Dow, S&P 500 set for worst May tumble in nearly 50 years

Dow, S&P 500 set for worst May tumble in nearly 50 years amid U.S.-China trade clash

World markets fall after no deal in China-US trade talks

This is about as 'current' as it gets folks; TRILLION$ of market value LOST TODAY, in just 6.5 hours.

I heard trade wars are good and easy to win but I'm not so sure about that.

A lot of somebodies lost their asses today.

Offers a whole new meaning to the old adage 'sell in May and go away' .........
USA will be alright. China is screwed.
Fantasy land Trump cultists will never get it; Here's how tariffs impact a common household item
Dow, S&P 500 set for worst May tumble in nearly 50 years amid U.S.-China trade clash

World markets fall after no deal in China-US trade talks

This is about as 'current' as it gets folks; TRILLION$ of market value LOST TODAY, in just 6.5 hours.

I heard trade wars are good and easy to win but I'm not so sure about that.

A lot of somebodies lost their asses today.

Offers a whole new meaning to the old adage 'sell in May and go away' .........
USA will be alright. China is screwed.
Fantasy land Trump cultists will never get it; Here's how tariffs impact a common household item
How about how China impacted US jobs?
This is getting old.

Just stating facts isn't celebrating what has happened.

If that's what you believe all news is then you really need to learn what news and current events is.

Stop adding your own words to what other people say. It's dishonest.

The OP didn't state anything even close to what you posted.
Wingers love to point out the bad news when the other tribe has the White House.

You know it, I know it.

If you want to pretend that isn't true, that's fine with me. It's what I expect.
The graphs behind Trump's failures on trade are reality. Deal with it and stop making stupid excuses.
It's my profession, so I have to take it seriously.

Watching wingers pretending to be objective sure is fun, though.
In your profession, do they teach you simple math and reality?
Why, yes they do.

I notice you're trying to avoid my point - that wingers love to celebrate bad news when the other tribe is in power.

You deal with someone pointing that out by trying to change the subject.

I know how it goes (both ends do it as naturally as breathing), and I don't expect anything better.
Bad news is bad news. Whether someone enjoys it or not is useless. We are dealing with reality and real math here. I'm embarrassed that you rest your argument on some non sequitur that is totally useless to the debate. Are you surrendering to the math and reality I showed you, or are you going to continue with this pity party for yourself now that you have no arguing equity?
Dow, S&P 500 set for worst May tumble in nearly 50 years amid U.S.-China trade clash

World markets fall after no deal in China-US trade talks

This is about as 'current' as it gets folks; TRILLION$ of market value LOST TODAY, in just 6.5 hours.

I heard trade wars are good and easy to win but I'm not so sure about that.

A lot of somebodies lost their asses today.

Offers a whole new meaning to the old adage 'sell in May and go away' .........
USA will be alright. China is screwed.
Fantasy land Trump cultists will never get it; Here's how tariffs impact a common household item
How about how China impacted US jobs?
How about we are impacting our own jobs because of Trumps actions. Are you blind, deaf, and dumb? Watch the damn link and stop sitting on stupid. Damn these cultists are dense; Here's how tariffs impact a common household item
Trump proved today that he really doesn't understand how tariffs work. He said that China was going to be paying lots of money to the US in tariffs.

Only problem is, China isn't paying the tariffs, the companies that buy their stuff and bring it here are, and all they are going to do is pass the cost on to the consumer. Lots of people have been saying that it's gonna cost a family of 4 between 800 and 900 dollars/year. That more than eats up most of the tax cuts that people got. tell you the truth...............I don't really think that China is that concerned. They said that if Trump doesn't stop his tariffs by June 1st, they were going to impose tariffs of their own. You thought the stock market dropped a lot today? Wait until June 2nd, the day after China imposes theirs.

But, hopefully that won't happen. Maybe someone on his staff can talk some sense into him and get him to pull the tariffs back. But, if he does that, it will look like he surrendered to China for the trade war. Unfortunately, I'm guessing that Trump's ego is going to win out and he's going to keep the tariffs, resulting in China imposing theirs in June.
Trump doesn't understand shit about anything. He's a loser who is making China great again. What a joke.
Dow, S&P 500 set for worst May tumble in nearly 50 years amid U.S.-China trade clash

World markets fall after no deal in China-US trade talks

This is about as 'current' as it gets folks; TRILLION$ of market value LOST TODAY, in just 6.5 hours.

I heard trade wars are good and easy to win but I'm not so sure about that.

A lot of somebodies lost their asses today.

Offers a whole new meaning to the old adage 'sell in May and go away' .........
USA will be alright. China is screwed.
Fantasy land Trump cultists will never get it; Here's how tariffs impact a common household item
How about how China impacted US jobs?
How about we are impacting our own jobs because of Trumps actions. Are you blind, deaf, and dumb? Watch the damn link and stop sitting on stupid. Damn these cultists are dense; Here's how tariffs impact a common household item
It’s real simple. China sells whatever it wants in the United States...and they put tariffs on US goods and we sell nothing in their market. 2+2=4. It’s that simple.
The market had a terrible day! Yay! Whoopeee! I can't wait to start a thread on it!

What a lousy way to go through life.

This is getting old.

Just stating facts isn't celebrating what has happened.

If that's what you believe all news is then you really need to learn what news and current events is.

Stop adding your own words to what other people say. It's dishonest.

The OP didn't state anything even close to what you posted.
Wingers love to point out the bad news when the other tribe has the White House.

You know it, I know it.

If you want to pretend that isn't true, that's fine with me. It's what I expect.

So then all people who are in the media who report this are wingers?

Really, stop lumping everyone into one category and stop adding your own words to what someone else says as if that's what the person said.

It's dishonest.

This is a message board and this is in the category of " current events." What is happening in the stock market today is a current event. All the OP did is what all responsible reporters do. Reports the facts. There were no personal views involved. It was YOU who chose to make it personal and about "wingers."

You would know a lot about wingers. You're one but a dishonest and arrogant one.

Wingers put their own spin on facts and add their own words to someone else as if those were the other person's words. Wingers can only see their own point of view.

You did and do just that in so many threads. It's gotten old and boring. I will do what I do with all other posts from wingers here, I'm going to scroll right past your posts. You don't seem to have anything substantial to add to a thread or conversation. Just labeling people and whining about wingers. So if I've read on post from you, I've read them all.

I'm not a winger. I've never been a winger in my life. Just a person with common sense and who is a member of the media. So I appreciate someone doing what the OP did. Just state the facts.

You might want to try it.
This is getting old.

Just stating facts isn't celebrating what has happened.

If that's what you believe all news is then you really need to learn what news and current events is.

Stop adding your own words to what other people say. It's dishonest.

The OP didn't state anything even close to what you posted.
Wingers love to point out the bad news when the other tribe has the White House.

You know it, I know it.

If you want to pretend that isn't true, that's fine with me. It's what I expect.
The graphs behind Trump's failures on trade are reality. Deal with it and stop making stupid excuses.
It's my profession, so I have to take it seriously.

Watching wingers pretending to be objective sure is fun, though.
In your profession, do they teach you simple math and reality?
Why, yes they do.

I notice you're trying to avoid my point - that wingers love to celebrate bad news when the other tribe is in power.

You deal with someone pointing that out by trying to change the subject.

I know how it goes (both ends do it as naturally as breathing), and I don't expect anything better.
You still haven't shown us from your profession how the graphs are wrong. Still waiting?
Dow, S&P 500 set for worst May tumble in nearly 50 years amid U.S.-China trade clash

World markets fall after no deal in China-US trade talks

This is about as 'current' as it gets folks; TRILLION$ of market value LOST TODAY, in just 6.5 hours.

I heard trade wars are good and easy to win but I'm not so sure about that.

A lot of somebodies lost their asses today.

Offers a whole new meaning to the old adage 'sell in May and go away' .........
USA will be alright. China is screwed.
Fantasy land Trump cultists will never get it; Here's how tariffs impact a common household item
How about how China impacted US jobs?
How about we are impacting our own jobs because of Trumps actions. Are you blind, deaf, and dumb? Watch the damn link and stop sitting on stupid. Damn these cultists are dense; Here's how tariffs impact a common household item
It’s real simple. China sells whatever it wants in the United States...and they put tariffs on US goods and we sell nothing in their market. 2+2=4. It’s that simple.
OMG! 2+2= going to Brazil and China buying their soybeans. Why are Republicans so stupid?
So is this the 'creation of valuation out of thin air' thread?




The market had a terrible day! Yay! Whoopeee! I can't wait to start a thread on it!

What a lousy way to go through life.

This is getting old.

Just stating facts isn't celebrating what has happened.

If that's what you believe all news is then you really need to learn what news and current events is.

Stop adding your own words to what other people say. It's dishonest.

The OP didn't state anything even close to what you posted.
Wingers love to point out the bad news when the other tribe has the White House.

You know it, I know it.

If you want to pretend that isn't true, that's fine with me. It's what I expect.

So then all people who are in the media who report this are wingers?

Really, stop lumping everyone into one category and stop adding your own words to what someone else says as if that's what the person said.

It's dishonest.

This is a message board and this is in the category of " current events." What is happening in the stock market today is a current event. All the OP did is what all responsible reporters do. Reports the facts. There were no personal views involved. It was YOU who chose to make it personal and about "wingers."

You would know a lot about wingers. You're one but a dishonest and arrogant one.

Wingers put their own spin on facts and add their own words to someone else as if those were the other person's words. Wingers can only see their own point of view.

You did and do just that in so many threads. It's gotten old and boring. I will do what I do with all other posts from wingers here, I'm going to scroll right past your posts. You don't seem to have anything substantial to add to a thread or conversation. Just labeling people and whining about wingers. So if I've read on post from you, I've read them all.

I'm not. I've never been a winger in my life. Just a person with common sense and who is a member of the media. So I appreciate someone doing what the OP did. Just state the facts.

You might want to try it.
These folks on the Right are unbelievable. They are totally clueless, ignorant, Trump buffoons who rest their fantasies on Trump's fairy dust of lies and nonsense.
So is this the 'creation of valuation out of thin air' thread?




And for a Trump cultist, "creation of valuation out of thin air" is? When did we become a country of so many idiots? Seriously?
All this talk about China theft of intellectual properties

yet they just took a page from American history

lured immigrants to America especially if they had technology

using patents laws to get them to come over. US stole big time from England

if it was good enough for the US why would China not use the same techniques

Franklin is said to not have bothered with patents. He just wanted to invent for the benefit of all of mankind

Who invented the light bulb or who was able to improve it to the point of mass marketing it

Well getting back to the topic, Trump put it on the line by jumping into a trade war when I am sure some told him not to.

This maybe a turning point in history because either China will be on its way to being the top dog or the US was able to hold off the Chinese for a while longer

Forget about Russia
When did we become a country of so many idiots?

How do you know you're not talking to one BWK?

I don't have or want, stocks,IPO's,investments,bank accounts,annuities, SEP's ,tax shelters,SS, or even gold.

I want livestock

because i can EAT livestock


Dow, S&P 500 set for worst May tumble in nearly 50 years amid U.S.-China trade clash

World markets fall after no deal in China-US trade talks

This is about as 'current' as it gets folks; TRILLION$ of market value LOST TODAY, in just 6.5 hours.

I heard trade wars are good and easy to win but I'm not so sure about that.

A lot of somebodies lost their asses today.

Only if they were selling today. It's hardly a reason to panic. You know how many times the market has had big drops over one or several days? More than I can count just in my lifetime. Long term investors are fine, that is, until the whole economy collapses one day over the super inflation that will result from our mounting debt, but nobody seems to care about that.
If they don't care, then why did they vote for Trump who lied to them about reducing the debt? I thought they cared about that? What happened? All Republicans used to talk about was Obama's debt. Now that Trump has skyrocketed our debt, not a peep. Why all the false outrage that they pretended to care about before?

Because partisan losers are dishonest and dishonorable people who only care when the other side does something wrong. But I shouldn’t have to explain that to you since you are one of them.
Dow, S&P 500 set for worst May tumble in nearly 50 years amid U.S.-China trade clash

World markets fall after no deal in China-US trade talks

This is about as 'current' as it gets folks; TRILLION$ of market value LOST TODAY, in just 6.5 hours.

I heard trade wars are good and easy to win but I'm not so sure about that.

A lot of somebodies lost their asses today.

Only if they were selling today. It's hardly a reason to panic. You know how many times the market has had big drops over one or several days? More than I can count just in my lifetime. Long term investors are fine, that is, until the whole economy collapses one day over the super inflation that will result from our mounting debt, but nobody seems to care about that.
If they don't care, then why did they vote for Trump who lied to them about reducing the debt? I thought they cared about that? What happened? All Republicans used to talk about was Obama's debt. Now that Trump has skyrocketed our debt, not a peep. Why all the false outrage that they pretended to care about before?

Because partisan losers are dishonest and dishonorable people who only care when the other side does something wrong. But I shouldn’t have to explain that to you since you are one of them.
So, let me see if I get this straight. This loser of a president who is making me pay more for his losing tariff war, is because of my dishonesty? Seriously? Boss what in the hell are you smoking? What I like or don't like has got jack shit to do with Trump's failures. I didn't go out and tell Trump to do stupid things. He went out and did them himself. Your counter argument is so unbelievably ridiculous. And, on top of that, you couldn't even answer my question. You went on to attack me about things Republicans are doing. Lol!
These cultists are beyond help.


the only reason why all the orangemanbad tariff crap is getting wide coverage is because they dont have russia russia russia any more.

The globo homo :gay:world is a little shaken up :badgrin: ....the chicoms and the U.S. were never going to sign a trade deal . if trump get reelected they're fucked
its gonna get may not only get supply chains but a global order shakeup .

A chicom state propagandist brought up the chicoms nuke option again today on dogeater social media . YA know the self destructive move of selling off the 1.3 T of chicom us debt and some in the mainstream u.s. business press picked it up .

Self-defeating tactic
China has sold a sizable portion of its Treasury stockpile back in 2015-2016, when domestic growth was slowing and raising concerns around the health of the global economy.
Speculators shorted the yuan in anticipation that China’s excessive debt levels would force the second largest economy into an abrupt slowdown. To stem the yuan’s USDCNY, -0.0625% weakness, China sold close to $500 billion of U.S. government paper.

But even this failed to dent Treasury prices. In the summer of 2016, appetite for haven assets pushed the 10-year note yield to a record low of 1.32%.
Even if paring back its presence in the Treasurys market lifts U.S. borrowing costs, the retaliatory move would also erode the value of the mainstay of China’s foreign reserves. Guy LeBas, a fixed-income strategist at Janney Montgomery Scott, argued such a move would be akin to cutting off one’s nose to spite the face:

In addition, Patrick Chovanec of Silvercrest Asset Management said selling Treasurys would weaken the U.S. dollar against the yuan, preventing Beijing policy makers from offsetting the impact of tariffs through a weaker Chinese currency.

Haven flows
If China ran down its more than $1.1 trillion of Treasury holdings, investors would perceive the maneuver as a sign that Beijing remained unwilling to back down to U.S. demands, and that an eventual resolution to a trade clash stood far away.

An escalation of trade tensions and the increased headwinds they would present to a rebound in global growth would prompt investors to take shelter in haven assets such as U.S. government paper. A heightening of trade tensions would thus offset any move by Beijing to pressure U.S. borrowing costs higher.
All in all, analysts say China has few choices for foreign-exchange reserves other than Treasurys, which carry much higher returns than ultralow or negative-yielding government bond markets in Europe and Japan.

and thats just from market watch :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
other annalist are having orgasms at the prospect...some are freaking out ...over nothing just like with our awesome new and improved trade war.:muahaha:


the only reason why all the orangemanbad tariff crap is getting wide coverage is because they dont have russia russia russia any more.

The globo homo :gay:world is a little shaken up :badgrin: ....the chicoms and the U.S. were never going to sign a trade deal . if trump get reelected they're fucked
its gonna get may not only get supply chains but a global order shakeup .

A chicom state propagandist brought up the chicoms nuke option again today on dogeater social media . YA know the self destructive move of selling off the 1.3 T of chicom us debt and some in the mainstream u.s. business press picked it up .

Self-defeating tactic
China has sold a sizable portion of its Treasury stockpile back in 2015-2016, when domestic growth was slowing and raising concerns around the health of the global economy.
Speculators shorted the yuan in anticipation that China’s excessive debt levels would force the second largest economy into an abrupt slowdown. To stem the yuan’s USDCNY, -0.0625% weakness, China sold close to $500 billion of U.S. government paper.

But even this failed to dent Treasury prices. In the summer of 2016, appetite for haven assets pushed the 10-year note yield to a record low of 1.32%.
Even if paring back its presence in the Treasurys market lifts U.S. borrowing costs, the retaliatory move would also erode the value of the mainstay of China’s foreign reserves. Guy LeBas, a fixed-income strategist at Janney Montgomery Scott, argued such a move would be akin to cutting off one’s nose to spite the face:

In addition, Patrick Chovanec of Silvercrest Asset Management said selling Treasurys would weaken the U.S. dollar against the yuan, preventing Beijing policy makers from offsetting the impact of tariffs through a weaker Chinese currency.

Haven flows
If China ran down its more than $1.1 trillion of Treasury holdings, investors would perceive the maneuver as a sign that Beijing remained unwilling to back down to U.S. demands, and that an eventual resolution to a trade clash stood far away.

An escalation of trade tensions and the increased headwinds they would present to a rebound in global growth would prompt investors to take shelter in haven assets such as U.S. government paper. A heightening of trade tensions would thus offset any move by Beijing to pressure U.S. borrowing costs higher.
All in all, analysts say China has few choices for foreign-exchange reserves other than Treasurys, which carry much higher returns than ultralow or negative-yielding government bond markets in Europe and Japan.

and thats just from market watch :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
other annalist are having orgasms at the prospect...some are freaking out ...over nothing just like with our awesome new and improved trade war.:muahaha:
Wrong! Russia is all over the place. 800 prosecutors including Mueller say he obstructed justice. You are a liar.

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