Dozens of Scientists, Others Could Be Fired After Judge Won’t Halt COVID Vaccine Mandate.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Bunch of uneducated idiots.

I’m sure Brandon has green cards ready for their ChiCom replacements.

If you believe an unvaccinated person is a threat to a vaccinated person, you don’t believe in the vaccine.

“More than 100 scientists, nuclear engineers, research technicians, designers, project managers and other employees joined the attempt to block the mandate. Several of the employees are specialists with high security clearance, performing functions from national defense to infrastructure improvements and research on COVID-19.”

Any supposed "scientist" who rejects the vaccine should be fired ... as unqualified to be a scientist ... good riddence to bad rubbish ...

But what do you expect from employees of the University of California ... God above alone knows why we let UC build our atomic weapons ... just how sure are we they'll go off when we want them to? ... (the nuclear bombs, not the UC employees ... sheesh ...)

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