 19 Pandemic escaped.Not some Chinese wet market.
Also explaining why NIH Director Francis Collins retired so quickly about 2 weeks ago.
Because he was being found out.
Dr.Fauci's NIH partially funded an experiment of insects eating beagle puppies
ALIVE has sparked bipartisan outrage on Capitol hill.
Well we'll just see about that. - Meet the Press -- will be the first stone to drop.
In Minutes.Or will it.
The American Populace cannot withstand much more or this flagrant Corruption
and use of cushy Lies and hoodwinking.
I mean,not in a Sane sense.
Animal experiments are inefficient, wasteful and rarely improve human health. The NIH, FDA and other agencies report that more than 90% of drugs that pass animal tests fail in human trials because they don’t work or are dangerous. Each drug represents about a decade of wasted time and $2 billion down the drain. In its 2016-2020 Strategic Plan, the NIH writes, “animal models often fail to provide good ways to mimic disease or predict how drugs will work in humans, resulting in much wasted time and money while patients wait for therapies.” Yet, NIH continues to dedicate 47% of its $32 billion budget each year to animal experiments that are a proven failure.

Redirecting resources to public health programs, human clinical research and modern technologies like “organs-on-a-chip” will save billions of taxpayers’ dollars and millions of animals’ lives.
The white coats waste project is more worried about the money they spend.
Peta is concerned about animal cruelty.

Maybe you want them to tests humans this way. Sure a bunch of humans that are in prisons on death row would be better according to the responses that I have read.
Yes it appears to be so.Breitbart has the scoop up this Morning titled :
REPORT : Fauci's NIH Division Partially Funded Insects Eating Beagles Alive
-- by Paul Bois { Oct.23,2021 }
So why not link to some MSM site.Because they are Corrupt.In the Extreme.
So don't bother for any F.Chuck Todd - Meet the Press - roundtable discussion
on ANYTHING that might in the slighest put The Biden's Adminitration Lord & Savior
the Eminent Dr.Fauci in any bad light.Like the way not one Washington Post or
N.Y.Times column explaining how the NIH did ,InFact, Know this entire time it was
the Wuhan Lab where the Covid 19 Pandemic escaped.Not some Chinese wet market.
Also explaining why NIH Director Francis Collins retired so quickly about 2 weeks ago.
Because he was being found out.
Dr.Fauci's NIH partially funded an experiment of insects eating beagle puppies
ALIVE has sparked bipartisan outrage on Capitol hill.
Well we'll just see about that. - Meet the Press -- will be the first stone to drop.
In Minutes.Or will it.
The American Populace cannot withstand much more or this flagrant Corruption
and use of cushy Lies and hoodwinking.
I mean,not in a Sane sense.
So, you're going to volunteer to replace the beagles for research purposes?
Yes it appears to be so.Breitbart has the scoop up this Morning titled :
REPORT : Fauci's NIH Division Partially Funded Insects Eating Beagles Alive
-- by Paul Bois { Oct.23,2021 }
So why not link to some MSM site.Because they are Corrupt.In the Extreme.
So don't bother for any F.Chuck Todd - Meet the Press - roundtable discussion
on ANYTHING that might in the slighest put The Biden's Adminitration Lord & Savior
the Eminent Dr.Fauci in any bad light.Like the way not one Washington Post or
N.Y.Times column explaining how the NIH did ,InFact, Know this entire time it was
the Wuhan Lab where the Covid 19 Pandemic escaped.Not some Chinese wet market.
Also explaining why NIH Director Francis Collins retired so quickly about 2 weeks ago.
Because he was being found out.
Dr.Fauci's NIH partially funded an experiment of insects eating beagle puppies
ALIVE has sparked bipartisan outrage on Capitol hill.
Well we'll just see about that. - Meet the Press -- will be the first stone to drop.
In Minutes.Or will it.
The American Populace cannot withstand much more or this flagrant Corruption
and use of cushy Lies and hoodwinking.
I mean,not in a Sane sense.
fuck off.

Greg Trevor, associate vice president for marketing and communications at the University of Georgia said the research was for a potential vaccine, developed at another institution, that would protect against a disease affecting 120 million people.

He said in an emailed statement that under federal rules, a vaccine must be tested in two animal species before it can be cleared for human clinical trials. When NIAID decided to fund this research, the agency determined that the research needed to be conducted on a dog model.

"According to researchers at the UGA College of Veterinary Medicine, beagles are the standard dog model used in this type of research," the statement said.

"Because this disease currently has no cure, unfortunately the animals that are part of this trial must be euthanized. We do not take lightly the decision to use such animals in some of our research."

The university followed the humane standards of the Animal Welfare Act, the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animal and the National Research Council Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, and other guidelines, Trevor said.

"Nearly every advancement in medicine, medical devices and surgical procedures has depended on research involving animal subjects," the statement added.
Mike Allen
Sun, October 24, 2021, 9:49 AM

Responding to charges by Sen. Rand Paul on Sunday's "Axios on HBO," NIAID director Anthony Fauci told "ABC This Week" that it's "molecularly impossible" for U.S.-funded bat virus research in China to have produced COVID-19.

"Breitbart" is a bad source. The story might be partly true, or it might be completely fake.

Fox News is a pretty good source. If it's on Fox, it's probably true. If they make a mistake, they'll do a retraction. Fox News is real news.
Breitbart DOES NOT Participate in Leftist agitprop.You are mingy enough to
confuse Breitbart with standard MSM.Whose goal is to be sneaky,Lie
and by all means take water for the Democrat Party.
Millions of animals are killed every week to feed humans...Where is the OP's outrage?
We're Talking Pets.More humanly Man's Best Friend.The Dog.
Lord Fauci's best friend is himself and use of the sly lie.
Since Man is now obviously the Farthest creature on earth of
even remote interest to the New Angel of Death.
Namely Josef Mengele.Who I'm sure was quite the gentleman when
strutting around in his White Lab smock.

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