Douglas Murray rants for 2hours: Racism in our day's totally impermissible, with 1 exception of whites, about whom you can say absolutely anything now


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
The level of social benefits in France and the rest of Western Europe are miles beyond what we have here in the States. Especially for white people.

The rise of the Right is about racism and IMO, more acutely homophobia

Murray in a nutshell: Someone on twitter said something mean to me; therefore, war on Western(white) people.

And they tell us we have a victim complex lol.

Nothing he says is true. Just generalizations. And what is the actual argument being made? That people lament racism within the society and want to ameliorate those grievances, therefore they're anti western? If that's what being anti western means, ya got me, I'm anti western. I see absolutely zero problems with rejecting and protesting unfavorable things found in the west. Him being gay is antithetical to the west, and without the woke, he wouldn't have equal rights. He's arguing for dogmatic, unquestioning thought, which is ostensibly antithetical to "western" culture.

He talks about Identity politics but is the main one trying to galvanize whites to again subjugate identity groups, particularly Muslims. Desantis and other conservatives are the ones trying to compel speech and censor speech. These anti woke people are double speak. They are just white nationalists masquerading as victims.

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