Dr. Deborah Birx To Retire After Embarrassing Thanksgiving Travel Scandal

Yeah after what she had to endure with Trump drumming her out of the coronavirus task force and instead of taking her ball and going home, she set out to talk to the health officials in a lot of states and got her message across that way. I'll give her a mulligan on this one. At least she did the right thing as far as taking the pandemic seriously.

Like you, she is a hypocrite.
At least she did the right thing as far as taking the pandemic seriously.
What she did was demonstrate that her public statements were liberal bedwetting bullshit

in private she did just the opposite of what she said in public

So what? We got a bunch of you virus denying Trump supporters refusing to take even the most basic precautions and you want me to get outraged over her traveling with family? Pretty far down the totem pole of outrage for me.

LESS than 2% mortality of ALL cases. They ALL have some serious underlying conditions. You're being played.
White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx announced Tuesday she plans to retire after it was revealed Sunday she defied her own COVID travel guidelines over Thanksgiving.

Like numerous government officials, Birx insisted that American families not travel and limit Thanksgiving celebrations to “your immediate household.” However, the day after Thanksgiving, she was caught traveling with multigenerational family members out of state to one of her vacation properties on Fenwick Island in Delaware. Birx told the Associated Press everyone on the Delaware trip was part of her “immediate household,” even though those involved live in two different houses.

Birx had been seeking a position in a potential Biden administration but, after receiving harsh criticism from the American people and her colleagues, she decided to resign instead, saying the experience has been “overwhelming” for her family over the last couple of days.

One after another ALL of these idiuots are making YOU people look like idiots.
Cuomo, Newsome, Fauci, Pritzker, Whitmers Family, Nancy Pelosi. Seriously, YOU ARE ALL being PLAYED.
And, she'll do the same thing at Christmas.

They ALL will, they know it's BS
One has to give her credit for doing the right thing unlike so many others who have been caught doing the same.
traveling when she told everyone else to stay home? hahahahahahahahahaha so everyone else who traveled didn't defy her order correct?
Why are the right wing loons on this thread having a go at her. I thought COVID was a hoax and they would be lauding her???? WTF???
it is dude. it's the hypocrisy of her actions being discussed. I know you don't know that word cause you live and breath in hypocrisy. BTW, the mere fact you condone her travel proves my point.
At least she did the right thing as far as taking the pandemic seriously.
What she did was demonstrate that her public statements were liberal bedwetting bullshit

in private she did just the opposite of what she said in public

So what? We got a bunch of you virus denying Trump supporters refusing to take even the most basic precautions and you want me to get outraged over her traveling with family? Pretty far down the totem pole of outrage for me.
You can do as you please

but its clear she has just been blowing smoke up your ass
One has to give her credit for doing the right thing unlike so many others who have been caught doing the same.
traveling when she told everyone else to stay home? hahahahahahahahahaha so everyone else who traveled didn't defy her order correct?

Yes they did. They didn't create the order. If they didn't support the order they did nothing hypocritical.

Should they have when she didn't?
One has to give her credit for doing the right thing unlike so many others who have been caught doing the same.
traveling when she told everyone else to stay home? hahahahahahahahahaha so everyone else who traveled didn't defy her order correct?

Yes they did. They didn't create the order. If they didn't support the order they did nothing hypocritical.

Should they have when she didn't?
she has no authority to give another american an order. so she can eat her own shit for all i care. she has no power, she is a useless demofk hypocrite.

At least you admit her diatribe was useless as well.
White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx announced Tuesday she plans to retire after it was revealed Sunday she defied her own COVID travel guidelines over Thanksgiving.

Like numerous government officials, Birx insisted that American families not travel and limit Thanksgiving celebrations to “your immediate household.” However, the day after Thanksgiving, she was caught traveling with multigenerational family members out of state to one of her vacation properties on Fenwick Island in Delaware. Birx told the Associated Press everyone on the Delaware trip was part of her “immediate household,” even though those involved live in two different houses.

Birx had been seeking a position in a potential Biden administration but, after receiving harsh criticism from the American people and her colleagues, she decided to resign instead, saying the experience has been “overwhelming” for her family over the last couple of days.

One after another ALL of these idiuots are making YOU people look like idiots.
Cuomo, Newsome, Fauci, Pritzker, Whitmers Family, Nancy Pelosi. Seriously, YOU ARE ALL being PLAYED.

I do not know whether she is retiring because of that incident, but if she is, KUDOS for her integrity, a quality that is sadly lacking among many Dems & Pubs.

I have always remembered reading about a judge in Japan who many, many years ago had the self-remorse to commit suicide when he discovered that he had sentenced an innocent man to death.

I was so disappointed when President George Walker Bush did not resign in contrition for having invaded Iraq because of false information. One day the Iraqi people were living peaceful and relatively happy lives (albeit under a brutal dictator) and the next day they were at war with an eventual 100,000 dead Iraqi civilians. How could President Bush look himself in the mirror?
One has to give her credit for doing the right thing unlike so many others who have been caught doing the same.
traveling when she told everyone else to stay home? hahahahahahahahahaha so everyone else who traveled didn't defy her order correct?

Yes they did. They didn't create the order. If they didn't support the order they did nothing hypocritical.

Should they have when she didn't?
she has no authority to give another american an order. so she can eat her own shit for all i care. she has no power, she is a useless demofk hypocrite.

At least you admit her diatribe was useless as well.

I never argued she did. I argued that I give her credit for stepping down over her hypocrisy.
Yeah after what she had to endure with Trump drumming her out of the coronavirus task force and instead of taking her ball and going home, she set out to talk to the health officials in a lot of states and got her message across that way. I'll give her a mulligan on this one. At least she did the right thing as far as taking the pandemic seriously.
?? She's still on the Task Force.
I was so disappointed when President George Walker Bush did not resign in contrition for having invaded Iraq because of false information. One day the Iraqi people were living peaceful and relatively happy lives (albeit under a brutal dictator) and the next day they were at war with an eventual 100,000 dead Iraqi civilians. How could President Bush look himself in the mirror?
We assume you didn't vote for Biden.
White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx announced Tuesday she plans to retire after it was revealed Sunday she defied her own COVID travel guidelines over Thanksgiving.

Like numerous government officials, Birx insisted that American families not travel and limit Thanksgiving celebrations to “your immediate household.” However, the day after Thanksgiving, she was caught traveling with multigenerational family members out of state to one of her vacation properties on Fenwick Island in Delaware. Birx told the Associated Press everyone on the Delaware trip was part of her “immediate household,” even though those involved live in two different houses.

Birx had been seeking a position in a potential Biden administration but, after receiving harsh criticism from the American people and her colleagues, she decided to resign instead, saying the experience has been “overwhelming” for her family over the last couple of days.

One after another ALL of these idiuots are making YOU people look like idiots.
Cuomo, Newsome, Fauci, Pritzker, Whitmers Family, Nancy Pelosi. Seriously, YOU ARE ALL being PLAYED.
She is used to traveling and she has done a lot of it during the end of the tramp admin. since tramp was so anti covid and put people in jeopardy during his rallies. Its his refusal to deal with it is why so many people died and we are in the boat we are now in.

Stuff it kid, they are playing you.

Yes tramp rallies , everyone wore a mask and social distanced. WRONG.
O e wonders if all this hub blub about business hurting is fake news. I'm starting to believe that.
Why are the right wing loons on this thread having a go at her. I thought COVID was a hoax and they would be lauding her???? WTF???

Why are you so stupid you can't see that nearly ALL of he SAME people telling to stay home and where your mask AREN'T doing it themselves. It is quite frankly mystifying.
White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx announced Tuesday she plans to retire after it was revealed Sunday she defied her own COVID travel guidelines over Thanksgiving.

Like numerous government officials, Birx insisted that American families not travel and limit Thanksgiving celebrations to “your immediate household.” However, the day after Thanksgiving, she was caught traveling with multigenerational family members out of state to one of her vacation properties on Fenwick Island in Delaware. Birx told the Associated Press everyone on the Delaware trip was part of her “immediate household,” even though those involved live in two different houses.

Birx had been seeking a position in a potential Biden administration but, after receiving harsh criticism from the American people and her colleagues, she decided to resign instead, saying the experience has been “overwhelming” for her family over the last couple of days.

One after another ALL of these idiuots are making YOU people look like idiots.
Cuomo, Newsome, Fauci, Pritzker, Whitmers Family, Nancy Pelosi. Seriously, YOU ARE ALL being PLAYED.
She is used to traveling and she has done a lot of it during the end of the tramp admin. since tramp was so anti covid and put people in jeopardy during his rallies. Its his refusal to deal with it is why so many people died and we are in the boat we are now in.

Stuff it kid, they are playing you.

Yes tramp rallies , everyone wore a mask and social distanced. WRONG.

Why are you so stupid you can't see that nearly ALL of he SAME people telling to stay home and where your mask AREN'T doing it themselves. It is quite frankly mystifying. You do realize this about you being lied to and not Rump.....right?
One has to give her credit for doing the right thing unlike so many others who have been caught doing the same.
traveling when she told everyone else to stay home? hahahahahahahahahaha so everyone else who traveled didn't defy her order correct?

Yes they did. They didn't create the order. If they didn't support the order they did nothing hypocritical.

Should they have when she didn't?
she has no authority to give another american an order. so she can eat her own shit for all i care. she has no power, she is a useless demofk hypocrite.

At least you admit her diatribe was useless as well.

I never argued she did. I argued that I give her credit for stepping down over her hypocrisy.
she should, you're right. I'll give you that. but she can't order anyone to do anything. just know that.
White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx announced Tuesday she plans to retire after it was revealed Sunday she defied her own COVID travel guidelines over Thanksgiving.

Like numerous government officials, Birx insisted that American families not travel and limit Thanksgiving celebrations to “your immediate household.” However, the day after Thanksgiving, she was caught traveling with multigenerational family members out of state to one of her vacation properties on Fenwick Island in Delaware. Birx told the Associated Press everyone on the Delaware trip was part of her “immediate household,” even though those involved live in two different houses.

Birx had been seeking a position in a potential Biden administration but, after receiving harsh criticism from the American people and her colleagues, she decided to resign instead, saying the experience has been “overwhelming” for her family over the last couple of days.

One after another ALL of these idiuots are making YOU people look like idiots.
Cuomo, Newsome, Fauci, Pritzker, Whitmers Family, Nancy Pelosi. Seriously, YOU ARE ALL being PLAYED.
She is used to traveling and she has done a lot of it during the end of the tramp admin. since tramp was so anti covid and put people in jeopardy during his rallies. Its his refusal to deal with it is why so many people died and we are in the boat we are now in.

Stuff it kid, they are playing you.

Yes tramp rallies , everyone wore a mask and social distanced. WRONG.

Why are you so stupid you can't see that nearly ALL of he SAME people telling to stay home and where your mask AREN'T doing it themselves. It is quite frankly mystifying. You do realize this about you being lied to and not Rump.....right?
dude, it's the Jim Jones's rule of demofks, drink that fking koolaide or die. They don't know if they drink the koolaide they die. it's fking hilarious the stupid that is some human life forms.
Why are the right wing loons on this thread having a go at her. I thought COVID was a hoax and they would be lauding her???? WTF???
it is dude. it's the hypocrisy of her actions being discussed. I know you don't know that word cause you live and breath in hypocrisy. BTW, the mere fact you condone her travel proves my point.

What is my opinion on travel during COVID?

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