Donald Trump won. Let the uneducated have their day.

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
Donald Trump won. Let the uneducated have their day.
So he won. The nation takes a deep breath. Raw ego and proud illiteracy have won out and a severely learning-disabled man with a real character problem will be president. We are so exhausted from thinking about this election, millions of people will take up leaf-raking and garage cleaning with intense pleasure. We liberal elitists are wrecks. The Trumpers had a whale of a good time, waving their signs, jeering at the media, beating up protesters, chanting "Lock her up" — we elitists just stood and clapped. Nobody chanted "Stronger Together." It just doesn't chant.
Alas for the Trump voters, the disasters he will bring on this country will fall more heavily on them than anyone else. The uneducated white males who elected him are the vulnerable ones and they will not like what happens next.

Who carried the uneducated black vote?
Who carried the uneducated hispanic vote?
Who carried the uneducated white woman vote?
Why don't we hear about these things?
Donald Trump won. Let the uneducated have their day.
So he won. The nation takes a deep breath. Raw ego and proud illiteracy have won out and a severely learning-disabled man with a real character problem will be president. We are so exhausted from thinking about this election, millions of people will take up leaf-raking and garage cleaning with intense pleasure. We liberal elitists are wrecks. The Trumpers had a whale of a good time, waving their signs, jeering at the media, beating up protesters, chanting "Lock her up" — we elitists just stood and clapped. Nobody chanted "Stronger Together." It just doesn't chant.
Alas for the Trump voters, the disasters he will bring on this country will fall more heavily on them than anyone else. The uneducated white males who elected him are the vulnerable ones and they will not like what happens next.

Who carried the uneducated black vote?
Who carried the uneducated hispanic vote?
Who carried the uneducated white woman vote?
Why don't we hear about these things?
It's the Chicago Tribune. What did you expect? Fairness? Equality?

Somebody should tell Hillary and much of the rest of the left that When you look down on somebody , you shouldn't cry about them not voting for you.

Telling people who are struggling to earn a living that they need to confess all the ways they experience white "privilege" while calling them deplorable isn't a very sensible campaign strategy.
Donald Trump won. Let the uneducated have their day.
So he won. The nation takes a deep breath. Raw ego and proud illiteracy have won out and a severely learning-disabled man with a real character problem will be president. We are so exhausted from thinking about this election, millions of people will take up leaf-raking and garage cleaning with intense pleasure. We liberal elitists are wrecks. The Trumpers had a whale of a good time, waving their signs, jeering at the media, beating up protesters, chanting "Lock her up" — we elitists just stood and clapped. Nobody chanted "Stronger Together." It just doesn't chant.
Alas for the Trump voters, the disasters he will bring on this country will fall more heavily on them than anyone else. The uneducated white males who elected him are the vulnerable ones and they will not like what happens next.

Who carried the uneducated black vote?
Who carried the uneducated hispanic vote?
Who carried the uneducated white woman vote?
Why don't we hear about these things?

Educated the way you think of it is synonymous with brainwashed.
Trump loved the poorly educated.

Actually Trump won the white women vote in spite of Hillary's being touted as being the voice of the women. Trump won BOTH the undereducated and the college educated WHITE women vote. He also won both the undereducated and college educated WHITE male vote. Hillary won the minority vote many of which are undereducated.
Viva la dumbass!
The wheel keeps spinning.
I see you did not address the questions asked in the OP.
I do not wonder why.
You do know you are wasting your time, right? You will never get a straight answer from leftist ideologues, much less an adult discussion, it's just not in their nature.
Their refusal to meaningfully address the issue is their concession of the point.

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